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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. E-sports has one bad thing for it, acting like a prick in a competitive setting in most others results in risking physical retribution. Well or becoming Mourinho.
  2. Still failing to do Mythic Siege of Boralus in WoW. Not sure if the failure is with me or other party members, but am going with myself for now. Mythics sure are appropriately hard, but is annoying for them to gate the storyline behind this. Makes sense I guess - need to keep people grinding Did gear up a good bit over the weekend, so can at least do heroics. Paladin healing is still quite annoying though, having it based in proximity means I take a 20% healing penalty on fights where people have to spread out or move around a lot. Not sure why they had to take the proximity off the f-ing Beacon of Light but that's Blizzard for you.
  3. As if any member of this esteemed forum would play *snort* Madden.
  4. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/08/26/jacksonville-landing-mass-shooting-reported-florida-event/1104497002/ Someone decided to shoot up a Madden event
  5. http://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/vancouver-agent-selling-3-9m-burned-house-knows-red-hot-market-is-tough-but-that-s-life-1.4796303 Housing market is nuts in Vancouver. Granted, that is a big plot
  6. https://www.polygon.com/2018/8/24/17776974/marvel-strike-force-microtransactions
  7. His male supporters.
  8. Accuracy? Red Orchestra 2 wasn't exactly accurate(in terms of shooting/weapons) but the tone of the game was spot on. DICE however has delivered a pixar/disney version of WW2 which I simply don't like and to everyones surprise, it is not because of teh wimmen. Everybody with a little bit of history knowledge knows about women soldiers in the Soviet army, Polish army etc. I am pretty sure they didn't have cyborg arms though, if you are going for that kind of thing, why not simply make a Bad Company 3?! Don't mind me though, I shouldn't have had an opinion of my own, that's just...rude!!! My apologies ladies and gents. Well yeah, was getting at BF being action movie style warfare so seems a day late to be upset at inaccuracies.
  9. Tried a Mythic in WoW, that was painful. Not sure if the gear messed me up or was just playing poorly. Or could be both. I guess I'll grind out a bit to get gear to compensate for my incompetence. Holy Paladin healing seems ineffectual all things aside.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LmXLKzGUy0 *snort*
  11. Apartheid ended in 1991 or so, if I recall.
  12. https://www.engadget.com/2018/08/23/cyberpunk-2077-daylight-interview/ I guess this counts as pre-alpha ?
  13. Yeah, seems like some weird politics at play in RSA with this. Is a bit of a special case given its history but even so doing it without compensation (and I guess you'll need some proper valuation of the farm - the current owner's estimates and the states are going to be bogus) seems like it's just inviting headaches.
  14. A scene group should make a similar wesbite
  15. Something funny about wanting accuracy in a Battlefield game, but that's gamers these days for you.
  16. I forget, what's the problem with BF5 ? People not into WW2 anymore ?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XALVzYZadXkN Not quite music to invade Poland to. Maybe just Belgium.
  18. Sounds like Pompeo can at least get a free trip to RSA out of this. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/23/world/africa/trump-south-africa-white-farmers.html
  19. To be fair, this is completely broken. Once you hit max level, you're suddenly a cowering little child compared to even the most basic mob and if you're PvPing be ready for 115's to stomp your 120. Yep, 115 still has legendaries working. I wish it to stay that way though, am enjoying 120s whining that they con't stomp 111s too much
  20. You're wishing too much if you want people to not react negatively to accusations of that (like they do for every crime, pretty much) and want organizations to not get rid of someone that may be a headache for them. Well ok, organizations other than the Church in the past
  21. Well even if they did, accusations against Man A or from Woman B are separate from Argento, aren't they?
  22. Leveling professions is odd in BFA. Takes a lot of effort to produce stuff that isn't much use. Kind of redundant of my actual job, to be honest. Blizzard must really hate Engineering to treat it so. Waiting for the honeymoon to end so I can enjoy the community whining about everything fron level scaling to leveling even being a concept
  23. Is that a big deal for the, ahem, movement though?
  24. All they need is an ad reading "Armağan Yavuz's going to make you his bitch"
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