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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. 1998 was a glorious year
  2. Wonder when we will get the chance to pay $30 for espionage.
  3. There's a focus on gender studies ? All I ever see here is pretty much press ganging people into STEM
  4. It's already doing well—gotta love the comment section unanimously tearing them a new one. Eh, not sure what the comment section's problem is for the most part, I had thought they would like authors being negative towards games. And the LSL series hasn't really been good of late, post Lowe, so is perfectly reasonable to see this as continued decline even if they can play on people's urge to stick it to "teh SJWs" or whatever.
  5. I wouldn't say it is misplaced. I mean, it is excellent that Canada has that kind of earnings mobility. I would love to see the US make improvements there. But US companies still dominate the global economy. The tech industry was basically born from that 'misplaced' attitude and it still continues to be driven by US entrepreneurs. The world is saturated in products that were born in the US. Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Apple...they were created by self-made men. Why is that? Why doesn't Canada have more of those stories? Products of self made men seem pretty bad when you list those three.... As for Canada, being right next to the US does hurt the talent pool a bit as people leave for higher pay - not sure why Canadian firms pay lower, well other than them being greedy as sin (see our entire telecom industry). When you say 'those stories' what do you mean ? Corporations that have some titanic impact or just corporations that started from one or two guys and do well ?
  6. Distant Worlds I think. Battletech doesn't count as I paid for that a ways back.
  7. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-05-23-leisure-suit-larry-is-back-from-the-dead-for-some-reason LSL might do well these days
  8. Yep, a lot of people are upset at this making Warhammer 40k for kids (uh...go figure that one) or are just wondering at how they'll make the OTT grimdark stuff acceptable to show children. As well some bleating about how this is the thin edge of the SJW wedge and soon we'll have feminist marines or something.
  9. Unreal being 20 makes me feel old
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/21/21st-may-warhammer-adventures-tales-for-younger-readersgw-homepage-post-1/ 40k for kids. Is funny to see idiots screech about this
  11. Sat outside with the dog and let him suck up sympathy from everyone passing by. Women dig an 18 inch wiener.
  12. I thought everyone was over E3
  13. Good thing in a way the shooter wussed out of killing himself. Rather surprised the cops didn't just blast him too
  14. Think most will get away with it, having sex as a secondary feature is different than it as primary
  15. Will get it and wait to get gouged on DLC on sales
  16. Those horses must be so annoyed having to trot like that
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-shows-sight-santa-fe-150800287.html Must be a false flag
  18. Listening to far too much gangsta rap today
  19. Well a lot of regular folk did get an invite due to their charity work, which is neat of them. It's a big deal for the CBC here, my mom and sister will probably have it on the TV but not a big deal - they have to put up with me watching the World Cup for example
  20. I like buggy ones.
  21. Some dude's comment on Death Magnetic's production http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/threads/mastered-by-muppets-death-magnetic.428856/
  22. Should be pretty easy to do so, the way that's slung she can't wield it quickly if you get close in. Kind of funny that she's attending Kent State too
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