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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Case in point about "bull**** you used to only hear in the pub".
  2. Wouldn't say its being hammered, they'll still sell oil to us here apparently. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/saudi-arabia-canada-oil-supplies-jailed-activists-1.4778749 so that's s good. They are kind of shafting their own a tad by pulling them from Universities and moving patients. KSA's reaction is curiosly aggressive, good thing no one called them out for funding terrorism or something major.
  3. Don't really think this is nothing new, people share opinions on everything all the time - it's just now that instead of being restricted to the pub or the basement of a buddy's house it's now reaching everywhere. Usual complaints by N that N+1 are hopeless.
  4. Playing WoW and doing the pre-expansion stuff. Not too impressed with the reasoning for the war and it has the usual authors making enemies look like imbeciles in order to portray one character as military genius.
  5. I guess it's a case of an imperfect solution being better than none. Although I suppose people could start dragging CEOs from their beds at night. Hm...
  6. I see, but killing that government power isn't going to really help me against a corporation doing ill to me, so they seem somewhat independent. Business people are only honest with a gun to their head, after all.
  7. Not following that, they seem somewhat separate from each other, no ?
  8. Whoops, my bad. Easy to confuse, both seem like asshats
  9. That was Logan Paul, not PewdiePie.
  10. His review of The Last Jedi was pretty funny, watching him go off the rails as you wonder how many rails he did.
  11. https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00659 Novel approach but software companies are already implementing it.
  12. She's trying to fix the problem.
  13. Seems so. Had originally thought it was some Saudi bros trying to be edgy or something, but who knows. The account is nebulously close to the state. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/08/06/amid-spat-with-canada-pro-government-saudi-twitter-account-shares-image-plane-flying-toward-toronto-skyline KSA sure is pissed off at Canada over this
  14. And they can be on a platform.
  15. Ah hey, I went to school with the Twitter guy.
  16. No, that was DS9
  17. Saudi Arabia is most annoyed with Canada https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-saudi-arabia-freezes-new-trade-with-canada-for-urging-activists/
  18. Pft, not in Canada.
  19. We all try to find ourselves, most never do
  20. Just claim you're a black metal artist and no one will hassle you in the woods.
  21. Was in a pub with some old WoW guild mates and buddies talking about stuff we did 12-13 years ago in game. Then went home and realized where it all went wrong.
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