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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I don't know why Bioware do it, set up a special design team called 'Make a game uniquely calibrated to make Monte want to go postal' but they have.
  2. ^ Yeah, right and the only solution is (let me guess) epic re-distribution of wealth, nationalisation and living in yurts. No thanks.
  3. Er, no. North Korea is 'Far Left'. China is 'Far Left.' The USSR was 'Far Left.' Please explain for those of us not gifted with your skills of political divination how these 'Far Left' entities were flag-wavers for civil liberties and free speech?
  4. Exactly and well said! Why do we need our news and info spoon fed to us though some biased filter? Can't one think for themselves? Or have we gotten to become sheep to the point some people want to be told what to think (aka fox news)? Scary thought. Why is it that it's only folks on the political right-of-centre who are 'told what to think?' Aren't there any knee-jerk liberals too in your world? Because you're doing a pretty good impression of one.
  5. Games 'such as' PST? Come on Volo, name another game like PST? Alternatively post something like roofles or similarly enervating.
  6. **** Cheney is awesome - did you know he once shot someone in the face?
  7. Player 'choice' ruins immersion in Dave Gaider's interactive console drama!
  8. Descriptor originally coined in Germany for left-wing environmentalists : Watermelon - Green on the outside, Red on the inside. Most Greens are socialists in hippy clothing, at the end of the day they want to take your money and tell you how to live your life and how to think. The vehicle for their authoritarian leftist agenda is saving the planet.
  9. The tin foil hat brigade are already suggesting that Wikileaks is a CIA / Mossad false flag op designed to paint Middle Eastern governments in a bad light. Personally, I think the US State Department internal security people should be given development opportunities digging ditches in Guam or Alaska. If a disgruntled 22-year old private soldier can d/l all those documents onto a pen drive and give them away then it's the OpSy equivalent of leaving a new Rolex watch in an unlocked car in a vehicle crime hot spot. Doh!
  10. ^ Absolutely nothing. But the Watermelons of the 'Green' movement don't like anything that might deflect them from their true agenda.
  11. The wrong side lost.
  12. WH 40,000 Dawn of War. It's pretty good.
  13. ^ It sounds awesome. I am getting it.
  14. Red Orchestra 2, Stalingrad, is looking quite groovy. It's out Q1 2011, probably March.
  15. Here in the south of England there is no snow (yet) but it is bloody cold. I have been out getting logs for the fire and am now building it.
  16. Monte Carlo


    ^ I was acutely aware that NATO infantry battalions in Germany in the event of WW3 had about a 48 hour life expectancy. I think the whole concept of operations was to blunt the Reds long enough for the thing not to go strat-nuke and allow the politicos to figure something out. It wasn't all bratwurst and trying not to get my Small Metal Gun dirty
  17. I watched The Dirty Dozen again the other night. It hasn't aged particularly well, but it's still great fun and Lee Marvin was Chuck Norris before Chuck Norris even knew what a round-house kick was.
  18. I couldn't care less about DA2 and I couldn't care less about Bio's new game, which looks ME orientated (and I couldn't care less about ME either).... But before you say "but why are you posting in this thread you dolt?" I will admit to being utterly intrigued by the game they make after that. The design curve of Bioware games over the past ten years has been fascinating if you are interested in the industry. For me, Bioware has become like that chick who writes emo vampire fiction - I hate the content but I'm fascinated by what's going on under the hood. Bio's next fantasy RPG, after the DA cycle is complete, will be either brilliant or dreck. It will be an existential battle between the forces of good and emo.
  19. Monte Carlo


    I remember digging trenches in Westphalia in 1988 as part of NATO exercises simulating a SOVIET INVAYSHUN! LOL. Can't wait to tell the kids about that one. Anyway, we had lovingly crafted ORBATS of the enemy disposition showing legions of Russki death-dealers. Our AT platoons were told chilling stories about the reactive armour capabilty of the T-80 and the squadrons of attack helis driven by commie robots that would hand us our asses if doomsday ever came. Guess what? It was a medieval conscript army running on about half-a-dozen working radios, drinking anti-freeze, selling their kit because they hadn't been paid for six months. They were a freaking shambles. North Korea's army, I am inclined to believe, will be little different. Drop some instant sunshine on them and find out.
  20. Monte Carlo


    I predict that you will one day do something illegal so I am fining you now. Because I am manly and not a wuss. Half-wit. They fired artillery at South Korea a couple of days ago.
  21. by "copied" you mean didn't buy it? because as far as writers go (the real ones), they don't care, the more people read it the better, right? or am I alone in this? You're wrong. Professional writers rely on sales like any other working creative. The internet and advent of Kindles and other digital media devices is seeing the dead tree publishing business hit in the same ways as games, music and movies. Every time somebody steals the IP by downloading it (news to all the self-appointed legal eagles here = it's illegal, copyright theft is still an offence in most jurisdictions) then the writer loses their cut of the royalties from that book. Most professional writers are on modest incomes, writing isn't a financial win button for many. So they are as affected by this issue as games developers or the music industry. Obviously, I'm not speaking about the hippy-in-a-garret poet style writers or up-their-own-arses literary novelists who've already made a million and can afford not to care anymore.
  22. Because their perspective is no different from mine if some dude stole my car stereo.
  23. Monte Carlo


    Ironically you could cream NK if you launched a pre-emptive attack. I would imagine the US Navy has enough air assets to take out most NK arty in situ. Sadly, we are now wusses in the West and will await the NK to attack first.
  24. Dude it's a thread about piracy, not an advertorial for Bioware.
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