Ah ok, hard to tell with that series and its random stuff at times. Should be some playthroughs on Youtube soon, I can satisfy my curiosity on how exactly Soap buys it and Makarov.
Another dull day. Rather wish we had the 11th off like banks and government workers do, 3 day weekend would be nice. But this is seriously opposed because if it were a holiday, children and people would have fun rather than solemnly remember veterans and the dead. So instead the kids attend some dull ceremony or talk to a WW2 vet maybe and everyone else works and deals with a transit stoppage at 11 am. Stupid Ontario.
I'm going to chalk these up to it being a beta, or just reports from those misinterpreting what they're seeing. The alternative is Bioware being dunderheads.
I miss that, was fun to not see the sun for 3 weeks while in a poorly lit sepulchral cafeteria (what brilliant mind decided that 40 watt bulbs wotuld be hunky dory, I wonder). Mind you, they renovated the place so now it's much brighter.
Got all this kit 6 months ago, Probably should have spent more on RAM, but ah well.
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB SATA3
Thermaltake Armor A90
Intel Core i5 2500K
EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Fermi
MSI P67A-G43 (B3) P67
Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi XtremeMusic
The bit with the kid was priceless. The music when the Normandy departs is pretty good for the scene, though. Also, the quote in my sig is mainly about programming (hence the source). For my elitism, I take Roberta Williams' view
Latest Modern Warfare 3 controversy generator
Ok, they took that down.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhhpeLUyjbQ hope that works
In any event, just a a FP view of a little girl getting exploded in a terrorist attack.