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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. Why do you think people play computer games? - to relax, to stretch their mind, to see and be a part of a relatively new artistic/entertainment medium What can you learn by playing computer games? - resource management, hand-eye-coordination, logic, design, language, critical thinking, economics, strategy Why make computer games? - what better way to interact with art/entertainment than to create? (also, that conan quote is pretty accurate, thanks Pidesco!)
  2. ... not from me! it was beyond generic. i was gung ho for the first 2 hours, bored the second 2, and then forced myself to play for 2 more before uninstalling it.
  3. RAGE was so awful i can't imagine DOOM 4 being a good game
  4. i'm hoping it's either a spiffed up re-release with new UI and animations and graphics etc or better a new infinity engine game made with love and care by someone who "gets it"
  5. it gets you a copy of the game and other prizes/rewards, not any ownership of the IP
  6. im starting up a new game of Myth. still amazing after all these years. The only improvements i can imagine being made to this game would be more units and a campaign to play as the Fallen. not bad for a game that was released 15 years ago edit: i guess while im wishing - i would enjoy the ability to pull the camera out further, and prettier graphicz would be ok i guess but not needed
  7. wait so is there a place to donate yet for wasteland kickstarter? my wallet is ready. I just need a link.
  8. this game looks so awesome, like the original ninja gaiden but with stealth gameplay! shooting lights for the wiiiiiin http://www.markoftheninja.com/
  9. well i dont really care if its on steam in particular, i just want to spend less than $10 on it. otherwise i'll probably skip it. chronicles of riddick is so good, i've played it twice and loved it both times
  10. i'll probably grab it on a steam sale or something. doesnt really look worth more than $10 to me
  11. classic in this case mostly just means: a game that will be looked upon very favorably in 10 years, either for advancing some aspect of game design, or just being so good that people are still talking about it in ten years. we talk about classics all the time, baldurs gate, fallout, planescape torment etc. i personally dont think anything in the past few years is as good as torment or fallout, but some stuff is good enough that i think people will still be talking about it in a decade.
  12. mmo? single player hack and slash? what? guild wars and diablo 3 are both online (no fee) multiplayer action rpg's. they have 10x more in common than an mmo and a single player hack and slash would. edit: i know you can solo in both games, but both games were designed mostly for multiplayer
  13. my understanding: smart companies like blizzard have figured out that a great game can be a best seller for YEARS, and so don't worry as much about "opening weekend", but for most "ok" video games, the first few weeks will decide whether or not the game was financially successful or not. also, console gamers tend to only want what's new. if your game doesn't splash, they don't buy it ever.
  14. RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE: some new "new" classics: red dead redemption mass effect 2 fallout new vegas dark/demons souls batman arkham asylum anyone have any other thoughts on games that were released in the last few years that might be considered "classics" a decade from now?
  15. so is guild wars 2 coming before or after diablo 3? its pretty nuts to me that they both seem to be on track to release at similar times... i would guess they have the exact same target audience
  16. the wife and I are VERY excited about borderlands 2, we played the original for months. i'm actually kinda bummed that it looks like there will be only 4 classes, i would have preferred 6, i like variety.
  18. it was the internet. you know what it said.
  19. thanks for posting the picture, it obviously looks a little better, but not... way better. it's not a huge deal though, i just was expecting a bit more of a leap in the graphics department considering this is a pc game, i guess mmo-types need to be playable on weaker computers though since people play them on laptops etc
  20. im fully expecting guild wars 2 to be good, just like the original was when it came out. that said, graphically, why does the sequel not look any better than the original?
  21. i tried replaying dragon age 1. it's... a lot worse than i remembered
  22. After all I've heard about it, I really should watch that movie some day. if you don't know a lot about cinematography and mise-en-scene it will just be a great movie, nothing more. but considering the technique on display for the year it was released, yeah it was revolutionary in a lot of ways. or if not revolutionary, at least exemplary. fritz lang's M was 10 years earlier and provided some framework imo
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