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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. wow, this might be the first game i ever touch the khajit and argonian races, those both look REALLY good. the khajit reminds me of The Beast from Grant Morissons Here Comes Tomorrow run. (http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/0311/24/newxmen153.jpg)
  2. im drawing a blank on GR... help me out here!
  3. i honestly feel like making the only available character an ultramarine was a terrible terrible choice. i love 40k, and would love to play a good game in the universe, but not if i have to play as an ultramarine. there are soooo many cool characters and creatures and factions in the universe, and they made two huge mistakes 1) not giving you a choice of what character you play as (the game should have been designed from the ground up to support 4-6 different characters with unique weapons etc. imagine being able to play as a striking scorpion, death company assault marine, death guard plague marine, or tau fire warrior, it sounds way more fun and would give the fps something really different to showcase than most other shooters being released right now 2) not only is there no character choice, but the one character they gave is the most bland thing they could think of. a bald blue space marine. ugh good lord why... why not at least have made it mildly more interesting if it had to be a space marine: like a dark angel chaplain or something, a deathwing pilot who had to eject in hostile territory, a death company terminator who has only weeks to live anyway but must undertake an important mission before he dies i don't know SOMETHING. right now its just gears of war but fighting orks instead of whatever the hell you fight in gears of war. /rant. sorry everyone.
  4. blacthorne was the bomb. i miss games like that, flashback, out of this world etc
  5. does anyone know if the original deus ex failed to make the moneys?? i remember it being kind of a big deal, but maybe that was just in my imagination?
  6. I concur. Also, why is there no release date on Deus Ex yet.. or did I miss something? amazon and metacritic both say august 23rd. steam has no date for some reason though edit: oh and holy wow i finally got my arch-mage wings! yay
  7. okaaaay... so blizzard made diablo 2, not as a sequel to diablo, but as a counterpoint to baldurs gate 2? gonna step out of this now
  8. really? i don't remember diablo 1 being avatar. i remember it being awesome. diablo 2 was a little disappointing, but only because of how good diablo 1 was. edit: also.... didn't diablo predate baldurs gate?? how could it be the insidious counterpart? i think you either need to refresh your memory, or we're talking about two different things...
  9. despite the fact that its been a while since blizzard released a game that truly blew me away, my expectations are extremely high for diablo 3. i'm probably going to take the day off work to play it when it gets released edit: and while i did actually play lost vikings, it was only for a few hours at a friends house when we rented it from blockbuster, i didn't know it was a blizzard game until about 10 years later.
  10. the half life saga would make a great movie (pair? there is no HL3...), especially if they cast bryan cranston as gordon freeman, and had christopher nolan producing and directing from a screenplay co-written by chris and john nolan and the writers at valve. wait: i think i misunderstood the conversation. nevertheless, my comment stands as truth.
  11. im going to try and finish chrono cross before Deus Ex HR is released. lately i've been playing a hardcore character in FNV, it's been really fun.
  12. for fun, my rank of blizzard games (ranked according to how awesome i thought they were AT THE TIME OF RELEASE, not what i'd most like to replay today) 1. Diablo 1 2. Warcraft 2 3. Starcraft 4. Warcraft 1 5. Diablo 2 6. Starcraft 2 7. Warcraft 3 (these are the only blizzard games i've played, so i can't judge the others)
  13. i for one have never said lulz game press or cried "bought reviews". i think there is pressure, and some magazines probably are outright bought, but i think the bigger pressure comes more from "me too" reviewers than publisher pressure. regardless, i am stoked that deus ex HR appears to be more than just a mediocre shooter with the deus ex name on it. reading the review, bought or not, made it apparent that this game is at least trying to be "more", just like the original deus ex. so if it isn't perfect or even great, im happy enough to try it just to support more developers reaching for quality instead of settling for mediocrity.
  14. OOOH BABY ITS ON NOW. PC gamer review is written, scans can be found on the internet and things are looking great. final verdict: not QUITE as good as the original deus ex, but almost, and has nearly as much open ended freedom and exploration and choices. the most deus-ex like game since the original deus ex. they gave it a 94, whatever that means (i dont know this publication that well)
  15. my opinion was really high at first, but after a while, the honeymoon was over and then the frustration set in. i do that from time to time though, i am usually very optimistic about a game when i first start playing it. (and dont get me wrong, there are flashes of brilliance in the witcher 2, its definitely worth playing once to see how it suits you)
  16. it's weird, i really feel like blizzard, and the players of blizzard games, became very very different after WoW was released than what they were like before WoW. like, nowadays if someone says they love blizzard, you could bet $1000 that they play or played WoW, and you would be making a REALLY safe bet that they probably weren't big Warcraft: Orcs and Humans fans.
  17. despite not ever finishing it, i do in fact recommend a gander, its a really cool game, just not terribly fun after a few dungeons and the repetition sets in.
  18. ok so i thought the witcher 1 was good, and the witcher 2... not great. there are aspects of the witcher 2 i really like, but honestly the combat is just unpleasant (akin to my opinion of the combat in TW1) the main difference between them though? time. when i was younger i was more patient, and would have been willing to put up with the crap combat to see what else the game had to offer (which is how i finished TW1). but now im old and cranky and work too much and have other stuff to do, so boring as hell combat that is really unfun makes me turn the game off in annoyance. so yeah, final verdict on TW2 after about 30 hours: its a good game, and maybe a great one, IF you don't mind the combat. edit: some more thoughts - the dialogue was ok and the story interesting enough i guess, but i felt a little too trapped playing as geralt. I don't mind playing a pre-set character in torment, but for some reason in this game it was really starting to bother me. also, did i say i hated the combat? clicking buttons like im playing diablo 1 is just retarded. i thought this was an rpg, why can't i just tell the game "attack that guy" and then pause for some special moves or something, why do i have to click for every attack? its beyond stupid in this day and age, hell, even in older games like baldurs gate (or even diablo 2) you dont have to click the mouse button repeatedly to execute each single attack, its mind numbingly stupid. and before people jump on me about the rpg thing, if the game wanted to be an action rpg like a medieval deus ex or something, then they really screwed up terribly, because they forgot to include the action part. its just clicking. clickclickclickclickclickdrinkpotiondrinkpotionclickclickclick. just like diablo 1, but with an inferior camera angle and not addicting at all. final edit: i actually think i had more fun playing DA2. DA2 is stupider on the whole (lots of things about the witcher 2 are "smart"), but more fun to actually play.
  19. a rainbow that, if followed to its end, takes you to a pot of golden nuka cola caps all signed by brian fargo, feargus, MCA, JE Sawyer, The Master, and god.
  20. i just want them to announce obsidian will be the lead developer on fallout 4, using new tech from id and toolsets developed by bethesda
  21. im guessing december at the earliest, but more likely feb or march
  22. it looks fake to me, but if its real then i approve, i was a bit worried that every race would look like the big bodybuilder nord.
  23. septerra core is almost a really good game (for the style), but the grindy combat kills it for me. combat is soooo slow and soooo frequent.
  24. like for reals? not me, i played about 10 casual games online before getting bored though. competitive rts just isn't my thing, i like hoarding resources and building tons of buildings for no reason and making armies 10x larger than required to finish the level, none of that works in the competitive game.
  25. Morrowind was on console too. yeah but you know they didnt play it edit (it was before the hype machine really got growling for bethesda)
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