Anyone else feel he has more point than he should?
Maybe. But when does escapism become a stick-up-your-arse exercise in drudgery in the name of 'intellectual stimulation?'
Pass me another bran muffin, some self-knitted yoghurt and a sick bag.
What I see is a tendency to shoe-horn depth into something that doesn't need it (the po-faced worship of Marvel superheroes, for example, being a case in point). Go and play any top-end strategy game and ask yourself (even if it isn't your thing) if it doesn't offer a level of meaningful content entirely absent from other examples of game (one turn in Medieval Total War might teach you about the Crusades or the Plague, make you consider the importance of a maritime trade route or recoil at the elegance of assassinating an entirely innocent princess for political advantage... it ain't Diablo baby).
OTOH I see Grand Theft Auto, which is an excuse for middle-class kids to glamorise a lifestyle otherwise alien to them, is seen as pixellated Hemingway.