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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. That reminds me, the hot dragon chick was a potentially interesting character, . That, like the rest of the game, was quite unclear. People are still speculating about it on the official DF-forums.
  2. Is there a similar David Gaider animated gif?
  3. Who knows... maybe one of David Cage's future vehicles.
  4. Perhaps there should be a Wii version made where the enemy hordes don't attack the Party en masse or in waves, but encircle the Party, then just stand around and attack the Party one by one. Like in a Steven Seagal movie.
  5. BG&E & Giants have some fun racing mini-games. Pity there wasn't any beach volleyball, though.
  6. So, is the Finnish flag already being burnt throughout the Muslim world?
  7. The only game where one can play as a blue, topless chick with a sword & bow (future BioWare games not included).
  8. Darn it, I wanted to post that. Beyond that, there's also the chick in that hilarious news flash in front of the police station.
  9. No more XP for killing is alright, as long as the "ka-ching!" sound that accompanies it is not removed.
  10. There should be some animations when NPCs are 'idle'. Even Oblivion & Fallout 3 have those. It was weird to see in that City Elf origin how everyone was just standing around like a salt pillar in the exact same pose like in Morrowind. Let them do some stretching, pick their nose or smoke a cigarette, anything...
  11. It feels very much like a PnP game directly translated to the computer. The skill balance is bizarre and it
  12. It's an open-ended RPG like Oblivion, with a huge sprawling world... but with terribly unbalanced combat that enables simple woodland creatures to easily kill you by means of a "stun lock" while the big bad guys in the game (Orcs) are ridiculously easy to beat. The game also has terrible performance compared to Oblivion, but those issues are solved by a community patch - so d/l this if you're planning to play. For a "new" single-player RPG, I'd recommend Drakensang: the Dark Eye. This game combines the party-based combat of NWN 2 with a unique, highly detailed fantasy setting (Aventuria) comparable to Tamriel of Elder Scrolls (but even more detailed, judging from the many lore books that have been released).
  13. Most unique LucasArts adventure ever... since all puzzles solving involves music (literally weaving songs). On hardest difficulty, one does not even see the 'notes' one needs for weaving and has to rely solely on one's ears.
  14. The new AI is the pink elephant everyone talks about but no one has actually seen. Wait... an elephant in Phoenix armor?
  15. Pretty good Sean Bean impression in that video. I don't know why all 'evil' nobles are based on him.
  16. I'm sure EA will quickly release another cheesy trailer to quell our new-found enthusiasm.
  17. Never played No One Lives Forever 1/2, The Longest Journey, Portal or Beyond Good And Evil? I weep for you. You forgot the ultimate chick-game: FF-X2.
  18. Even Divinity 2 has a 'pause' button. But with DA:O being hauled as the spiritucal successor of BG... I can see now how it is called an "action-RPG".
  19. Templars? Illuminati? -1000 Enthusiasm.
  20. It's a good preview but I'm also confused now... the combat doesn't consist of attack & parry rolls? Does one always hit an enemy, with damage being determined by special combat abilities, attributes & skills?
  21. How many people envision themselves as the in-game character when playing a game? That seems to be the issue of the OP. Following such a dogma, one would miss out on many a great game...
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