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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Given that about 40% of marriages end in divorce nowadays, I'd play the long game.
  2. Alternatively, they just really dig leather skirts.
  3. You're missing the point, The Legion is either (a) a hardcore LARPing / re-enactor cult gone badly wrong, or (b) a bunch of guys who like dressing in leather skirts, because that's how they roll or © the survivors of a vault where the only entertainment was a stack of holodiscs of old sword and sandals epics.
  4. I've sold 3 laser pistols, 2 plasma rifles, a laser rifle and two flamethrowers. I have more energy cells / fusion batteries than you can shake a stick at. I also have a LUCk score of 9, but yes it is working in reverse although every other round I shoot is a slo-mo insta-death critical.
  5. Not too many tunnels I'm afraid, but I tend to let my sawn-off 12 gauge do the talking.
  6. OK, I'm playing slowly. I'm level 5 and thinking of travelling to NV after doing the Mojave Outpost / Primm quests. However, the best weapon I've found is a freaking Cowboy Repeater rifle (I've tagged guns, sneak and repair) and these strange winged insects, giant radscorpions and other critters keep slaying me when I try to move north of the Goodsprings graveyard. Should I be cutting about in the south a bit more to level up and where on earth can I find a decent rifle? Rather annoyingly there is no shortage of energy weapons, but I'm not very good with them.
  7. :: yawns ::
  8. Not that it was exactly a crowded field of talent, but you chose the most utterly unsuitable President for the crisis you find yourselves in. "How's that touchy-hopey thing working out for ya?"
  9. Volo, if you really didn't like FO3 to that extent then I think it's fair to say that NV ain't gonna float your boat.
  10. Fine, but it should be an optinal tick-box thing. I like XP for killing critters, it's another one of those rpg lines in the sand.
  11. Red Ball Express has three in a straight line slap bang in the middle, North, Central and South. I redeemed myself though, last night I whupped my first level 50 opponent on the same map.
  12. I suppose you forgot the little fact he was mainly a 'bad man' because he was going to blow up the world with all his WMD... Nope, he got me at the bit where he dropped poison gas on the Marsh Arabs and fed dissidents into industrial shredding machines. I do find it amusing how, in their unseemly haste to smear the Bush Whitehouse, the anti-war brigade seek to airbrush Saddam into some hapless Middle Eastern dictator-lite.
  13. :: blushes :: aw shucks.
  14. Wow, what has the world got against you Scandies? You're such a nice bunch.
  15. Seriously? I dunno it just feels different, even at it's darkest Ferelden is about as dark as a Ren Fair in Wisconsin.
  16. The core game is the same but everything else has subtle or huge differences. The end result is a wholly different product. You can compare them as games but you;d be hard pressed to compare them as Fallout games. FNV is a Fallout game. F3 is epic fantasy (Oblivion) in a Fallout skin. I kinda see where you're coming from but no. A fantasy game as morally ambivalent and dark would be a nice change, though. As opposed to DaRK HeROiC FanTAsy!!!
  17. Just finished a marathon 1.5 hour game of Company of Heroes Online. Red Ball Express is one of my least favourite maps for a number of reasons, it's like a bowling alley rather than a fire-and-move map. My Blitz commander got stuck at the northernmost VP, tied down by a fairly skilfull Ami Inf commander micro-ing MGs, mortars, AT with the odd blast of ranger attacks. We fought to a stalemate at this point, but he took the VP (damn that forward operating base ability, there's a house next to the VP he set it up in using a clever tactic of making a mortar off the bat to dislodge the MG team he knew I'd put in there to cover the point early doors). An all-arms defence (not good for a blitz commander) of AT guns, nebs and MGs allowed me to hold the line before I cranked out some armour. The American teams (this map is a 3 V 3) attacked with an armour heavy force up the centre of the map (I felt like I was letting the other two guys down as they'd taken their VPs) allowing us to arty-spam them with rockets and reactive arty. In the end the whole thing got very messy and it was a win on the tick-down timer to us with 2 VPs in the bag and one white with neither side in control. What I learnt from it is that on that map you need to go much further forward, but in my humble the way it's configured allows the Allied commander an advantage in that the gaps in hedgerows and terrain favour early inf spamming (and the early US game is all about spamming infantry). Anyway, am now level 35 but still nowhere near as good as I should be! Lest we forget, this game is completely free.
  18. [dumbquestion] how do you get out of the over-the-shoulder view to look at your character 360? [/dumbquestion]
  19. I think you can watch it legitimately on the link in my OP.
  20. That's for you to decide... but it's on the FX Channel (Sky / Virgin Media etc).
  21. Aren't Bio's games interactive comics anyway?
  22. Hey, this aired last night on UK satellite TV The Walking Dead was not only cool but had Andrew Lincoln and Lennie Bennett in it, both Brit actors doing a Wire or Band of Brothers. I mean, Andrew Lincoln? Egg from This Life? It's like he's gone to the States and turned into a completely different actor but none the worse for it, his character was great. I liked the way the first thing he did after he was patched up was take a hot shower and put his Sheriff's uniform back on. Anyhoo, it was very good. It used all the zombie tropes as if it were the zombie version of a Jane Austen adaptation on the BBC but it was still really good. The scene with the tank was great. I'm sure most of you have seen it, but those of you who haven't might want to give it a try. Lastly --- Zombie apocalypse survival CRPG, L4D with a story and an inventory system? Yes please.
  23. :/
  24. Can anybody explain the lockpicking minigame to me? I absolutely freaking hate it. I HATE IT. It's spoiling an otherwise incredible game.
  25. I give you Somalia and the retreat thereof. I also give you Kosovo / The Balkans where the US army adopted their infamous Force Protection doctrine. Not that the UN covered itself in glory in the Balkans but one expects a bit more gumption from the US Army.
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