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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hmm, gonna have to find the Manning and Snowden threads
  2. Listened to an acquaintance bemoan his financial situation then later talk about his hooker and booze habits. People are indeed strange. Now to go buy DLCs.
  3. Russia themed. http://www.pcgamer.com/alan-wake-is-disappearing-from-steam-after-this-weekend/ Not GoG?
  4. Wonder if they will ever get Trump off Twitter.
  5. Wonder how big a EU4 GoTY type pack would be.
  6. Usually memory loss starts at that age... https://www.paradoxplaza.com/surviving-mars Hopefully more sim-ey than Cities. Edit: Kat's embed didn't load, missed him beating me to it
  7. They must be total **** then
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/11/digital-digital-donald-trump-tells-navy-use-goddamned-steam/ Need t-shirts made of that.
  9. for few seconds I was confused as I read it as perversion... You do that, not try.
  10. Eventually you'll try prevention
  11. Bethesda should buy it.
  12. ...Avoiding impropriety? This is Trump we're talking about: I'll be surprised if he doesn't initially try one of his sons, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, or even Putin himself. Alex Jones in charge of the FBI would be awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D10mHOqSfd8 The music, Joe's reaction, everything. Man Alexander Brandon is talented.
  13. Well guess we can be glad if it's anyome but Joe Arpaio
  14. ...Avoiding impropriety? This is Trump we're talking about: I'll be surprised if he doesn't initially try one of his sons, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, or even Putin himself. My money is on Guliani or the ex-Sheriff from Milwaukee. In truth either would be qualified and might do good service in the position but I can't say either would be entirely independent. I can almost guarantee is won't be the deputy director McCabe. In fact he should probably be packing his desk right about now. Not saying he should be gone... but he almost certainly will be. Giuliani might not be in it, too blatant a yes man for the optics.
  15. Two coworkers have never seen Blade Runner, we were boggling at that. At least it wasn't as bad as the one who said Dune was a boring POS of a book.
  16. Well, you could probably get the person canned that way, so ultimate victory there, heh. But at most work places that kind of crap behaviour would pass as harassment.
  17. Heh, will be a sizeable chunk of the download for some. Yeah, hope they revert that, even if modern gamers find desktop shortcuts impossible to manage
  18. Robert Miles died. Only know his Children track.
  19. Guess government does move slow if it took 4 months.
  20. Pretty amusing explanation given, too
  21. Ha ha ha ha Edit: I look forward to when the new mayor of London announces a policy that stopping a beheading is not allowed since the beheader might cut himself. Who knew chavs could be so clever.
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