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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sure, except its one where the war couldn't have been won without him. The idea that there's some sort of morality ledger is interesting, though.
  2. Skipped the RT3 Japan scenario, got gold on the scenario where I have to spray seed all over Greenland, although not very elegantly, but win by an inch or a mile..
  3. I think I mainly listen to game soundtracks these days. I've never used any music streaming service, I guess Youtube counts though. I still have my mp3 player for that
  4. WaPo articles on the Ukraine offensive https://archive.is/QBc7Z https://archive.is/voNgX "U.S. military officials were confident that a mechanized frontal attack on Russian lines was feasible with the troops and weapons that Ukraine had. The simulations concluded that Kyiv’s forces, in the best case, could reach the Sea of Azov and cut off Russian troops in the south in 60 to 90 days." A bit optimistic there.
  5. Exactly, will be chalked up as Hamas' fault and then people will say "war is hell" or something.
  6. Think I got a bad economy seed on this Japan scenario in RT3, is annoying when the place I need to shuttle supplies to - that is apparently in desperate need of aid - has non profitable demand for the supplies. Bah. Also playing WoW's season of discovery. Of course, WoW players' idea of exploration is checking WoWhead, but it's fun enough.
  7. But at least it was relevant. And Sarex pretty clearly implied the look at Kissinger was brief, so wasn't really much to go on anyway. Will have to read up on the Bangladeshi genocide, never really knew much about that.
  8. Fighting back on. Israel now telling people to go further towards Egypt. Good thing they are on Blue Team.
  9. https://us.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/blog/24031819 "The Shadow's Mantle Impale’s additional damage increased to 120,000% weapon damage from 75,000% to the first enemy hit, and to 40,000% from 25,000% to subsequent enemies." D3's design approach always amuses me
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/01/venezuela-oil-guyana-essequibo-vote-nicolas-maduro Exceedingly dumb to do, given the US dislike for the Venezuelan government for so long.
  11. Probably that they should have bombed Serbia harder. "Arguments that focus on loss of life in strategically marginal countries – and there is no other way of describing Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, Cyprus, and East Timor – must be tested against this question: how, in each case, would an alternative decision have affected US relations with strategically important countries like the Soviet Union, China, and the major western European powers?” The US won the cold war, and that means that the “burden of proof” is on critics to show how different policies “would have produced better results”. The Rules Based Order laid out neatly, I guess.
  12. https://www.axios.com/2023/11/29/biden-netanyahu-gaza-israel-military-palestinian-civilians I am sure Bibi will listen to Biden.
  13. Henry Kissinger
  14. Beat the Rhodes scenario in RT3 on second try, rather surprised at that. Really hate the book value objective. Almost done this game with full golds. Better 20 years late than never, I guess.
  15. Hamas obviously has Terror Hiltons in their Terror Tunnels.
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