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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sarkessian's video made me wonder what's everyone in a huff about, wasn't much in the way of anything I haven't heard before and the presentation itself was rather dull. Heh, I wonder if she'll ever look at The Witcher - should be an amusing video.
  2. The Belial fight in SC2 was pretty funny, less of a pain than it was in D3. Seems like they did a retcon on the Zerg origin, though, but I guess they have to give the Horde treatment (non-evil race corrupted by the Big Bad, now redeeemd). Kerrigan's interactions being "I don't like killing" or "OBEY ME!" is a bit worn. Abathur is kind of funny in the moments when he wants to analyze Kerrigan.
  3. Also, any of you lot want an Arma 3 Alpha invite ? I guess I'll need your Steam IDs.
  4. Hm, wonder when someone will complain about this. My old manager being a Math major used to get pie for the office on these days, was kind of neat except for people stealing it.
  5. Think you'd need to play Witcher 2 for most of the above to work, other than the side quests I suppose - does make sense for a Witcher to do a job to kill X of Y monsters for money, but second game has some more interesting ones. Combat isn't going to change much as you go on, the group styles get more intricate I suppose and you do become a wrecking machine naturally at the end. Does remind me I should play DA2 sometime though. Rome or nothing!
  6. Fits in will the the whole Penny Arcade Report then
  7. That does mesh with the Finns I've known. Hm, my country's only really known for a place you're likely to get murdered.
  8. Bouncing between Splinter Cell and Arma 3. Latter sure is pretty, seems to run a bit smoother on my machine than Arma 2 did, but will have to try larger battles to compare. Liking the stance adjustment system, although takes some getting used to.
  9. Malcador


  10. -20 C is extreme cold ? You can still go out and do stuff, just get a decent coat. We don't get very harsh winters here, I think -8 C or so would be a good temperature to see it as being in winter in your mind's eye. Yet people prance about in these $800 down coats meant for far colder weather (well, I think they are, anyway) It does make getting out bed difficult when you hear it's -30 C with wind out though.
  11. HoTS spoilers.
  12. I dig her sandals as well.
  13. Well in terms of blowing stuff up, NATO's good at that but just thinking of the aftermath in the country when the various rebels take over in this scenario. I guess Assad wishes he had put down the rebellion in a lighter fashion now.
  14. Not too sure the aftermath of a glorious Western intervention would be very clean.
  15. As if you Dutch can talk.
  16. New guy shows up for his first day, and no one knew he actually was starting today. Well no one on my team (which is closest to what he'll be doing here). Funny for me but I'm guessing this disorganization isn't all that good
  17. Does work towards showing people you have some early work done, I guess that's more useful for people who don't need to cash in on their reputation & name though.
  18. Still more of the Guild 2. Forgot how faceroll-y it is to play a rogue character
  19. Possibly could do that - http://www.gamefront.com/simcitys-always-online-mode-is-only-necessary-for-drm/
  20. Who's the say the RPG would have been good, as well.
  21. Temporary solution at best. Also, runs the risk of making things worse.
  22. For some reason got the inkling to play The Guild 2. Impressive little bugs in this game, but it's fun to play a weapon smith trying to compete with strong families or my pickpocketing rogue with a innkeeper wife whose rising in the ranks of public office. Really though, have to wonder at why I need to tap backspace to delete a word rather than just hold it down.
  23. Yep, the Scene was behind an enormous sabotage campaign, yanno.
  24. Yeah been hearing the game is fun (when one can play it).
  25. Well, gee, thanks for reminding me of that
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