I have mixed feelings. I too, am leery of "enforced civility." The left increasingly use 'isms' to shut down debate they don't like (normally because they are losing), and online is their latest Gramscian battleground. Screw them. Personally, if a group of guys want to have a forum where they bitch about unrealistic nun units and I don't like it then I can (a) troll the hell out of it until I'm banned, just for the lulz or (b) just bloody well avoid it.
Getting incensed on someone elses behalf isn't (usually) how I roll.
On the other hand, the level of abuse on some online gaming servers is a disgrace, just on grounds of basic human civility. Company of Heroes, for example, is infested with Nazis. The gamereplays.org chatroom is full of racist and anti-semitic BS. Relic should be ashamed of itself for not moderating it.
Now, what's the difference between allegedly-sexist-nun-haters and CoH? Well, if I want to partake in the community for a game I bought and which has a EULA specifically prohibiting that type of behaviour then I think I'm entitled to see some standards enforced. The web forum? It's private property, dude, and I support property rights.
So I'm broadly supportive of what TN says. Then again, women are getting into gaming in such a big way, the dollars will follow them and the dudes bemoaning the lack of machismo in their games might as well shout at the nearest raincloud to stop pissing on them.
There are lots of women's forums that are hotbeds of the type of lazy sexism that they can get away with cuz they're women. If a bunch of crotchety dudes want a web-cave then let them get on with it. Not really my cup of tea, but there you go.