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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Still too expensive.
  2. As usual, people overreach and ruin it for everyone. The Confederate statues should go into a museum, always weird to commemorate the losers in a civil war and some of the statues weren't put up with good intentions. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lady-antebellum-changes-name-racist-origins/ - this was pretty funny, I didn't even know ante bellum had such connotations in the South.
  3. They should rename Bragg if only for his being a terrible General. Well, unless that was the joke.
  4. I always love KSR's quote about them - "Anarchists that want police protection from their slaves". Suits so many of them I encounter.
  5. Hm, great now we have the proto NSF. How long before Trump sends in an MEU, I wonder
  6. Yep, shame that cop got off so easy. Deserves to hang.
  7. Without that show what else will A&E show ?!
  8. They cancelled Cops too - https://slate.com/culture/2020/06/cops-canceled-paramount-network-langley-productions.html
  9. Well, he spoke them to me so....yes. :P
  10. Decided to be lame and just cheat my way through Arma 3. Cheating with Zeus is pretty fun, can drop a NATO platoon to help me out when need be, hah.
  11. Hopefully Desperados 3 goes on sale soon.
  12. Today I am proud I still remember the lyrics to DMX's Party Up
  13. Jamming police radios? Sounds like the old man was augmented.
  14. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/06/turkey-protests-ypg-kurds-antifa.html A bit of a reach. But at least it's something other than "the Jews".
  15. Thought I was doing the Arma 3 Breaking Even mission so well, got my squad to the town and hunted the mortar team down solo as they decided to not advance. Then my AI team decided to just stay in the town and get wasted by an APC. However, the enemy APC decided to not attack and just wait on the road for me to destroy it with rockets. Funny instance of the AI scripting breaking, happens a lot in this game so far.
  16. https://globalnews.ca/news/7021882/rcmp-incel-terrorism-guide/ Incels are going to be in the RCMP's terrorism awareness guide, have had 2 incel attacks in 2 years here. The comedy in this is seeing on Reddit how the same people who want to dome every degree of Islamic extremist preach sympathy for these losers.
  17. Yep, I liked the casual mention of Floyd having a violent criminal past as if that is relevant somehow. But again, can't expect much from a mere cop. Apathy is death, Volo.
  18. Man sort of disappointed in myself as I breezed through the commando mission from memory in the GDI campaign. Mostly as I recall gameplay from 25 years ago yet can't remember tonnes of things from University Played some MP with a buddy, the AI is a lot more aggressive than I recall, although it seems to just rush my harvester that it somehow has located. Also did notice the bug on one map still exists where the AI sends its army to the NW regardless of who is there.
  19. Well, they think they're not civilians as well. It is pretty funny to compare a soldier and a cop just in terms of bearing, they had a bunch of Ontario cops do military drills in formation way back when we had the G20 here - was a sight. Cops' actions that weekend did a huge amount of damage to police reputation too. Related to that wonder why police departments pay for things like this -https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization/
  20. Cop Union head being what I've expected from the head of a Cop Union -
  21. Sounds like a microcosm of the DoD.
  22. Think the more reasonable demand is to just adjust the spending on cops versus other areas, with an eye to prevention as it seems they eat up a large amount of budgets in some of these cities. But I guess the cops will scare people and throw a tantrum if they try to cut that.
  23. I recall TD being very lazy in that all the missions need you to kill all units. Mission 14 is annoying for that as they have stealth tanks, so you need to comb the map looking for that one hiding there. On the commando mission where you can skip a mission if you somehow know to blow up the airstrip (never did figure out how you were to know what to blow up...well or why you need to blow up an airstrip only). Still in Arma 3's campaign. I liked the mission where you are alone and have to evade CSAT. In missions where I command a squad, having trouble working with the UI
  24. Indeed the protestors should police themselves.
  25. Except for Johnny Gat, for a time.
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