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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i was excited about metro 2033 but ultimately found it dissappointing. its not a BAD game, just suffers from poor pacing/boring combat. its like if STALKER was a corridor shooter. great atmosphere, some cool ideas, but just not very much fun to play.
  2. its actually a map-holder, she tapes her mini-map to that tray thing and then has both hands free for fighting, its like hitting tab in diablo but in real life. She's both hot and a great multi-tasker. the red smudge on her nose was put there in jest by a companion, but her shoulder armor is so bulky she can't reach up to wipe it off. It's been there for 3 days now.
  3. world of goo is absolutely awesome and WELL worth completing. It's got some really fantastic existential moments that make it one of my favorite games of the last few years.
  4. the game is 10x better if you just play it in italian with english subtitles. seriously, give it a try, its awesome.
  5. npc character designs so far are pretty bland looking, hope we get one of those new big-horned stens in the party. femhawke is still one of the best looking (and hottest) main characters in rpg history though. hope her voice actress can do the image justice.
  6. if anyone has a spare copy of just cause 2 they want to gift, you know where to find me
  7. The proposed action by CD projekt seems like a great idea. The "false positives" is not really a big deal, if you receive the letter in error, then ignore it. If they decide to follow up and sue an innocent person without spending more time fact checking, then they deserve the countersuit for libel and defamation. They, after all, are the ones who must prove that you in fact pirated the game. Truth would be their defense here and it would fail (you still must prove the amount of damage that the ridiculous and unwarranted claim of piracy caused you, but in my profession, an accusation of moral turpitude is an extremely serious one, and potentially worth a hefty sum) Even if there were no damages incurred by the defamation, a successful countersuit would likely at the very least recoup attorney fees and lost wages for the defense against the unwarranted action. Everytime I hear someone say, "what about the false positives" I assume they are a pirate and are whining because they know they would lose such a suit. Heck, a layperson probably wouldnt even need an attorney. just show up in court with the bank statement from the month of your purchase and then watch cd projekt counsel's face. Of course, none of these are actually going to result in a court battle. this is reality, and in reality CDProjekt doesn't want to spend $20,000 to recoup $50 plus damages. Also, they (with their medium size corporate pockets) stand much more to lose from an action against an innocent party than they do to gain from a likely insolvent pirate. also: no corporate counsel will sign off on an expensive lawsuit against a person who maybe pirated a $50 game. they will only bother suing people who ACTUALLY pirated, and more probably ACTUALLY DISTRIBUTED pirated copies, and even then, only those pirates who actually have any assets worth pursuing.
  8. borderlands is a fantastic GAME, its not a great story, or a moving piece of art, but as a pure video game it's excellent. it does have cool character designs though. i bought it brand new when it came out and have since plunked well over 100 hours into it.
  9. the story sounds perfectly acceptable as a premise imo, the thing that always matters most (IMO) is the execution. Characters, writing, and pacing have a far greater importance in what makes a great story than a plot blurb. lots of the great stories have very simple and cliche plots, but its the way they are told which makes them great.
  10. pc is dead my ass. level cap 35 eh... i actually never hit 30 with either of my two characters, once I hit level 24 I just go straight to the end game because I'm afraid of hitting the level cap. depending on my progress on the main path so far, I ended up getting to level 27-29 while finishing the game. then I start up a new character (am currently on 3rd, and favorite so far: cowboy build is insanely fun, i hope they make more perks like this in the dlc which encuourage a specific weapon loadout)
  11. i'm one of those people with a 50 inch 1080p plasma screen and no sound system. i spent all my money on the tv
  12. now that we're hearing rumblings, i wonder if the game is meant to be released next holiday, thus making it an xbox 360 game, which probably means a whole new engine just wasn't worth the effort yet. we'll have to wait until the next consoles are released for a new engine i guess.
  13. jade empire wasnt terrible, but it wasn't good enough to keep me entertained long enough to finish it, which is to me, the hallmark of a not-great game. the combat was fine at first, but got really aggravating after a while, and I didn't feel invested in any of what was happening or in any of the characters. I'd call it a 6.5/10,
  14. FACT: Bioware worst games = NWN OC and Jade Empire. FACT: Witcher 2 is not out yet FACT: DA2 has looked like crap in several screenshots and gameplay videos FACT: DA2 is not out yet FACT: The Witcher is a good game. Better than Jade Empire. FACT: Volourn is hysterical. FACT: bears eat beats. FACT: ROOFLES.
  15. so sad... PR stunt backfire. GOG never closed, it was a hoax designed to gather interest.
  16. i wish them luck. chasing pirates often generates huge amounts of ill will toward the creator of the work (remember metallica v napster) for dubious reasons. Metallica got the bad rep cause they had millions of dollars already and were chasing broke college students (so i agree they should have just chilled out) but I worry that people will attack CDprojekt unfairly, because those game devs are (usually) not millionaire fat cats moaning about how unfair life is for them. I'm going with the "support what I like" approach, and will be ordering it from GOG (to support DRM free gaming), but I'll be waiting until after some reviews and/or patches are released.
  17. i'd be ok with that if we got a fallout game every 3 years or so. that gives 6 years of dev time to each studio, leaving them plenty of time to make other stuff and keep their creativity.
  18. im doing a playthrough as a "cowboy", to facilitate, i changed the level requirement for the cowboy perk from 8 to 2, so now I can take it right away. It's actually really really fun to have the limited weapon selection, and it helps that chance's knife is so easily obtainable at the beginning, so im a melee powerhouse on level 2, but am constantly running out of .357 ammo... still, its a fun build so far. its odd, in FO3 i used mostly energy weapons, but in fallout NV i prefer guns and melee. this is odd because it mirrors fallout 1 and 2, wherein I always used energy weapons in part 1 (turbo plasma rifle...) and guns in fallout 2 (gauss rifle...) the ranger sequoia and This Machine are sooo much fun to use
  19. Odin usually comes as the All-knowing Sky Father rather than the mage. The reference probably comes from Gandalf's names Olorin and Stormcrow, and mostly visually being the same image as Odin the Wanderer (even acknowledged by Tolkien himself) but his character comes across as a mentor to both Frodo and Bilbo. Just like Merlin was to Arthur. ok yeah its the image part i'm remembering, i agree that personality wise and role wise i agree gandalf fits in better as a merlin type, though i dont remember how much mentoring odin did for the other characters in that mythology
  20. whats the difference between a grpg and morrowind?
  21. i had always been told that gandalf was inspired primarily by odin? wide pointy hat, robes, and a staff... he's just missing the eyepatch and the crows right?
  22. import? i dunno I'm spoiled living in the US when it comes to that kind of stuff.
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