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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I dunno, Americans should hear that they are terrible more often.
  2. Lindsey Graham sure looks different.
  3. Because of the stupid **** he just said about delaying the election, maybe. Whenever he chucks a flashbang, something else is afoot.
  4. Tried to play WoW Classic, forgot how truly awful the Paladin was and why I was on IRC so much while leveling (not much input neded). Still is fun to visit the old zones and catch a bit of the nostalgia, but I am not as hardcore as I was back in 2005. Still plodding along with Brno, at least I feel I will avoid relegation in this season, unlike real life Brno Still trying to find a good tactic, the league worships 4-2-3-1 2DM, so I had thought playing 4-1-3-2 with Inside Forwards might work but I guess my players are total crap - the game where I had 14 attempts on net and 0 on target is a telling thing, hah.
  5. I assume he knows he has no power over that. Well, or at least someone showed him, maybe via cartoon.
  6. Apparently people have been upset about lack of communication about Squadron 42, so CIG has responded - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/squadron-42-roadmap-update/3260782 The part of about planning a new roadmap is somewhat suitable for CIG
  7. Got my Kul Tiran to 110 in WoW so I got the fancy pirate gear...totally unsuitable for a plate wearer, but is something. Think I'll finally try to learn HOI 4 next. Also still plodding along with Brno, did get a good laugh out of being awarded €450 for advancing in a tournament.
  8. Whoops, wrong thread.
  9. Sounds like the Doctor forgot she's not in her 40k RPG. Her promise that Christ Himself would destroy Facebook to defend her was nice.
  10. Isn't Pondsmith still working with them or has that ended ?
  11. Secret Service agent's face sums up the press conference today -
  12. Could be they just like boobs. Would explain Witcher. I have something agains the studio. Game looks like boring ****.
  13. Nope, all studios in Poland. Did look up a video of the prologue and...yeah it's as I expected . NSFW, obviously.
  14. Also Flying Wild Hog.
  15. See, the PRC has bought the American Education system!
  16. https://newsroom.intel.com/news-releases/intel-changes-technology-organization/#gs.bbpryz Bit of a reorganization, big change is the Chief Engineering Officer leaving.
  17. When edgelords decide to make a game - https://www.pcgamer.com/in-the-demo-for-succubus-you-eat-a-fetus-for-hit-points/
  18. The 3 guys working on SC2 have been busy
  19. Well, guess they just don't want the federal cops there and as for provoking it, I can see why - it's an attractive target for protest, federal cops work for Trump more directly, etc. Feds know this as well and all this rock throwing and fireworks is what Trump and his campaign would want, all the protests about BLM are now all attempts to destroy America or something that Americans can be scared of (as easy as that is). https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/509172-black-portland-activists-call-federal-crackdown-a-distraction-from
  20. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed7aJV7XsAArMFj.jpg The brightly coloured uniforms are nice, statement of self confidence to wear that colour. Contrasts well with the terrified soldato with the gun on the lady.
  21. https://apnews.com/1dd1bb39093a3691f4e78093787ab877 Sort of an interesting read on the Portland protests, riots or whatever.
  22. Surprised they left out McVeigh.
  23. Why not Florida. The final solution for Florida Man.
  24. NFAC = No Fire arm control, I guess. Even funnier as their leader had said they were "expert shooters". Group seems like a bunch of nutjobs though, wants a chunk of the US for a black only state.
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