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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Still Life 2 disposed of. What a uninteresting experience that was, the plot gets ridiculous as the supposed killer keeps dying and then...a twist! Still feeling like playing more adventure games, will give The Next Big Thing a go, I like Runaway so maybe this one won't be total garbage - is only $3 anyway.
  2. I miss oby, this would be a good time for him.
  3. Star Trek sure had some lazy aliens.
  4. Fridge died yetserday, so that's great timing. Got a mini fridge to help tide us over but that's one hassle I can do without.
  5. Depends on what you've smoked.
  6. I've always treated the packaging as dirty, so dispose of the envelope/box immediately and wash my hands after.
  7. https://www.axios.com/coronavirus-texas-official-grandparents-die-172ca951-891c-44e7-a9ec-77c486e0c5c3.html Would be funny to see his reaction if he fell ill with it.
  8. Do not enter the office, please respect my personal space
  9. Designers of Still Life 2 thought CSI was a great show, I guess. So much tedious evidence collecting. **** this game is dragging.
  10. Listening to coworkers whine about being cooped up in the house, I am not sure what the issue is. They want to set up a game night, but all they have is Xboxes, pft.
  11. Watching Trump's briefings is certainly an experience.
  12. People are trying to buy into the social distancing here, but in my local grocery no one seemed to care. The staff were yelling at people to space out, prompted some guy to give some speech about how this is "weakening our society" and some other nonsense, so at least that was entertaining. Cashiers got a small face shield and all had gloves so that was something. Only saw one grocery that was letting people in in groups and was wiping down carts. We're still not that high up in testing, I think last number from Canada is ~98,000 (Ontario has a backlog of 8500, bleh).
  13. Had not looked that up, for some reason I thought it did not have an English version, maybe will give that a look as all I seem to do now is play games that make me angry at their existence.
  14. Still Life 2 is....not very good. Not very impressed with some technical issues such as wanton clipping and also hearing voice of the other protagonist, Paloma, when I am controlling Victoria. Not to mention Paloma's actress must have been free with her performance. Strange decision to make the player play inventory tetris in an adventure game of all things - I can pick up a mattress and put it in my pockets but a mattress and antenna is just silly ? Glad I got this one for free.
  15. You should always shoot first. In the end, God will know His own.
  16. On the Codex or Reddit, it means you said racism/sexism is bad.
  17. Ah, just noticed connection to here marked as not secure, that's also a possibility. Just me then, so that is good
  18. Basically all I see is
  19. Finished Still Life. Not a bad game, that lockpicking puzzle and the slider puzzles ticked me off to no end, the laser puzzle with the robot seems out of place as well. Ending without finding out who the killer was is also a mark against it (although I am pretty sure I can guess who it is).
  20. Well, if the bar is set as low as Irn-Bru, not sure that means much of anythin
  21. Firefox's aggressive FB Container is gutting Raithe's posts.
  22. Such is the grace of First World corruption
  23. Can't be that bad. They all suck except for LC
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