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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12353763 Strange that he'd have an interview with a non-US journalist, they tend to be less compliant than US ones (hopefully that plays outside the US)
  2. Decided to jump back to my old Caesar 3 save, realized my markets are busted as there is a food priority I never knew about, so my market ladies walk halfway across the map to get vegetables and ignore the granary full of meat. This delays their supplying pottery and furniture to houses and holds me back, gah.
  3. Just don't start talking about how you "studied the blade"
  4. Ah yes, the thin egde of the wedge. SEALs once again making the Navy proud -https://thehill.com/policy/defense/510237-navy-seals-investigating-video-showing-dog-attacking-colin-kaepernick-stand-in
  5. We should make an Obsidian play by post game!
  6. Well played a bit, realized the downside to 2 monitors is I think I am scrolling left and end up on the other monitor, hah. Ah well, is fun so far, I'm running my own MMO...right down to moron DPS rogues.
  7. Honestly, you had me thinking this was going to lead to some kinky stuff.
  8. Wilford Brimley
  9. Maybe I wll go play Majesty
  10. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/07/how-jared-kushners-secret-testing-plan-went-poof-into-thin-air Wonder what else Kushner will lend his magical skills to.
  11. The dad'll set the Republic on fire...
  12. That's just there for safety for the one above.
  13. Have dual monitors now, of course they are not level so need to get a monitor stand, but it's nice for work, at least
  14. I don't think you're quite the right colour to provoke them that much, Volo. And you speak English so you're less scary
  15. That's 21 days played, though, think I played a ridiculous amount for 2.5 months (when I get to 110 having less than 2 days /played I laugh). I always enjoy the leveling but, I guess what makes this more painful than before was I am now alone, whereas 15 years ago I did alongside 7-8 school friends. Add in the fact I've done this all before many times, sort of a anctipatory mental fatigue sets in as I recall "Oh crap I have to do this PITA quest..".
  16. Yeah the pre-1.9 Paladin would separate the boys from the men. I am amazed I did that back in the day with Holy Paladin and on a PVP server. 21 DAYS to hit 60, hah. I mainly play for that nostalgia feel, really. It is funny though to read people in chat sneering at retail and somehow thinking vanilla was "hard" - people are downing Ony naked or doing MC with 50s
  17. I dunno, Americans should hear that they are terrible more often.
  18. Lindsey Graham sure looks different.
  19. Because of the stupid **** he just said about delaying the election, maybe. Whenever he chucks a flashbang, something else is afoot.
  20. Tried to play WoW Classic, forgot how truly awful the Paladin was and why I was on IRC so much while leveling (not much input neded). Still is fun to visit the old zones and catch a bit of the nostalgia, but I am not as hardcore as I was back in 2005. Still plodding along with Brno, at least I feel I will avoid relegation in this season, unlike real life Brno Still trying to find a good tactic, the league worships 4-2-3-1 2DM, so I had thought playing 4-1-3-2 with Inside Forwards might work but I guess my players are total crap - the game where I had 14 attempts on net and 0 on target is a telling thing, hah.
  21. I assume he knows he has no power over that. Well, or at least someone showed him, maybe via cartoon.
  22. Apparently people have been upset about lack of communication about Squadron 42, so CIG has responded - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/squadron-42-roadmap-update/3260782 The part of about planning a new roadmap is somewhat suitable for CIG
  23. Got my Kul Tiran to 110 in WoW so I got the fancy pirate gear...totally unsuitable for a plate wearer, but is something. Think I'll finally try to learn HOI 4 next. Also still plodding along with Brno, did get a good laugh out of being awarded €450 for advancing in a tournament.
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