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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. a legit complaint i have. the levels are too small in visible distance. i literally have no use for a sniper rifle. deus ex had much further visible distances
  2. my first major disappointment: i decided i didn't like a certain npc in the sarif building, and decided to kill them. the game wouldnt let me draw my weapon or take them down. bug or feature?
  3. Can't you defeat them with words, forcing them to commit suicide after picking the red or blue option, like in Mass Effect? nope, they are like metal gear solid boss fights. the first boss takes about 12 magnum rounds in the face before he dies. save a good weapon, or a lot of grenades. edit: at least the boss fights in the original deus ex could be solved with a single gep gun shot, or rifle grenade. no such luck here.
  4. game looks pretty strange to me. i have extremely low expectations. i love zombies though, so if it ends up being good/great i'll pick it up right away. dead rising looked pretty bad to me, and i ended up getting it for $10 later on and had fun for 5-6 hours, maybe this will end up the same. still, you never know, i thought batman: AA looked terrible. then it came out and was one of the best games of the year. so maybe im not good at judging games early on.
  5. i liked that game, it was a bit derivative of shadow of colossus mixed with guitar hero, but it was fun for 1 playthrough. the ps2 prince of persia game was the bomb though. the first one. edit: never understood the complaint about not dying though, when was the last time you played a game that when you failed you died and had to start all over? every game has checkpoints and autosaves and quicksaves and blah blah blah. they just hid the checkpoints in pop 08 and instead of showing a death cinematic showed a hand grabbing one instead.
  6. i think you need to carry at least 1 weapon, even if you plan on sneaking past every enemy in the game. the reason you need at least 1 weapon: boss fights are unavoidable.
  7. i wish there was a silent hill game like that. i loved 1 and 2, 3 was ok. the series then just kinda died. multiplayer action game = bad idea turn based rpg or silent hill adventure game = good idea
  8. i liked hacking at first, but now im kind of sick of it. i liked the hacking better in deus ex. it was a lot faster and more tense. i dont hate the hacking in HR, just think its a bit tedious. maybe upgrading my stealth hacking will make it go faster? in my second playthrough i now have 5 praxis points saved up. im not sure what to spend them on... i'll probably just save them until i really need a specific upgrade to do something i want, then use it for that purpose.
  9. i have a strong feeling that ME3 will not be nearly as good as part 2. not sure why, maybe because DA2 was kind of a mess? is there anyone else who really liked ME2 but is not excited for ME3?
  10. i did, then i updated my driver for my graphics card and the game has been 100% flawless since then edit: card was nvidia 9800gt, the newest driver came out a few weeks ago, and did the trick. maybe you have a similar issue?
  11. ok. i finally got fed up with my bad decision making and decided to restart the game. just like the first time i played deus ex! lol. this time im not spending upgrade points on augs i really dont need. will be much more careful about where to spend them on this time. im also limiting my weapons this time, just a silent pistol, a sniper for long range, and a revolver for damage in case i screw up and get in a real fight. im back at the sarif plant, almost to the point where i have the conversation with mr. terrorist.
  12. i guess im expecting a powerfist. my concern is that it will not be "lore appropriate" in strength.
  13. this is pretty much my feelings. the whole thing makes me uncomfortable and i dont want to support it. unfortunately, its diablo, so i'll end up buying it anyway. but 99% of other games with this drm scheme i would completely ignore. sometimes a product is so desired though that people are willing to jump through some hoops to have it
  14. normally i'd skip a game that has you play as an ultramarine, but i just realized, if they actually implement a power fist in the game (one that is capable of ripping a hole in a tank) i would want to check that out. any word on the powerfist? the single most ridiculous weapon ever conceived?
  15. this is true. there are some aspects of these agreements that go too far, and wouldn't hold up if push really came to shove. that said, you really need to prove damage to make much of it, and so far the companies have been careful enough to keep possible damages in the low thousands at the highest (ie damage to a single individual in loss of use of software etc etc). in which case they would vastly prefer to just settle out of court than have their whole EULA get dragged through the american legal system for a few years. they'll keep pushing the line though, its just the way stuff like this works. once they push a little too far, they'll back off a bit, wait a year, then start pushing again. the only way to really stop it is to get harder defined rules from the courts about what can and can't be in there, and that will happen slowly, case by case, for probably longer than our lifetimes. hurray.
  16. I'm at 11 hours and am still in the first hub. i'm expecting the game will be at least 25-35 hours for someone who actually explores and hacks and reads all the terminals. edit: and yeah, i wish i had a melee weapon, i keep expecting to find one somewhere but no luck so far. the takedowns work alright though, energy bars are plentiful, and you always have at least 1 cell because your last cell regenerates after 35 seconds (on default, augs can improve this)
  17. played for 11 hours so far. it feels almost exactly like deus ex, with better graphics and shooting, and slightly worse everything else. so far its great. its also oddly dated in just the right places to make it feel like deus ex (stiff animations, several too-sterile environments). not sure if these oversights were intentional throwbacks to how deus ex was originally a bit dated in some areas. or merely that in the process of making a game like deus ex, some things must be sacrificed for the good of the overall game. the detroit hub is bigger i think than any area in the original deus ex. or feels at least as big. also, there are general a few more mazes of tunnels, and a few less really wide open spaces. i know im making lots of mistakes with my aug choices and intentory management, which also reminds me of my first deus ex playthrough. im greatly looking forward to my next playthrough. last thing: 11 hours in and no boss fights yet. im moving slow and exploring literally every nook and cranny but this game seems very very long for a modern shooter. may actually end up with the same length as original game. for reference: deus ex is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time, and i've played many times through. so when i say this game reminds me a lot of deus ex, i mean it really does, not just tickles some old memories i have. unfortunately, because it is so similar to deus ex, it will probably not achieve such legendary status, after all, the original can only be done once. edit: so in short, if you were on the fence, but LOVE the original game - this is a worthy sequel, probably not BETTER, but still worthy.
  18. can't you get an 8800gt for super duper cheap nowadays? won't that still run pretty much every game out right now? it might not be on the best settings, but its still playable. could be wrong. i am not super pc savvy, i just buy what people tell me to when its time to upgrade.
  19. well, i can definitely agree that telling your fans they are idiots and are "doing it wrong" is a pretty stupid thing to say in an interview promoting your new game.
  20. i guess it depends on what you consider very soon. is august 2014 really soon?
  21. i dont think its necessarily arrogance, they have what like 10 million WoW players? all those people have internet, and they play from lots of different countries. i think he genuinely expects all those 10 million people to have internet. maybe even more than 10 million. edit: i think most of the people saying "what if the internet goes out, or what if i dont have internet" are being a bit much. the bigger concern should just be: why should i have to connect to your servers to play my game by myself? its draconian and controlling. bringing up the "no internet" situation just distracts from the important part of the issue imo
  22. i didnt play it (Rift), but i think hurlshot liked it and just recently stopped playing it. he had some posts about it back when it was first released
  23. i think the longer morgoth has that avatar, the more angry and cynical he gets.
  24. if you only know liars and cheats then i feel really sorry for you edit: and i mean habitually, everyone has cheated or lied at some point in their life. but not everyone makes a habit of it.
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