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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. This is going to be so glorious! MCA and ****ed up characters, here I come.
  2. So I lost my ME1 saves and now replacing it so I can replay ME2 and finally check out the DLC. Anyway, what a chore that game is!
  3. So do people still believe that this is a new engine? Beth fooled me once with ESIV, twice with F3 and now trying to play me like a tard with exactly same hooks. I may be stupid, but I ain't no cretin, Beth. No no no.
  4. cans = headphones x41 = model of said headphones Didn't pick up Vietnam expansion yet, but regardless, BC2 doesn't do cross platform multiplayer:(
  5. SO I got a nice set of cans(Turtle Beach X41) for my 360 and started enjoying Bad Company 2 in multiplayer. Anyone here plays that thang on 360?
  6. I have a feeling it's been a very difficult project for OSI.
  7. Tess, you're one of the people who I associate very closely to some of the funnest days in my gaming life - days prior to the release of F:NV. The fact that you've worked so hard on the game that threw me 10 years back, to before I was jaded with Crapouts, means a lot to me. Thank you so much for all of your work and I sincerely wish you all the best and good luck in finding an awesome job.
  8. Dang, this really sucks. Akil and Tess were ones whose name popped up often enough. I'm hoping FNV DLC is still happening. Best of luck to everyone involved.
  9. The atmosphere reminded me of HL1 more than anything.
  10. Cave Johnson here. Attempting manual ovverride. /soontobeoverusedmemes
  11. That was ridiculously awesome.
  12. Why would you, when there is this: http://www.offtopicproductions.com/hdtp/ I like their work, but that mod is the Duke Nukem Forever of mods. As far as I know, they have been 99% ready for about two years now. All work on HDTP has stopped a while back. Right now the DNF of mods is Black Mesa.
  13. DNF is delayed. The announcement video is great:
  14. Not in US. In-game items are all preorder bonuses. Read less kotaku. http://deusex.com/augmented
  15. This. DA:O was crap and this is obviously worse.
  16. DNF scans and multiplayer details:
  17. We've known that MCA is leading DLC projects for a while.
  18. It's no masterpiece, but James is a big fan of the originals, which is rather apparent. There's a thread with him doing Q/A on the official forums: http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?t=111225
  19. Yah, been reading it too, good read so far. Enjoying use of Gibson's language when talking about hackers
  20. single player demo was incredibly dull and boring. Should be fun in multiplayer though.
  21. I've played through Dead Money on my 360 and hardset parts to me were the radio puzzles in the Sierra Madre and the run to Sierra Madre gates after activating Gala. But yeah, writing was great.
  22. I thought the lulziest "feature" is NPCs trying to give you your stuff back. I can already see some little kid chasing me across half of the map, just to give me back the rags I looted from his father's corpse.
  23. scans are on the web. Google will find them for you
  24. It's a vastly expanded version of developer diaries, so there is a lot of good new stuff in it. Also, the comic will give you a decent amount of background on lore, especially concerning Great Khans, NCR and Chairmen.
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