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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. playing skyrim is fun, but i am constantly seeing how the game would be better if they let obsidian make their version of it. just like new vegas was 10x better than fallout 3
  2. i think it took 6 weeks before beth released the fallout 3 kit, so im expecting the same for this game too. they probably are trying to force people to play the vanilla game for a while before letting people make improvements
  3. too bad, i was hoping i could just do some ini edits or something, i don't have any real skill with modding stuff though, so i'm not about to muck around with anything tricky. im sure the creation kit will be out in 3-4 weeks. i can wait that long i guess. I wish the kit was just released alongside the game though.
  4. stuff like that is the reason i leave steam in offline mode also: does anyone know or have a link to how i can change some small stuff in the skyrim perk settings? i want to change the level requirements on a few perks to better balance some of the trees. if its too complicated or will break the ui then i can just be patient till the toolset is released and do it from there (im assuming it will be as easy as modding perks in new vegas - i ended up making and modding tons of perks for that game, very fun)
  5. my destruction and axe wielding orc just finished the main quest. it was... not super great. i'm probably never going to complete the main quest with another character again though, so it was nice to do once. i was on level 29, using legendary dragonplate and a legendary daedric war axe, with frost cloak as my left hand spell. using the orc "berserk" ability made the final boss very easy. so far i've completed the questlines for the companions and the main quest, and not really liked either one. hopefully the thieves guild, mages guild, and dark brotherhood questlines are better if not, i can always just do random quests and adventuring, the world itself is fun to roam around, and exploring doesnt feel useless like in oblivion, though its not quite as much fun as exploring in fallout3/new vegas was
  6. i'm pretty sure everyone who hates the protagonist of FF8 didn't finish the game. by the end, the character comes to realize that being angsty and brooding only serves to alienate you from others and frustrate people, its not glorifying angst at all.
  7. for some reason, enemy mages are the most dangerous thing i've been encountering, it just takes two or three spells to wipe out my character (with his heavy armor and 300 health...) i can take two hits from a giant, but only 3 spells from a high level mage...
  8. i used to enjoy the level scaling in skyrim, then i took an arrow in the knee.
  9. this. 7 is my personal favorite though, it was also my first, then i played 8, then 6, then 9. i say the best ones in order were: 7 6 9 8 then you get to 10 and 12, which were ok, 13 was terrible. Tactics was cool, but was obviously very different.
  10. Or it could come up like a great Japanese action-RPG like the Tales series, or Radiata Stories, or Drakengard, or the Secret of Mana series. Yep, Japan isn't known for making Action-RPGs, you're totally right. your response is very non-sequitor... i was talking about taking the final fantasy series, and making it even more different from its golden age. i did not say "japan" makes bad action rpg's japan is not a developer. square enix is. square enix has been changing final fantasy for the last few games, and its clear they intend to continue changing it (which pisses off everyone who wants them to return to making games like 6-9). so, I'm not really sure what you were talking about also: From Software is Japanese, and Dark Souls was the second best action rpg of this year, so clearly being japanese has nothing to do with an inability to make action rpg's
  11. i mentioned earlier, i did restart already went from a sneaky archer to an in-your-face axe and frost wielding orc. im having even more fun, though i did enjoy being an archer, for some reason this game just makes me want to act like a barbarian. probably the nordic scenery? doing a lot of crafting to make the best armor i can to make up for the fact that i don't have a shield
  12. the UI is terrible, why can't you see the equipment slots on your character? it's completely mindboggling. you know its bad when your UI is less functional than the ones you were making 10+ years ago...
  13. so instead of making a final fantasy game in the spirit of 6-9, they've decided to go the opposite route and just keep getting further and further from when they were actually making great games? whatever, clearly the people in charge of the final fantasy franchise have completely lost sight of what made the franchise's popularity explode.
