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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. ME3 and DA2 will easily recoup any losses
  2. The "not caring" dig Thorton made. It would be funny to see TOR flop, and then watch the effect on Bioware and EA afterwards, however unlikely that will be.
  3. Ah lucky thing it's only 10 days. Bored of this already, heh.
  4. So I am not spunking in my pants over this MMO and simply posting somewhat bitter pill news from a *gasp* news site makes me a big meanie? I'd suggest its you with the vested interest in the game that clearly has the issue with only wanting sunshine and roses to be discussed. Sorry to disappoint. *shrugs* its only a game. One that you claimed to not care at all about. But just doing your civic duty and letting the rest of us know, right? DeathDealer = Win. You're a very sensitive person Mr. Harlequin. It's still somewhat "news" worthy material to post. The reactions you guys have against him are pretty funny, heh.
  5. Holy Paladins have neat abilities now, got a scroll from a friend. The talent where you heal yourself with any spell or judgement will get nerfed hard, such is the bait and switch of releasing the talents early, heh.
  6. Two of my friends are intending to play. It'll be funny to see how long it takes for them to get bored again. Paladins have changed quite a bit, I hear.
  7. Kind of funny how I've ended up with Siam, Germany and Arabia all randomly stating I must die even though we've been buddies off and on. Now Germany's been cleaved and Arabia's dead, and my empire is still my cities and a whole host of puppet states. Really dislike that global happiness and the effect of annexation.
  8. That does seem to be a flaw in Civ V, with the schizo AI.
  9. Hate the Brutii. In my last game, I killed and lost about 10-15 armies in Greece, swapping Athens, Thessalonika, etc constantly. Eventually they just ran out men. Was great fun though, fighting the Julii in Gaul and Spain at the same time I'm fighting the Brutii in Greece and the damn rebels in Judea.
  10. Mucking around with Civ 4 this weekend.
  11. I miss that feeling in University. Course, sitting in the lab cursing yourself does make you look insane. To some.
  12. Don't forget Bofors and Saab. Edit : Well ok, I mean the military Saab, and Bofors is owned by the British, hm. Stupid me
  13. What, sliders ? I wish they had left naval transports in, never really found them to be an enormous problem. As for racials, I think Suleiman's (sp?) is pretty garbage.
  14. Modern Warfare was just hard due to facing an unending horde of Arabs/Russians. I must have killed an entire company in that Pripyat level, heh. Regen'ing health is fine for games like COD, but it's terrible when it finds its way into games like Rainbow Six.
  15. Thanksgiving here, I should have taken Tuesday off, but I figure I'll take next Friday off. 3 day work weeks are such fun
  16. Weird, can't really get hooked on this game.
  17. I concur with Operation Flashpoint, it was something fresh aside from other FPS games. Shame the fools at Codemasters keep pumping out garbage with the OpFlash name attached though.
  18. Funny to think of it as a young person's thing when you look at the ages of the members of the groups. Wonder what effect publishers dropping all their DRM would have anyway, other than saving RELOADED time.
  19. Alpha Centauri. They need to make a sequel to that
  20. Right now listening to some Sabaton. Cheesy-ish music at times, but can't beat subject matter like Simo H
  21. Legionnaire is one of their best, I find.
  22. Matrix Revolutions. But I concur with the statement her husband is one lucky SOB
  23. Oh it's not bad at all, but I'm in need of a fiction book to read anyway. Interesting writing style too, telling a story and then notes on what he learned from it. His notion of digging in if you're hanging around in an area for more than 10 minutes seems pretty obvious nowadays with hindsight, likewise the "don't bunch up in an open field" during an artillery strike.
  24. The NFO files are sometimes very helpful, seen some that provide links to the tools needed, etc. Although it is amusing to read the comments sections and boggle at how many people are failing to RTFM.
  25. I love the squeaky voice guy that yells "Victory is ours!"
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