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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. As I said, yeah, RIP. Anyway -- Dylan, Morrison, Joplin...someone into muzik of the sixties. So, who do you guys think was Andromeda initially named after? Naming projects after people who died too soon was probably a bad idea.
  2. Charles Bronson was the Steven Seagal of the 70s.
  3. Brute forced my way through that scenario in T6. Have to say the game doesn't really feel all that different from T5. Still have people complaining about being homeless when I have a lot of empty homes they can afford, will have to look into that. Also is tedious to have to plonk a bus garage down and only get two stops, would be nice to just build a transit network - maybe that is coming in later eras.
  4. Wonder if Trump can get the whole cabinet to be filled with acting members
  5. Proof dogs are better than humans
  6. Tropico 6 seems like more of the same, but am happy with it. Made a mess of the current assignment, maybe will restart.
  7. Worked fine for me in BBCode mode. But best sound is
  8. Pointing out others supposed hypocrisy is a belief system these days. Sort of like mocking people for believing in or having passion for anything.
  9. Not as epic as the Alliance narrator in WC2 though
  10. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/after-borderlands-3-reveal-older-borderlands-games/1100-6466036/ Borderlands game being review bombed by angry gamers.
  11. I did Nazi that coming.
  12. Hitman Blood Money on GOG now, as well as Absolution. I guess you do get to strangle a mutant Danny Trejo
  13. That GOG is not popular based on Reddit userbase. Wouldn't surprise me, never seen a bigger bunch of Steam slaves (and utter ****ing imbeciles)
  14. Paradox and Romero...so it'll be late and chopped into many DLCs ?
  15. Eh, two MPs caused a problem for the party and got cashiered as a result. Not a case of just being women. Suddenly everyone in Canada forgets how parties work and is recoiling that politics is not pure. Scheer and his people have some precious outrage as well.
  16. What game is BFG2? Battlefleet Gothic : Armada 2, 40k space warfare game. Guess I should have wrriten BFG:A2
  17. Found it funny look at achievements for BFG2 that only 60% of purchasers actually beat the intro mission
  18. How are you seeing him loathe women? Philpott was stupid as **** to give that Maclean's interview. But political parties are a mafia.
  19. Still laugh at what EA is now as opposed to the ideal it had at the start
  20. Killed the Tyranid boss in BFG2. The ork whaling mission is BS though
  21. https://www.pcgamer.com/borderlands-3-release-date-leak/ Another big win for Epic, perhaps
  22. Reggae?! I do use the GTA stations, guarantees I get some mix. It's either that or usually stuff like Ice Cube and Tupac. Regardless my neighbours are very wary of me now
  23. I think of alpha of being in a state where you can test large things, or at least a core experience but features still missing. Beta is feature complete but still has reliability issues. Then of course at my company, we just release stuff clients didn't ask for and/or stuff that doesn't work
  24. https://twitter.com/FrankKlepacki/status/1112921222164037632?s=19 Eric Martin, man who played General Sheppard in C&C died.
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