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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pretty BS law by the state as well, no state contract if you boycott Israel.
  2. I fill my profile with lies and dog photos.
  3. Not sure either works, may be better to use imagined. Then again not even sure of the initial assertion, so a new term is moot.
  4. Band went downhill after Criss died
  5. Start killing toddlers in films, will be the same way. Inconsistency is the nature of Man
  6. Civ 3 free on Humble Store. My least liked one
  7. Well naturally, and paranoia is a drug. But just meant that this kind of thing isn't necessarily going to lead to the other, so best to actually get on the hill to die rather. Then again, not sure people care much about the freedom so much as just wanting to yell "HTFU".
  8. Well in this case that doesn't apply as it's fiction. But generally, not really, as if they decide they don't want to study a play, they can. You can't very well insist they provide a good reason for doing so to your satisfaction, as then you're in a glass house so to speak. And people decide to not study many of his plays for whatever reason - we skipped Tempest, Titus, Midsummer, I'm sure other schools skipped the ones we did. This sort of situation is still far from the hill to die on.
  9. Had a lunch with coworkers with them eyeballing every woman walking by, funnily enough. Our Hudson PM is finally free, lucky guy. He was due for a stroke or murder suicide on the present path.
  10. Kind of rich coming from you, heh.
  11. Arent movie rating specifically gated by age? See, at a certain age that we are consider adults (18 in the US) and thus able to view whatever we choose. The rating is useful beyond that. Also are other places you can find out the content, IMDB used to do that, for example.
  12. Or more likely they would just not study it, which is pretty benign. Not as if Titus Andronicus is essential.
  13. Didn't they start out hocking warezHa. Warez. No, you had to physically sold diskettes and later cd's on the markets back then. And yes they did. Well sure sounds like hocking warez, then. Ah the old copy protection was great in some ways.
  14. Well consider who is taking issue with it, it shouldn't be a surpriseI guess Hollywood really was the Cultural Marxist Vanguard by using a rating system for films. Pretty much all the 'concern' about this is, no matter what they dress it up as. Wonder if the tune changes if you talk about vets ventilating their skulls.
  15. Well consider who is taking issue with it, it shouldn't be a surprise
  16. I think the effective difference is that if something comes up on TV with content you don't like, you can flip the channel or turn off. The content of a course isn't something you can opt out of. Its for that reason that I think a lot of academics feel that the warnings 'help' as you can't avoid the content. I think the crux of the matter is whether the trigger warning is ultimately effective - ie to complete the course you still have to experience the content and so the question is, is it possible to effectively mitigate that with simple foreknowledge. If the answer is 'no' then the question is raised of what purpose the trigger warning serves (and is it a step on some slippery slope type of thing) and if the answer is 'yes' then certainly they can have a place provided you look at whether in so protecting the individual are you slowing down their own progress towards recovery or speeding it along. And I don't think there's any one answer to that. Seems it's three lectures, guess we would need to know more on how that course works as well. Fair enough about the comparison with TV, but felt similar in that you get a sense of what you're walking into
  17. Yeah, bit reaching to fight that battle over this, though. They might have a point, am not a psychologist and at worst case...some one wasted ink. Seems like a whole lot of nothing to be concerned about
  18. Who is we in this context?Well, I was really attempting to be humorous by ripping off a line from the original Planet of the Apes. But to answer your question the "we" would be the people who can read f-----g play without feeling so traumatized they need to see a f-----g therapist afterwards.Well some people that were victims of attacks like in the play might have some reason to be upset. There is a warning in the notes, how is that skin off your nose? Fine. If anyone whose lover was murdered and then dragged into the woods, raped, and had her hands and tongue cut off feels upset about it I'll sympathize. Otherwise my advice to the poor little dears is to either cowboy the f--k up or read something else. So it's just that people not as hard as you exist that is making you upset?
  19. No the percentage affected matters as much as it is effective. They can waste their effort if they like, but not seeing how this is a line to burning books or something similar. Seeing spiders in the hall is different than material in a play as the latter is guaranteed. Again the warnings you see on TV are quite similar and no one cares.
  20. Doesn't matter. Well unless you are really upset over wasted time and ink, maybe. Seems similar to the warnings you see on movies on TV,heh. I guess the Mail really is on to something
  21. Who is we in this context? Well, I was really attempting to be humorous by ripping off a line from the original Planet of the Apes. But to answer your question the "we" would be the people who can read f-----g play without feeling so traumatized they need to see a f-----g therapist afterwards. Well some people that were victims of attacks like in the play might have some reason to be upset. There is a warning in the notes, how is that skin off your nose?
  22. It's like that here, and we don't have any interesting past, heh. Unions are a dirty word for developers I have noticed over the years, heh. Not really worth it, but you get people that think crunch is normal or are blinded by enthusiasm so there's always meat for the grinder
  23. Who is we in this context?
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