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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. eh, he's in my XBL friend list. It just so happens that the list shows what everyone is watching.
  2. Over the weekend Josh's been watching lots of Ghost in the Shell..... Also, MCA is at bethesda http://twitter.com/#!/ChrisAvellone/st...839558454132737
  3. Whatever your opinion may be, you made way too many grammatical and spelling mistakes to have a right for snide "your foriegn" comments. By doing that you come off as a childish troll and negate any validity to your criticisms. But hey, it's the internet, so it's all good, I suppose.
  4. ohhai If you're psyched for DE:HR, i highly recommend reading the tie in novel. It's quite enjoyable.
  5. If you've tried to preorder from amazon and didn't get an option for release day delivery, check again. Amazon just enabled it for bunch of new markets.
  6. Ok, again I don't know if you are joking or if you're flaming, raving MS fanboy.. ..are you seriously trying to convince anyone that the Kinect microphones would be better at recognizing your voice than the included headset that's placed like an inch from your mouth? Not at all, but my wife isn't going to wear that headset. Plus APIs are written for kinect.
  7. Absolutely serious. My xbox is more often used for netflix, zune, last.fm and espn than for games and the search in those apps is used on a daily basis. In fact, same is true for a very large number of xboxes. 40% of xbox usage comes from non gaming utilization. That's a pretty big number for a gaming console. Obviously, catering to that market will return huge profits. As of Kinect, I noticed that the big screen had a very considerable delay across all games. I've played with Fun Labs and it wasn't that laggy on my console. Frankly, it seems that the AV setup sucked. So far, I haven't had any kinect experiences ruined by lag in my personal experience. As of voice recognition, Kinect is needed because most of the time it's sitting 6+ feet from the user in a room(living room) that is usually the loudest in a household. Utilizing 4 mics for noise cancelation is a must. Oh and MS doesn't give a rat's ass about Sweden. Live with it. Most of their content is for US/UK. Again, realize that NS was presenting for their investors, who don't give a **** about games.
  8. Been watching Sony presser. Feels like i'm getting brainwashed. Every two sentences i hear "amazing", "great", "best" and so on. It's almost as bad as apple. It's clearly obvious that Sony used the presser pimp their brand to core gamers, which they really needed to do. MS, on the other hand, went ahead and focused on entertainment and family aspects of their console, which is growing to remarkable numbers on their platform. Smart move, they need to get the casual crowd. Hopefully they will provide funding and security for better "core" experience.
  9. So I'm finally watching MS presser. I really don't see why people see it as a failure. They've covered all of their talking points - Games for gamers - GoW3, MW3, Tomb Raider, Forza 4. They showed evolution of xbox - live tv, xbox bing are huge, those of you with families and xboxes, tell me, how much does your concole get used for non gaming stuff. They showed Kinect games - obviously catered for casual crowd, only this time they showed real advances in trying to figure out how to appease hardcore crowd(kinect as a secondary controller) I'm yet to see the ret of the presentations, I'll update my thoughts then. EDIT: Okay, Kinect Sports presentation was absolutely ridiculous
  10. This. Canceled my preorder. I have a feeling I will be able to pick up balls of steel on the cheap later. Now I need to figure out where to order DS3 from(no release day delivery from amazon)
  11. I guess I'll go and rent it from redbox tonight
  12. Aye, Balls of Steel edition, but mainly because it's DNF and it deserves a CE
  13. MW1 was a really fun game. MW2 is utter crap
  14. where is ME3?
  15. double posted somehow
  16. I'll be sticking to my 360/kinect. Although I might get PS3 this year. Finally check out those uncharted games and all
  17. God, this game is too gorgeous(talking about visual design here, not graphixxx) Can't ****ing wait
  18. Lil' Wayne pimping FIFA?
  19. I still lurk more on NMA than here. FIFA and Kinect. how is it?
  20. Oh stop wining about NFS. There's still Shift and Hot Pursuit. I'll play run for the sake of driving around Chicago
  21. Chicago looks REALLY good.
  22. he hey, Chi-town!
  23. RE: ME3 kinnect shenanigans. I want to see how it works. It could be kinda cool and, god forgive me, immersive.
  24. Sorry, are you trying to act cool while gaming?
  25. If you have kids it'll most certainly be good stuff. Problem is I don't have kids, nor am I interested in the "YOU are the controller" novelty. I have the Wii and I haven't used it in ~a year. My son doesn't play games yet. I do and having plenty of experience with both Kinect and Wii, I see the huge difference between gimmicky glitch controls of Wii and the potential of Kinect. Voice commands are a great idea, I've always wanted to do that. That's really where Kinect can shine - minigames, menu navigation, voice commands and secondary movements(like head tilting in Forza)
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