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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i didn't really like gta 4. I loved red dead redemption though
  2. which will last a few years, then sales will slowly start weakening, then something new and whamo fun will come out, be a huge smash hit, and we'll get copycats for the next ten years. the circle of life
  3. i'm just butting in to say that Tigranes, that was some awesome feedback, and if I were a modder I would send you my stuff to look over. but im not so i wont.
  4. started up castlevania lords of shadows last night. Very impressive so far, its like somebody took god of war and made it interesting, then splashed in some liberal doses of uncharted's level exploration and platforming to break up the fighting and keep your brain from checking out. That said, most of its best moments so far have involved the amazing art direction, which I am a big sucker for. It's like a more gothic lord of the rings. as far as being like castlevania? it reminds me of simons quest so far. which is cool cause that was my favorite castlevania up until Symphony of the Night
  5. king has a few classics, and a lot of mediocre books. still, very very very few authors can easily claim to have written "a few" classics. The Stand, The Shining, IT, Pet Semetary, Carrie are my favorites, I liked about 5 others, and disliked about 5 others. I obviously have not read all his works
  6. i would love the combat enoch is describing. i would love it even more if their was an option for full turn based
  7. This is why we never get normal characters, no one likes them. lol, that's probably true actually! I found him to be unbearably boring, i felt similarly about tali and grunt by the end too. so its a good thing there were so many characters to choose from cause everyone had different favorites
  8. that is honestly the first time I have ever heard of stealing being referred to as being thrifty. made me smile.
  9. well thorton, i guess our anecdotes cancel eachother out. rich accountants stealing for the thrill are probably as common as movie star shoplifters trying to one-up wynona ryder. while I'm sure that unemployed slobs who mooch off sympathetic family members are much rarer.
  10. by the end of the game jack was one of my favorite characters. at the beginning of the game she was the second worst (behind jacob)
  11. i spend about 10 minutes making my character look right. im not playing a 60 hour game with a snazzlefaced lumpkin staring at me whenever a cutscene starts up.
  12. ?? because all those rich pirates out there were just itching to buy this game? correct me if im wrong but aren't most (ie more than 50%, less, probably, than 90%) pirates unemployed basement dwellers? I know several people who only pirate, never buy. one works at target, one has never been employed, one has been unemployed for 6 years. these people wouldn't have bought jack **** but they DO pirate 100's of games every year. I do not know anyone who pirates who also has more money than rent. (i know my anecdotes are scientifically worthless, but so was dagons claim)
  13. ugh, 4.5 years of weekly use later and my xbox 360 died. i mean, i guess i figured it would happen sooner or later, but I kinda always thought it would happen to someone else. now i need a new one. what sucks is i dont think im going to buy any more xbox games next year, but I refuse to let my entire 30+ xbox game library sit unusable on my shelf. i guess i'll just hold out for a good sale or something
  14. time is money, wasting time on a bad game is like throwing money down the toilet = my new philosophy for the new year
  15. that fireaxe in searchlight is both hard to find and very very effective in melee, a fitting reward i thought. I agree it shouldnt have been so hidden, I almost missed it and I knew it was in the firehouse somewhere. Also: general comment, I really really hope we get an expansion pack this summer. would be awesome
  16. man that sucks, those tombs were one of my favorite parts of the game, maybe the problem is not using a controller? I never found the controls problematic at all with an xbox controller (quite the opposite actually) but I can imagine it might be more challenging with mouse and keyboard...
  17. urg. i'm going to wait as long as possible to upgrade my pc, and this won't be the game to make me do it. Ideally I can wait to upgrade until a year after the next gen consoles come out, so my pc can always stay just a step ahead of what the consoles can do. right now i'm rocking a 9800gt and I can still play every console game ported to PC on max or near max settings. in a perfect world I'll have enough cash lying around in 2 or 3 years to buy something like a maingear shift.
  18. I'm a little surprised that some classic sci-fi books were left out: Enders Game (this book and Dune are hands down my favorite sci-fi novels) The Forever War The Stars My Destination Rendezvous With Rama AAA Post Apoc books: Lucifers Hammer Swan Song Earth Abides The Stand Day of The Triffids
  19. does anyone here happen to have any advice regarding finding and using an agent? I'm 50,000 words into a book/novella that will probably end up at around 80,000 in length and am curious about whether anyone here has any experience with agents. I don't really think the book will ever get published as I don't believe it hits any major demographic/markets (too adult for kids, too childish for adults), but I'm curious about it anyway and think hearing some criticism from a person actually in the publishing industry would be good for me.
  20. i guess just running around an open world causing mischief is not enough for me to really like a game. If the story, characters, or setting don't hook me then i get bored very quickly, and that was what happened with just cause 2. i liked red faction guerrilla, infamous, and red dead redemption, and did not like just cause 2, despite it having the largest "playground"
  21. yeah, my experience with just cause 2 was roughly as follows: jumping out of planes is fun for about an hour. attaching motorcycles to trucks was fun for about 30 minutes. blowing stuff up was fun for about 30 minutes. play another game.
  22. The combat is getting slightly boring but other than that i'm enjoying it. Yeah that's not really going to change, you can try different card combinations to spice it up or just listen to some music/podcast/audiobook while doing really long dungeon areas. I'm thinking of trying to finish septerra core again, when i was 15 i got about 2/3 of the way done before crapping out, my plan this time is to watch movies while playing to help deal with the tedium of the dungeon crawling.
  23. wow, that actually makes me kinda want it.
  24. Ok here is my projected shopping list for next year. its looking a little brutal. the number on the right is the priority I am placing the purchase (also everything 1- 9 is something I would possibly be willing to pay full price for) PS3 uncharted 3, 9. last guardian, 3. twisted metal, 8. Little big Planet 2 12 PC dragon age 2, 5. portal 2, 4. total war shogun 11 rage 10. Skyrim 1. witcher 2 13 red faction: arma 14 deus ex 3 6. Mass effect 3 2. Not sure which platform batman 2 7. Dead Space 2 15 XBOX ? looks like an absolute **** year for xbox ? not sure if coming out in 2011 diablo 3
  25. That's odd seeing as WaW was better than MW1 and MW2. i couldnt get over the fact that the levels in WaW were so claustrophobically linear that it was essentially the disney jungle river ride with a lightgun game attached to it. i don't think I played it past the second or 3rd level though, so maybe I judged it unfairly?
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