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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Hurlie, I'm on the Yank server, you'll see my invite from AirfixPanzer
  2. Morgie is better looking than I thought.
  3. The German campaign I suspect will be the stuff of XPs, a bit like OF and ToV. Of course, German multiplayer will be playable out of the box.
  4. Members of my family fought in that campaign. They were the good guys.
  5. CoH2 will rock our worlds, if you like that sort of thing. Although I'm a bit leery of the "we're trying to deal with the politics sensitively" BS. Both sides were monstrous tyrannies. Both sides set up and operated merciless death camps. Both sides murdered and raped (the mass rapes of 1945-46 in Germany are still conveniently forgotten by Soviet apologists). The game should start with Nazi and Red officers carving up Poland, just to get a sense of perspective.
  6. Found a funny perf issue --- yesterday my laptop ran D3 smoothly and today it's realllyyyy sllooooowwww. On the forums this seems to be an issue too. Tried everything --- all drivers up to date. Am now back to the desktop hoping Blizz will patch the game already....
  7. LOL. I actually like my stupidly styled Alienware laptop but I can put that sucker away anytime I choose.
  8. Thanks for all the comments, I really am leery of DIY. Humanoid makes an especially good point about video cards and power supply (been there, been screwed like that) what I'll prolly do is post the specs of any rig that takes my fancy and post it here. Mebbe one of you guys could look at all the options drop-downs on the Dell page for me if I go Alienware. I genuinely appreciate it.
  9. The Russians have DPM jungle boots FTW.
  10. Agreed. Metacritic is broken, it's become a customer complaints / grudge mechanism for the hive-mind.
  11. Anyone else feel he has more point than he should? Maybe. But when does escapism become a stick-up-your-arse exercise in drudgery in the name of 'intellectual stimulation?' Pass me another bran muffin, some self-knitted yoghurt and a sick bag. What I see is a tendency to shoe-horn depth into something that doesn't need it (the po-faced worship of Marvel superheroes, for example, being a case in point). Go and play any top-end strategy game and ask yourself (even if it isn't your thing) if it doesn't offer a level of meaningful content entirely absent from other examples of game (one turn in Medieval Total War might teach you about the Crusades or the Plague, make you consider the importance of a maritime trade route or recoil at the elegance of assassinating an entirely innocent princess for political advantage... it ain't Diablo baby). OTOH I see Grand Theft Auto, which is an excuse for middle-class kids to glamorise a lifestyle otherwise alien to them, is seen as pixellated Hemingway. Lulz.
  12. Alpha Protocol had a sillicone-enhanced Russian chick in hotpants chasing you around. Puh-leez.
  13. ^ LOL. Was having some video card issues on my desktop so installed it on the laptop. Heh, it actually runs better and looks great. Level 26 end of Act II. Barbarian is starting to make a bit more sense.
  14. Hi. My gaming rig is now four years old. I've been very happy with it --- by spending upfront I've only *just* started to notice it creak performance-wise and I'm also happy with my Alienware desktop (2 years old now, an MX-15). I'm looking to get a new desktop gaming rig. I want to spend in the region of UK
  15. Let's be honest, Chelsea didn't win so much as avoiding losing.
  16. I thought only Word did only invisible formatting maybe he used notepad instead. I have an Ironkey with an identity manager function. Problem solved.
  17. No, you aren't. Rich kids like her, whining utopian bull****, make me want to establish a police state and go seriously medieval on middle-class leftists.
  18. I only played the demo but from that I concur. It wasn't that it was bad. It just wasn't that great either. The general style of it reminded me of Rift (how's that doing, btw?) and the whole episode smacks of folks who see what looks like a goldmine (MMOs) and get stuck in without the requisite experience. Mr. Salvatore's involvement also goes to show that just because you can write, it doesn't mean you can write for games and it isn't a key metric for making the whole piece stand out.
  19. My main issue at the moment is the poor quality weapons sold by merchants and the inconsistency of smith levelling. This strikes me as an Auction House issue (nobody has bought my cracked vambraces, btw).
  20. I will not LOL. Your decision was completely rational. Welcome, and I look forward to hooking up for some nightmare MP soon :D
  21. Aye. You can't teach that.
  22. The stranges thing about this photo is that there is no beer in the fridge.
  23. This is Wals' spare room, in the east wing.
  24. There's nothing kinky about eviscerating livestock in your spare time, boyo. It gets lonely and boring up in the hills.
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