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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Bolsonaro will make Brazil slightly less than an utter ****hole again.
  2. I'm sure Trump will pardon these very fine people.
  3. 3-5% of Yuroppan population yet everyone bending over for them Islam is alpha!
  4. Native Americans for Trump.
  5. lol, that van this has to be a set-up
  6. It won't happen!
  7. Amerikans don't know what true left-wing is.
  8. Leftwing vs rightwing shenanigans are almost as amusing to watch as smokers vs non-smokers.
  9. EU should never have let in so many ****hole countries
  10. "L0L EU is evil and full of Nazis. And, theya re gonna punished Italians because they don't like what a gov't wants to do. I thought EU existed to help. Not. EVIL TO THE CORE. Let the Italian people decide who governs them."
  11. "Seriously who believes anything they read on the internet?" HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH
  12. Yes, you are alone.
  13. Muhammad bin Salmon could violate Melania in the middle of 5th Avenue and Trump would still fellate him.
  14. I was dissapoint when I discovered the man was a scumbag
  15. Party before country.
  16. At the end of Syndicate the female twin marries an Indian assassin. Made me look up miscegenation laws in late Victorian England.
  17. I still don't know why Desmond stabbed that blonde chick in AssCreed.
  18. im glad i hav a good job
  19. I like people that don't bankrupt casinos.
  20. Gigi D'Agostino was truer artist than Tay and Justin.
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