Should ship the Iraqis to the US, really. They're not obvious opportunity seekers or anything, I imagine they are included in the quotas being talked about in the EU ?
Rather surprised the niqab issue actually matters. I guess most people assume they don't have to ID themselves as part of the whole citizenship ceremony rather than just them wearing it when taking the oath.
Wouldn't put it past them, UK guys are a lot of wankers anyway. Not quite the gold standard of 8 bosses, but 7 is impressive. My company is a flatter structure, but still functions like a terrorist network - cells are isolated, etc.
Replaying Starcraft 2 on Hard, I still suck at this game. Probably should be a drone and look up some common plans and builds. Plugging along in Cities Skylines, thankfully you can buy up the whole map once your city hits 65k natively. I suppose I should make my city bike friendly, traffic is flowing well enough - even if it's 24/7 rather than lower traffic at night. Then again maybe it is so bad people are driving 24 hour journeys
Must be Gorth's new improved algorithm at work!
Possibly. I suspect management routinely masturbates to pie charts and metrics. Saves them from thinking I guess.
This week I have to give interviews. So very boring.
Should we be sorry that our country is too boring after escaping war and persecution or something like that?
So much for them being desperate and running for their lives still. Kind of rude.
Our UK office was told to reduce toilet roll use, while sounds like something out of Snow Crash, I thought that was handled by building management and not a tenant.