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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. That's one of the reasons I don't feel that motivated to work in the game biz. I'm a big fan of a secure workplace, and having to change every couple years for whatever reasons is clashing with that.
  2. So, how bad is it? Truth told, all I've ever seen from this game have been these two or three cutscene fails.
  3. Well, as Rosbjerg wrote, they only f up the games they work on themselves. Everything outside their studio like Dishonored and Wolfenstein or Fallout New Vegas is actually pretty good.
  4. As a German, seeing this thing about video game violence in America is a pretty funny experience. So glad we're over it for 10 or so years now. :D
  5. You should suggest them that. Boy, the internet would shat bricks.
  6. Maybe someone didn't like their party lifestyle in front of your house. Thought about contacting the police or animal related institutions?
  7. At a later point you can just loot these high priced armor parts and sell them. That's what I do. Doesn't make me rich, but I'm not poor either. Usually I'm hanging around the 5k coins mark. I rarely buy armor parts (because I'm good in gear now), and most of the repairs can be done with the kits. Everything else I still repair at merchants, which doesn't cost that much.
  8. ^ this is kinda cringe, imo. :> /edit: Ok, it got some better after a while. The beginning is still kinda lel though. :>
  9. Tried to watch Homeland a couple years ago but stopped after season 1. It really didn't stick with me at all and I thought it was stupid.
  10. Must be really ****ty to be locked away in a gated community.
  11. Just finished the Life is Strange: Before the Storm bonus episode. It was ok. Pretty much what I expected. Really can't stand the voice of Max anymore, tho. The voice actor went way, way over board with the slow, sad edgyness, imo. Even in situations where it just wasn't appropriate to be *that* emotionally broken.
  12. Yup, pretty impossible to buy a decent one right now. Also ram prices are sky high. The same article I bought a year ago nearly trippled in price. It's annoying.
  13. I dunno, I think this looks like they tried way too hard.
  14. Well, I didn't post the video for the gameplay, but how the game world looks like. :> Never played Syndicate. Didn't interest me much and combat looks horrid.
  15. I still think this game looks a lot like Abomination. It has the same stuff on the ground, weird mutants getting more weird with each mission, etc.
  16. "The basic idea is to hop in the shower, get wet all over, turn off the water while soaping up, and then rinse clean." We were always doing this since I can remember (well, personally I'm not doing that anymore for years now...), but nobody ever called it "Navy Shower" or something like that.
  17. how wasteful and addicted one has to be for this? If you can't even take a shower without your phone... ...Unless you're a camwhore, then it might be useful, I guess.
  18. Man, at this point you might as well invest in a VR headset. Would love to have a steering wheel as well, but I can't have it mounted on my desk all the time and I just don't have the free space to put it anywhere else. I'm already over capacity as it is.
  19. I thought it was because in the evening they had nothing better to do than bed stuff.
  20. Yes, and then give all this data to insurances and private companies. It'll be awesome.
  21. Thanks to the forums quote system, I'm going the Volo-route now. "I am fine with paid mods... in theory, but in practice, a modding community shares insight... until it becomes profitable not to; and this creates the problem of selling insight that was freely shared." Meh, I've seen that happening already with unpaid mods. Depending on the game, some folks get really butthurt about their files. "People bundled up other people's mods as their own, and tried to sell them." That's where the game owner (Publisher, etc.) needs to step in. Really, this is all on them. If they accept such packages, then they don't do any QA either, which is bad not only for the developer, but also the consumer. "Answering modding questions, becomes training your competition. I write scripts all the time, but I am not sure that I would choose to build the parts of someone else's commercial product." Well, paid mods doesn't mean *everything* will be sold. There should be a certain standard that can't be reached by just about anyone (look around at e.g. Nexus and you see that rarely anyone manages it anyway). This needs a bare minimum of QA from the game owner, to make sure everything is in order. It's not just about copyright infrightments, but also not alienating your games community with rip-off products. Paid mods *is* a tricky thing, but if done right, everyone can profit from it. Look at Bethesda and you see how not to do it. Look at... I don't know, Train Simulator, and you see that it can work (as far as I am aware, this is why they have a bazillion DLCs).
  22. Yeah, if a mod has the necessary quality, why would it be bad having to pay for it? What makes such mod teams different than "real" game developers that they aren't allowed to get anything but fancy words back from it? Making mods isn't cheap. In fact, all of the great mods that have been and will be released cost actual money to make. Development time, voice actors, final polishing, etc... the list is really long.
  23. Damn, didn't know he was dead. I always liked watching Hercules / Xena back in the days (both shows were running back to back). It was cheesy as hell, but also had something to it.
  24. Well, I'm not saying that RPGs back then were drastically different, but that I lacked the experience to notice all of that (which kinda is what this thread is about.. the "noob years"). Even the most simple fetch quest looked interesting, while today I notice it exactly for what it is: A simple fetch quest with not much work spend on it. Let's take Fallout 1 as example. After level 5 you are able to help Irwine in the Hub to get rid of the Raiders on his farm. Back in the days I never thought much about it. I liked this quest, because it was action and you got a cool reward for doing it. When looking at it today I see that it's simply a (not very complex and detailed) map with some mobs dropped in. Heck, they don't even react in any way on the player except for activating combat. There is no dialog, no movement, no nothing. It would take me literally 15 minutes to put such a quest into my Fo2 mod, no hyperbole. On the other hand, if this quest would have been done today, they probably would have worked down a checklist for things you *have* to be able to do in this location, which, while making it much deeper than the original, also feels more mechanical, more checklist-esque, if that makes any sense. It would probably lack creativity in a unique way and instead offer exactly what you expect for such a quest to offer: Combat, stealth, diplomatic path. I'm not saying this is bad, it's just predictable.
  25. Yeah, pretty much. If someone would come and say "I'm going to remake Fo1, but I'll also add this new content"... I'd not be pleased at all, because IMO content wise the game is exactly how it has to be.
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