  14. i did a few sidequests and all the stuff for the companions, was on level 25, had 41 hours of gametime. decided to make a new character. this new character will probably do a few sidequests and all the quests for the wizards, have about 40 hours of gametime, then i'll make a new character. ditto for the thieves guild and then again for the assassins guild and then again for the main questline so yeah, i should be getting my money's worth...
  15. i can see someone complaining about the main plot being bland, but the environment? no way, its fantastic. (but not as good as morrowind, i'd peg it (from a world design perspective) halfway between oblivion and morrowind)
  16. just an fyi: dragons appear to come in different flavors, some are quite weak, and others are ridiculous strong. the dragon at Helgen is like a super mega dragon i think, while the whiterun dragon was a dinky baby
  17. i should note that i dont play multiplayer, except on battlefield 2, obviously.
  18. entrerix rundown on fps games of the past whenever: i liked 4 and modern warfare 2, tried playing world at war after finishing modern warfare 2 and decided i wouldn't ever buy another call of duty game (yes it really was that awful) loved doom 1 and 2 loved dark forces really liked goldeneye and perfect dark loved half life i haven't liked any halo game half life 2 was a life changing experience i didn't like gears of war i loved rainbow six: vegas battlefield 2 was great battlefield: bad company 2 was not very good portal was amazing portal 2 was really good does max payne count as an fps? cause the first one was super cool im guessing i should leave out deus ex and system shock 2, even though those are tops (along with fallout new vegas) in my book definitely looking forward to half life 3 yeah, no one wanted this information, but now you have it anyway.
  19. i have to say, skyrim seems to be the most stable release from bethesda in .... forever? morrowind, oblivion, and fallout 3 all crashed about once every 3-4 hours, while skyrim so far has only crashed once in about 40 hours. thats pretty cool. by the time i did the quests for the companions i was on level 24 (and decked in glass armor), and now i feel too important to start doing quests for lowly thieves or anything, even though my character is a stealth character. maybe its time to say this archer spent the rest of her days as leader of the companions and start a new character who won't feel too important to help regular folks kill bandits again.
  20. im finding myself not super interested in the main story of skyrim, but i've barely touched it so thats probably normal. i do find the dungeon and wilderness exploration to be very satisfying though, there have been several moments where i really felt like an adventurer, tackling dungeons filled with monsters and traps, which is a feeling i never felt in oblivions horribly designed dungeons.
  21. yeah, i wasn't saying that bethsoft wasn't selling before. but if its true that they've nearly doubled sales since their last game... that still seems like a big deal. thats like what happened between cod 3 and cod modern warfare, and we all know what happened after that. anyway, it doesnt really matter, im glad the game sold well enough that bethsoft will make more, maybe hire obsidian to make one too...
  22. i heard somewhere that skyrim 1st day sales were almost double what fallout 3 first day sales were? was that not true?
  23. i cannot fathom putting perks in the lockpicking tree, the skill gets better as you use it, and lockpicks aren't expensive, though it IS annoying having to remember to constantly be buying more lockpicks. it would have been better balanced to make the lockpick tree only have 3-4 perks, but have them all be really good, so people might be tempted to sprinkle a few perks into that tree, but needing to put tons of perks in it to get to the goodstuff just means no one will ever use the tree at all. im really hoping that adjusting and making perks and spells will be easy in the toolkit, because i can do just a few tweaks and make a BIG help to how i play the game
  24. i haven't fought anything like that yet (big hp etc), in fact, even the dragons i've killed usually only take about 10 arrows to go down (i think my arrows are about as high damage as you can get though, i've got three items that raise archery damage by 25% each..., and a bow that's gotten a lot of upgrades put on it)
  25. im not going to buy any other games this year (except steam holiday sale, and yeah i know thats a pretty big exception...) skyrim is going to keep me busy for a long time, and then when i do get around to buying other stuff, the prices will be good. so win win win for me. also, just a thought: skyrim seems to have really opened new frontiers of how much money can be made with the epic single player sandbox rpg. i wonder if other companies are going to start making similar games now, or if they'll just stick to churning out shooters.
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