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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. why would you trust the words from someone who cheats steals and lies? edit: also, seriously, these people have just as much bias to say a game is bad so it excuses them stealing it.
  2. oh. did not realize halo 4 was coming out in 2012. that does screw up my estimates... hmm. back to the thinking board.
  3. what is 5 years too late? the 3ds? it just doesnt have any games on it, no one wants to buy a paperweight. the minute good games start getting released, people will buy it. same as always. nintendo just screwed up by not making sure the games were there at the beginning, so people didn't buy the system, then developers got scared that no market would be there to buy their games. so right now the 3ds and its potential buyers are just stuck in a stalemate. microsoft is probably planning a halo 4 to be released alongside their xbox 3 console, so they won't have any problems selling their console. sony of course will be a year later, and will hopefully do what they are doing with the vita and release something that people will actually want, at a price that seems fair for whats being offered, and will hopefully have little big planet 3 and god of war/metal gear solid/uncharted on release too. timing makes sense for uncharted, we see part 3 in 2011, and part 4 in 2013 or 2014
  4. i play deus ex about 1x per year or two. so my nostalgia goggles get reality checked pretty regularly. the game is still amazing, but i think there is a good chance this new game will be nearly as good, just not as pioneering, because you know, deus ex already exists. i'll see in a few weeks after i've played the new one a couple times. i hope i haven't gotten myself too hyped up.
  5. isn't nintendo coming out with a new system next year? announced this year? $700 no. $400-$500 yes.
  6. to be handled the same as fallout 3. (ie by regions, each region has a set level range (for example, if a region is set to be level 10-15, and you enter it at level 7, the region will be a level 10 region, if you had instead entered it at level 20, the region would lock in as a level 15 area) edit: it worked pretty well, and prevented a ton of the stupid levelling stuff you saw in oblivion.
  7. im ready. let 2012 be awesome with tons of good games pushing the systems to the limit, then bring on fall 2013 with new consoles.
  8. yep! there are fewer, but they are all handmade apparently.
  9. oblivion with more quests, hand placed non-leveled loot and enemies, better character models, and unique dungeons = an awesome game. hopefully skyrim.
  10. yeah, i guess thats fair. its up to the reader to decide if the game sounds fun despite the bugs that may be present.
  11. i don't understand bugs lowering a review score. do they update their score later after its patched? then again, new vegas is at 84 on metacritic, and thats the best game of the last 5 years, easy.
  12. will be announced at e3 2013, released 8-15 months later. edit: new xbox announcement at e3 2012, for a release 6-15 months later.
  13. really though, there are very few games i'm excited enough to play that i would still buy it if it required constant internet connection as drm. but diablo 3 definitely is one of those few.
  14. im just so excited that we're finally seeing an actual follow up to deus ex. i'm not talking the story and setting, i mean the gameplay. i was so certain after playing deus ex that from that point on all games would be emulating its open style of gameplay and choice. instead we had to wait ten years for something else like it.
  15. CoD has definitely become the madden of shooters. which is kinda cool, as it puts all the lowest common denominator together in one place.
  16. maybe this is just a trick to get pc users who don't have internet to wait for the console version to play diablo 3 offline
  17. this is the future i foresee as well. all mainstream "rpg's" will just be action games with level-ups and dialogue. that said, i loved fallout new vegas. and the above description fits that game, so its not all doom and gloom from my perspective. the last traditional rpg that i truly truly loved was planescape: torment... not exactly a recent title. every other more traditional rpg since then has been less than amazing. its possible though we might see a resurgence at some point, rpg's don't need great graphics imo, so its very possible a small but dedicated team could put together a great indie rpg some day.
  18. i am in agreement with purkake on this bit. its too early to say this isnt different enough from diablo 2 to make it not stale
  19. its only stale cause there was no diablo 3 yet. none of the followups to diablo 2 were as good as diablo 2. the same could be said for the old school rts games. since starcraft there was nothing like it as good. instead they took a different path altogether and we got games like company of heroes.
  20. im definitely not making the same mistake twice. will wait for reviews on DA3. same for ME3. DA2 really soured me on preordering anything published by EA for a while. throw in the removal of crysis 2 and BF3 from steam and you've got me pretty hard pressed to find a reason to give them money for much of anything right now. i will probably end up waiting for GOTY edition, at least for DA3.
  21. my real life is awesome, so no worries on that end.
  22. that slow mo kill animations going to get old pretty fast i think.
  23. good point deus ex HR should tide me over for september, then in october we get Dark Souls, and Arkham City... i guess the wait will get easier the closer we get. but goddamn have the last few months been dry. would have been better if i loved the witcher 2, but i didn't end up enjoying that too much. still glad i bought it, if only to support a developer who actually seems to be trying.
  24. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if you think titans quest looks the same or better you need to get your eyes checked. i mean, these don't look omg so amazing, but titans quest? really? that game looked bad 5 years ago, and certainly didn't get better with age. just saying.
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