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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Napalm Records tells me all I need to know
  2. It is not friend or enemy, heh, three states with people. If I need a cop, I need them to do their job, that's all. But I am aware of what's likely the reason for it. Same as when a waiter is nice and pleasant with me, they're most likely just doing good CS not because they like me or anything. As for having contempt for cops, that's a curious interpretation, but as you do. Well, you live outside of civilization. In Toronto, it is rather impressive to see 6 cops show up pretty promptly for one drunk or an old lady throwing things about.
  3. Pretty terrible ROI for the money they are spending (then again this assumes the cities are this violent hellhole as seen from outside) But that is part of the approach to stop sending cops who can't understand how to handle mentally ill people or have better things to do that deal with the calls they have now, then there is savings from that. Sure sounds like people with training that makes them act like thugs are not to be seen as friends, no ?
  4. Aren't people focusing on the municipal budgets not the state? So cutting the LAPD, for example, isn't going to affect a rural area?
  5. Yep. Should be direct and say cut their budgets some, but that is not catchy. But people love the hammer approach to resolving crime rather than tackling it via additional avenues.
  6. Yeah, right, as if Facebook moderates posts.
  7. Gorth Edit: NSFW warning https://gfycat.com/blackandwhitecomplexgopher Filmed in the GTA. Looks like something out of GTA too.
  8. Oh the complaints are legitimate. But still doesn't hold me back from wishing to bayonet them in the neck, they whine so much. Had one decide to refuse a workaround while a fix was being worked on as...apparently that's the improper way.
  9. Heh, that explains a lot.
  10. And that is why they are not your friends. If they were, you wouldn't have to worry about that. And was being a bit flippant about the appearance, but the kind of cop that goes around with the wannabe soldier aesthetic, usually isn't all that good a cop, I've found. Very enlightening hanging around cop forums, well or depressing, depending on how you look at it. In any event, only thing harmed by someone assuming all cops are **** is, what, the cops' feelings getting hurt ?
  11. I disagree it is unfair to not extol them for good deeds when that is literally what their job is, and you assume the best of the cop if you think that blocks to "friendship" is solely on the side of the public. Most of the cops I know really give off the vibe of the quote from Blade Runner where "if you're not cop, you're little people", if we're relying on anecdotes, and I have plenty of experience of my cop neighbour exhibiting small **** syndrome. As I stated though, them not being your friends doesn't mean they are evil or something, otherwise every person you've never met would be so. Volo's not far off the mark when he says you treat them like a gang member or a wild dog I'd say, just avoid them if possible, don't piss them off if you have to interact with them.
  12. Well a lot of the "friendly" things a cop will do is because they are paid to do so. The statement they are not your friend is like the statement about HR - they are there to protect the company, not you. Doesn't mean other party is demonised by saying so, just helps to keep the relationship clear in your head.
  13. Never understood why anyone would think some armed, shaven headed dude with Oakleys would ever be so.
  14. Hm, tough to say. Cops will definitely simmer down and be nice, I would think. Well unless they have black dudes with ARs, then they may employ their killology degrees. But I am being a tad facetious. Definitely is not a good idea, as you look at worst case possible.
  15. Scared and angry people ? Well the cops already have them so no issue there.
  16. After listening to customers complain about issues, I realize how true the statement "Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” is.
  17. Hoc musica placet Caecilium. (Wrong, but it's been 20 years) Ah wait, should be hoc musica Caecilium placet. I think.
  18. Man, metal sucks these days.
  19. Cops seem to be very polite and civil with armed guys at protests.
  20. Xe is outsourced to TMSC, I believe. Disappointing news, at least they apparently have a grasp on the issue so it's not a total disaster. Guess it does go to show how difficult the engineering is. https://www.anandtech.com/show/15926/intel-7nm-delayed-by-6-months-company-to-take-pragmatic-approach-in-using-3rd-party-fabs On the bright side, have a lot of entertaining uninformed opinions on this to read.
  21. American healthcare is so weird from the outside, some times.
  22. https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/07/toronto-condos-share-plunger-efficient-toilets/
  23. Or go with Lamenters. Then any faults with the design will be lore based.
  24. Can't wait to see the half-lie statistics they'll truck out to show its success in other places. Already did so in KC - https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article244421027.html
  25. Vermin Supreme would get mine
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