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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-wisconsin-elections-641a8174e51077703888e2fa89070e12 Bastards, beat Jared to the punch.
  2. Customers in Planet Coaster are babies, too scared to ride a coaster with a couple of parts where they are subjected to 11 g, pft.
  3. Never had one myself but based on the squirrels consuming the ones people leave out like idiots, I assume they can't be all that bad to eat. But edible is edible.
  4. https://www.mediamatters.org/infowars/militia-leader-stewart-rhodes-says-his-group-will-be-polling-locations-and-ready-kill Well I'm sure the FBI won't do anything with this.
  5. His servility to Nixon would be one, given that the two guys ahead of him resigned in protest, don't you think ? Well and I guess doing it for a SCOTUS nomination Nixon promised him also doesn't reflect well.
  6. After this, I want CDPR to put micro-transactions in CP2077, just to enhance the pain.
  7. So sad to see a kid aim so low, he could have at least aspired to be a Marine.
  8. Given Bork's role with Nixon, was sort of strange to put him up for a Supreme Court Justice.
  9. It is a waste of a good pumpkin
  10. Ah, thought the fourth game wasn't a sequel.
  11. Wouldn't just the person that told be in trouble for that and not the company though ? Especially if such things are mentioned in their contract. I would be surprised if they didn't know unofficially though.
  12. These days never take vacation days around game launches "All of them found out at the same time we did - CDPR sent an internal email simultaneously with the public tweet"
  13. Best thing about this campaign has been Graham begging for money.
  14. Should just delay it 6 months.
  15. Looks somewhat interesting.
  16. It is a bad feeling to look at a game you spent $30 on or something and not enjoy it (I have a lot of those..), I guess one reason why I try to never spend more than $10 these days. I sort of feel that way about Brigador, perhaps was poor purchase on my part to blow $25 on something I am not sure why I thought I'd enjoy to that degree. Do need a new adventure game, perhaps I'll finish the Deponia trilogy, as much as I detest the protagonist in that game.
  17. Hide it from your libraries and pretend you never bought it until you think you never did.
  18. They still do, and people still do it. You have too much faith in people :P
  19. It's not what they're referring to, I believe. This also comes to mind
  20. Depends on your skin colour.
  21. Thinking back many of my professors and teachers certainly thought of us as intellectual deserts. One used to tell us as much
  22. I am curious, how much discretion do you have when making lesson plans anyway ? Just told "Do Topic X" from higher up and it's up to you to determine how ?
  23. Related songs for me were all pro-IRA songs. Pretty sure I am on a watch list now
  24. More SJW Cultural Marxist indoctrination, no doubt.
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