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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Some dialect of it, yah. Status update : I have not managed to learn this song. Also my dogs do not care for the song.
  2. QA knows how to read an Out of Office status, this was a developer Today's objective is learning how to sing Snow's Informer.
  3. Took day off, came back to a slew of Teams messages from one guy in India messaging me every hour with "Hiiii....".
  4. Hm, Megadeth should be banned for all the mass murderers that posted their songs.
  5. Mercifully my "SJWs are RUINING _______" recommendations are gone. Just endless Mass Effect 2 videos (clicking on them is a heavy risk.....but the priiiiiiiize)
  6. Waiting for free
  7. Sounds like he missed his chance at an exciting career in the Mafia.
  8. Times like this I feel I could have made it as a game developer.
  9. XCOM 2 is super cheap, am tempted.
  10. Well, at least the woman's cute.
  11. Is it worth it ?
  12. Somehow ended up in Gold tier on Overwatch, which is too good for me. Is notable how everyone always rages against the tier they are in and says they are unjustly in it, no matter bronze, gold or silver in my experience. Also keep ending up with people who seem to be streaming based on their never shutting up. Should start throwing, I long for silver's toxicity.
  13. Guess it shows how little people care about state songs. Maybe they can replace it with "John Brown's Body"
  14. Anandtech's full review - https://www.anandtech.com/show/16495/intel-rocket-lake-14nm-review-11900k-11700k-11600k The i5 doesn't look too awful, depending on circumstances.
  15. Shame the Telegraph didn't post the documents they read, the quoting in their article is making me feel like I'm reading the Mail, heh.
  16. If that's true, looking at RPG forums....those kids were in a BAD way to begin with.
  17. Thin Red Line > Saving Private Ryan
  18. Not every time. Have tried some bakeries that are lucky they were mafia fronts.
  19. Perhaps they save the good stuff for the USA, because the ones I've tried up here are nothing to write home about. The best donut I've had was in local bakery, which is what you'd expect, I suppose.
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