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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Real-life rudely, even cruelly, interrupted my attempts at finishing New Vegas last year. I think I got about a third way through and was really enjoying it. So now I am going to re-start and try again. I would like some views on character builds... I like the idea of a stealthy sniper type of character with good communication skills and perhaps a little bit of tech knowledge. But I'm not really a SPECIAL mentat so any advice would be welcome. Secondly, I haven't really explored any of the DLC. What would you guys recommend? Cheers, MC
  2. Am I the only one loving the idea of a viscous insult? A really gooey, physically tangible slur? Maybe hurling abuse whilst jamming a finger in one nostril and blowing hard through the other?
  3. The plane, Boss, the plane!!!

  4. That's some serious cat-fu.
  5. Again, this is Ray Bradbury territory and there's nothing wrong with it... as long as the characters are interesting enough to magically radiate plot as they go along. I'd buy that for a dollar [/robocop] It always comes back to tunnels. It's where it's at. If, say, Transformers 2 had been set in a tunnel it would have been significantly less crap. Wuthering Heights would have been awesome had it been set underground. and, no, I'm not Austrian. Yup. Please send me the first three chapters and a synopsis. Being terrible is no barrier to commercial success. Fifty Shades of Grey is making millions. That started, FFS, as Twilight fanfic... Seriously, you are Mike Creighton's cryogenically preserved brain and I claim my ten dollars. I am up to a paltry 12000 words but am over the hump and gathering pace. I'm always like this, I scrabble away at the... hymen of my plot (eeewwww) then BAM! I'm through and it's easy after that. Cheers MC
  6. I ragequit yesterday on inferno, playing with gfted (who has a badass monk). My Barb is so squishy it's not true, and I ain't got time to farm and play AH economics. This is one reason why for me D3's replayability is limited. The current obsession with microtransactional profit models is damaging games.
  7. People losing their jobs is always awful, unless of course they are politicians or Hedge Fund managers (then it's pretty funny). But car factories shut down and thousands of people lose their jobs. IT professionals are actually well-adapted to find new work. The guys who assemble Buicks generally ain't. So it's business in the middle of a world recession. Sad, but there you are. Sorry.
  8. Monte Carlo


    Fellow forumites. Money clearly cannot buy taste. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2166467/The-Arab-REV-olution-London-Dozens-Middle-Eastern-millionaires-supercars.html The car djiin appears. He offers you a car. What would you choose? Model and reasons, please. We can do better than this.
  9. I'm still at ten thousand words but my little notebook is almost full of plotting and stuff... I do it on the train into work. My friend Entrerix might choose to do that before he even starts hammering away at the keyboard. Your brain is full, your notes are in front of you at it gets a lot easier. And it's taken me almost three years to figure this out, despite it being Piece Of Advice Number One in every book on writing you are likely to read.
  10. Amazing. They got the numbers almost right, which is a rare sight. They showed the person who really won the war and deserves all the merit. I'm very impressed indeed. Don't. Feed. The. Troll. Oh, OK then. My colleague's father (A British Royal Navy stoker) got the Baltic medal from the Russians for being sunk twice supplying the Commies with ammo, tanks and food on the most dangerous sea-route in history. He deserves no merit apparently. You, sir, are a wanker.
  11. I remember it getting fairly indifferent scores which are, IMO, unfair. It's a great FPS, full of character and it looks great too.
  12. I must introduce you to my agent.
  13. That seems to be seriously channeling Mystery Men... ...but they got the "Lightning Bolt" in so all is forgiven.
  14. Mitt Romney must be quietly pleased, at last something to unite the fractious American centre right.
  15. Just got WH40K Space Marine for UK
  16. The trailer looks great and controversially has (gasps) the swastika in it. Ain't that illegal in some European countries?
  17. I just killed the big boss after spider chick in Act III Hell (see how I keep up with the D3 lore?) and got two uniques with Nephalim Valour 5. They were 'almost useful but not quite' as opposed to 'completely crap.' Off to the AH with them! Go!
  18. Sorry, Entrerix is more or less on the money: Kingdom of Heaven was a bit of a mess (not a disaster but has the 'scent of meh' about it) and Robin Hood mit Russell Crowe really was average. Ridley's mojo is on the wane, I am sad to say.
  19. Level 60 at last. Yay! Tigs loaned me his Belt of Win and all of a sudden I'm just a teeny bit awesome
  20. I am reading The Fear Index by Robert Harris, a thriller about a complex financial trading computer program that predicts fear in markets and trades accordingly. It has a fairly unsympathetic protagonist I'm struggling with TBH, but as with all of Harris' work the plotting and detail is compelling. Part of it, where all the mutli-zillionaire investors visit the clinical Swiss offices of the trading company, reads like a twisted version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  21. The Total Realism mod was great, it finally made the Phalanx really crap-yourself-scary.
  22. I think, on reflection, that Rome:TW was the best of the series. I know it's heresy to say so, but there is something magnificent about it.
  23. You have probably led a Life More Manly, Bro. These are like battle scars.
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