Again, this is Ray Bradbury territory and there's nothing wrong with it... as long as the characters are interesting enough to magically radiate plot as they go along.
I'd buy that for a dollar [/robocop]
It always comes back to tunnels. It's where it's at. If, say, Transformers 2 had been set in a tunnel it would have been significantly less crap. Wuthering Heights would have been awesome had it been set underground. and, no, I'm not Austrian.
Yup. Please send me the first three chapters and a synopsis. Being terrible is no barrier to commercial success. Fifty Shades of Grey is making millions. That started, FFS, as Twilight fanfic...
Seriously, you are Mike Creighton's cryogenically preserved brain and I claim my ten dollars.
I am up to a paltry 12000 words but am over the hump and gathering pace. I'm always like this, I scrabble away at the... hymen of my plot (eeewwww) then BAM! I'm through and it's easy after that.