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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hah. Yeah mainly I keep it to load up old games and I've a bunch of stuff archived on DVDs. Back when I had a bandwidth cap I needed it for larger games - got the physical version of GTAV, 5 discs, blah. Had to replace a bunch during my transition from XP -> 7 -> 8/10, as with my soundcard.
  2. I am sure I am the only one that still uses an optical drive
  3. It's funny how so many people are a-ok with that, as Portland is apparently in total chaos or something. Seen that a lot, people will approve death squads once the perception of crime reaches high enough, heh. Apparently the fed agents (who I guess really should be laid off if they have free time off their primary job to do this ) are heading to Chicago as well - https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/criminal-justice/ct-chicago-police-dhs-deployment-20200720-dftu5ychwbcxtg4ltarh5qnwma-story.html
  4. Honestly stopped hearing the song after a while, too lazy to alt-tab and shut off Winamp. 2:1 K:D ratio though for all that time, though.
  5. In my youth, I played 14 hours straight of Tribes with that song on repeat. Still get flashbacks when I hear that song.
  6. If only McConnell were a man.
  7. Probably better Fx with USD than CAD.
  8. No problems with discipline this way, looks like good policy...
  9. Not quite as ragey as...well trying to have a raging choir is going to difficult, I'd imagine.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/19/us/federal-judge-esther-salas-shooting-investigation/index.html Guy goes to judge's house, shoots her husband and son, kills the latter and now is dead due to suicide.
  11. D3 with the new DH set. Is nice to just hold down Strafe and watch my Hungering Arrows just off everything on the screen. ARPGs get funny with higher difficulty, bosses with 1 trillion health, I am hitting for crits of 350 billion damage.
  12. You owe me 10% for suggesting the third ticket.
  13. I still do, haven't actually compared the onboard sound to it recently though but the last time I had to use onboard I did not care for it.
  14. Was a good interview with Wallace - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/transcript-fox-news-sunday-interview-with-president-trump As always reading Trump is more painful than hearing him
  15. Third time's a charm!
  16. But it's fun to watch people bicker, really. 3rd part the camera man pretty much tries to start a fight with them, for some reason.
  17. Torontonians chime in
  18. Yeah I dunno about that, you try that stuff in Pearson and I'm pretty sure you'll have some CSBA guys on you. Well, hopefully cops look into it and they get charged, looks like it should have just been a scuffle at worst. People weren't raised right, I guess. Real sacks of **** on Twitter applauding this but...it is Twitter, I never notice anything intelligent written there.
  19. The cops tale sounds believable, but I'm skeptical of what soldatos in blue say always. Not quite sure the **** beating people up in the airport are BLM, but they need better security in that airport. Also with COVID who the **** is flying?! There are some nice gems that Twitter linked with that post though, Trump wanting Soros deported for some reason, and the usual complaints of BLM being Marxist. Twitter was a great invention.
  20. You need better things to do to pass time while at work, Volo
  21. Learned there's a monument to Ukrainian SS soldiers in Canada. Apparently someone defaced it, so cops looking at it as a hate crime https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/graffiti-on-monument-commemorating-nazi-ss-division-being-investigated-as-a-hate-crime-by-police See, Nazi worshippers in Kanada!
  22. I am not entirely sure what the deal is with masks, I assume because it is meant for others' safety and that's not American to think that way Is an interesting situation in Georgia, where the governor has some issue with mask mandates for some reason, as well as some mayors wanting to shut down again as things are spiking in Atlanta, and other cities - https://www.ajc.com/politics/politics-blog/kemps-office-files-lawsuit-seeking-to-block-atlanta-mask-mandate/JJQ5DQW2QFE6PN7TTVO2ISNFDQ/
  23. Just wear black, you're set either way!
  24. We are all BLM here, then. And mass murdering Nazis.
  25. Further journeys in my hatred of SaaS, having to deploy patches in an environment at some late hour and no one bothers to ensure I have access to the environment. Got to waste the entire day harassing people via email though, so suppose is one bright side.
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