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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Play Remember Me for an actually great looking Unreal engine game.
  2. Stop disliking what I like.
  3. Ukraine. Heart of Europe.
  4. One character sounds almost exactly like Claudia Black, but I doubt the dev had the budget to hire her.
  5. Her first name is written in katakana. That's not very common anymore nowadays.
  6. Yikes. Good thing we nearly wiped them out in real life. /humanity
  7. Yes but no same-sex I think. Which is ironic from a commie socialist librul frenchie dev.
  8. Someone should reboot the Birds of Prey TV show.
  9. ^That person doesn't play the game very well. I love the female protagonist, despite the hammy voice-over (still better than Jennifer Hale though) she's hilariously badass.
  10. I hope there are still Elves left in the Dales to slaughter.
  11. Just googled that. ... It looks like a game that exists only to troll our Bruce.
  12. Finished my re-watch of Spartacus.
  13. I found adventure game and arrpeegee communities are very female friendly. MMOs simply attract the worst of humanity.
  14. Anders was insufferable in Awakenings, but he was awesome in DA2. Blowing up the Chantry was hilarious not to mention the butthurt it caused Bonnie Prince Charlie. The entire endgame of DA2 was like entering the Eye of Terror.
  15. Risen 2 had a great trailer At least Reality Pump is pumping out a pirate game. And AssCreed 4 will be cheap by then too. I'm getting Arcania vibes from Risen 3.
  16. Qara was awesome. Especially her taunts. Worst companion was the one who started every sentence with "Know that".
  17. Anything is better than NWN2. Including waterboarding, liver and taxes.
  18. This thread reminds of those female only metros in Japan.
  19. Never vote for manboobs.
  20. The Hunted Still my favourite Christopher Lambert movie.
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