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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Yep, winter came early this year. Nothing too bad, just irritating as hell with the snow as majority of Toronto doesn't know what a snow shovel is. So the snow will get mashed up, heel imprints harden and it turns into this horrendously uneven surface. On the bright side, more coworkers working from home, so I can enjoy an emptier office.
  2. Economy based on lust would be better. Except for rampant STIs.
  3. Well wouldn't say capitalism is founded on greed or socialism on envy in an ideal sense. But you're both right in what they appeal to. Just was trying to say that greed is not a virtue (I can attest by the various relatives I long to toss into a ditch someday) any more than being envious is. Both end up being an impetus to **** over others. If Gekko had said 'ambition', he'd be more accurate. But then he wouldn't be Gekko, I guess.
  4. Seems like six of one, half dozen of the other here. They're both cardinal sins, after all.
  5. Theft is also promoted by greed, as well as tearing down others. Didn't you see Scarface ?
  6. Red scare's still strong in the US.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2019/nov/12/david-squires-on-football-and-the-poppy
  8. Facerolling along in Witcher 3. Probably will give it a break and try to knock off Tropico 6, which I also faceroll through (I really should stop playing this series, hah).
  9. Natural instinct of humanity is to leave a better world than you found it ? Heh, ok.
  10. United aren't racists, they treat everyone equally as garbage. Going to Texas will be interesting, I guess.
  11. Preparing trip to Texas. Sadly found out the flight we booked was on United, so probably will end up getting shot en route or something.
  12. Why not ? Considering what played well last time, never know!
  13. Not sure, the lead designers of both are gone, for all that matters. Current guy does come from WoW, although he's been with them almost 15 years (so is good because WoW vanilla was flawless ) - https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Luis_Barriga
  14. It's the Diablo team not the WoW team.
  15. Why do that when they make you pray to RNGesus for hours for a drop of a key, people find that fun.
  16. Hm, maybe, certainly think they would have done it with RoS. I guess the necro does come close.
  17. Soros strikes again
  18. Seems like yelling about how they need to name the whistleblower for some reason.
  19. Oh ok, didn't get a chance to watch, just read that the MTX stuff was mentioned once and not really elaborated on. Not sure they'll be so abusive with the transactions but you never know.
  20. Nah, they can make enough off cosmetics if people care about that thing. Heh, recently read a discussion about people whining that the wings, pets, etc. ruined their immersion. I guess Diablo was Baldur's Gate or something for some.
  21. Beat the 9th mission in Tropico 6 - boy was it easy, but I did it suboptimally I guess. Noticed that only 5% of the people who bought it on Steam have done so, wondering if people play other modes or just don't play the game at all
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