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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. By the way, I want to see a remake called 'Top Drone.' 'Murica's best drone monkeys are sent to Area-51 to compete for the golden joystick. Then they get scrambled to their XBoxes so they can blow up a Toyota pick-up in BadGuyistan. All the time our oiled-up heroes are listening to that muscle-guitar theme song and trying not to molest each other. In fact, it could be a new Bioware game, has all the salient ingredients.
  2. Kenny Loggins FTW. The song is, of course, You lost that lovin' feelin'
  3. Behold, the Obz Europe Clan take on pink unicorns and other evils of Whimsyshire...
  4. Lots of inventory slots is always helpful.
  5. I thought you said that having served had made you view all women as sexually acceptable. Even the really trashy ones! I'm older and wiser. And married.
  6. ^ Diamonds are your friend. Get some good ones made and multisocketed armour = resistance central.
  7. A Harrier ? Really, come now, it should be a Falcon Always had a thing for the Phantom, myself. Well, and the Tomcat. And the Eagle. And the Fighting Falcon. God figher jets are awesome. F*** yeah, America! Well, you do live in San Diego. I went to the 'Top Gun' bar in Miramar once, lots of men in white singing that song.
  8. I wish Jaesun was still here. His views on any given subject belied the usual stereotypes about Gay people and gaming. Please come back Jaesun
  9. From whence the Blessed E. Gary Gygax manifested himself upon the Earth, and lo, did the angels sweetly sing? Their lilting voices rippled the waters majestic, across Lake Geneva and (verily) It Was Good. Amen.
  10. Hey Alan, what *is* the Day One DLC strategy? There has to be one. Mebbe 'switch off the glowing giant exclamation marks over DLC pimps heads?' or 'Add fur to your LI?' You know they'd sell.
  11. ^ Which is why in my political science class* there would only be two groups: censorious d1cks and The Righteous. * prolly why I don't teach political science
  12. Well, I played Red Alert on the original PS:1. Which, coincidentally, had a mouse. I also loved the original X-Com on PS:1. I played that game to death with the guy I used to share a flat with. Like weekend long Red Alert marathons with beer and pizza. But yeah, RTS's have a mixed history on consoles.
  13. I think the Germans banning swastikas is a bit strange. Air-brushing simply makes it more intriguing.
  14. Ah, but surely I am therefore a minority and I demand representation. Or something. Plus, thought I'd fix this. np
  15. Been playing since last night, got to level 20 and have just got to the Highlands bit before the Butcher's Mansion. In that period I've had three epic loot drops (2 x rings, 1 x sword). Nice, but not like 'old' D3 where you'd get one epic drop a fortnight. Usually a rubbish one, too, and for a different class. I'm getting a lot of those golden pools of radiance or whatever they are. Oh, and the monk gets some super-sick new powaz I didn't notice before. Another good feature are diamonds, which add resistances to socketed items. Building up decent resistances versus elites was a chore before this patch.
  16. I've got a fairly draconian attitude about it, the only place you should see tats above the neck and below the wrist is either on pirate ship or in prison.
  17. It's a pleasure Ma'am. We work hard to keep it so. Dirty, dispiriting work, but good for the soul. They'll be back, but we'll be waiting.
  18. Can I be on the judging panel. I'd make Simon Cowell look like a Care Bear. "Bioware's Got Talent" * chuckles *
  19. Never been to Whimsyshire... Join our clan and take me MrBrown, I beg of you! 'Obsidian Europe'
  20. I had my first Cursed Chest challenge in Tristram Cathedral. I had to kill 100 mooks to win a bonus chest (I got 90). Once the challenge finishes the cursed chest turns into a resplendent chest. I'm level 12, just killed the Skeleton King. He dropped my first legendary, a nice two-handed sword. Not OP, just a decent boost. I like the nephalem orbs and XP boosts, the combat feels far more epic and Diablo-esque now, I love hurtling into mobs whereas in the old D3 it was a chore.
  21. Ah, the sweet smell of butt-hurt. Bruce, there are people here whose entire post-count consists of romance content. Some hardcore promancers will only play games with romances in. This one doesn't have them. QED. I mean, look at this BS. Diablo comparison? ORLY? Because it doesn't have romances? And what is 'Wizard Highlander?' I think I'd like it. Close the thread. Please. and the other one. They get annoying and creepy and add nothing to the forum.
  22. Why censor South Park anything? You know what you're getting.
  23. They so badly need to remake Red Alert on a next-gen console.
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