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Everything posted by Kissker

  1. So I have a 'bridge' in the air from my main base to the nearby baseball. I made a wonderful 'tower' to hold up the corner where it needed to make an L , using a clay foundation and 8x palisade (2 tall, all around) with the internal support being the scaffolds. At the top I added 2 more scaffolds and some angled roof to make it look like it was holding up the bridge. total cost something like 78 stems, 8 clover, 4 clay, and of course fiber and all that. Now.. the issue. A wandering wolf spider appeared, and I am not sure if it 'clipped' into the tower structure, or just flat out attacked it with a powerful attack - but it INSTANTLY destroyed it. All of it. In 1 hit. Keep in mind this is clay foundation, 3 scaffold tall, etc. It then did a 'lunge attack' and I was 1 shotted as well. Is there something wrong with physics/acceleration? It's never done that before, and I was in LadyBug armor. I also notice my Mushroom farms and Dew Collectors stopped working. IF you make a new one, they work once, with all the resources seeming to instantly appear after a short while of being built, but no matter how many days pass they remain empty after you collect that first batch. Back to the pallisade/clay foundation problem... I thought these were supposed to be 'tougher' materials, which is why they require unlock as well as pretty expensive resources (8 stems per wall of palisade makes it the most expensive wall by so far.) Do they not function as 'stronger defense' materials? Are they 'cosmetic only" ? Would not make sense in the traditional survival game style, but thought I'd ask. The next part added some humor to a devastating attack - the pile of supplies (while lagging me out when created, once it settled it was fine) seemed to cause the enraged spider to 'clip into it' and then it went FLYING through the air into the distance. (to the west of the Rake) I haven't bothered seeing if it died of fall damage/collision damage yet (it was probably twice as high as the weeds grow) but it both wouldn't shock me if it was dead, or if the game made bugs immune to fall damage.
  2. So.. first let me say Thank You to Obsidian for hotfixing a few problems, like Larva Swarms and Raw Science not appearing (as well as Burgle disappearing, etc). So thank you, very much. However... now that I have Raw Science... something else is amiss... my dew collectors don't appear to be functional. (personally.. would rather revert this, as Water is heavily needed, while I can obtain Raw Science in other ways, although I am not sure if the 2 are connected or not) Now.. to some fun bits of the suggestions. first off.. I would love to have a system to stop regrowth of plants. I know there is a small radius around foundations (from testing) and if you build on it, it won't usually regrow, but I want a more solid - and factually stated method. The number one method seems to be to 'leave grass stumps' if you want them to regrow, and 'chop them down completely' if you want to remove them. In my testing -it hasn't mattered what I have done - so I would love this to be an actual function, instead of just players stating it is. with that - a permanent removal of materials - I would like to have a 'regrow fertilizer' introduced, make it expensive and require Raw Science to either craft, or unlock, or both. (in addition to other things) I would suggest an a 'station' like the smoothies to make it, needing 1 acorn top, 4 larva pincers, 2 glowing fungus, and maybe some other materials to build, and using a set of materials to craft 1 'super fertlizer' - it would be used on the ground with a range indicator of what it would effect (a highlight ring that would highlight previously existing grass/materials to be effected by regrowth) once regrown, the grass will keep regrowing until the 'stump' is completely removed again, resetting it to 'map original'. (the set of materials might be 3 groups of 5 items each, allowing us to get rid of excess ant parts, larva pincers, etc) I would like to see better building in the game as well. Things like the angled wall are nice to fit on the side of stairs, but there is no current way to 'rotate' that so it is 'upside down' to place under a bridge for example, to give a nicer look, or functional support to attach flooring to. We also don't have any half walls, but Foundations and walls can snap and be placed to 'half height' making it rough in some cases to fill in gaps in buildings that occur when you have a foundation at half height as well as ones at full height. And finally, some objects like roof should snap to walls more effectively. If you were to rotate a wall 45 degrees (angled) for example, you cannot snap/place a Angle Wall on top of it, as angle walls only rotate to 4 snap points, and not the 45 degree angle wall placement. It would also be nice if we could include peblets into walls for fortifications, it wouldn't have to be the full wall, just 1/3 up the base for example, or a peblet foundation similar to clay (maybe using clay and peblets to craft) Raw Science. Without spoiling, I know there are things to the current game, but keep that in mind while I describe this, as those current things are kinda useless/wasteful. I hope raw science either becomes randomized, or respawns in so many days in the future. While the little bundles are nice, they are not enough to currently buy all the upgrades in the game so far - let alone those in the future. This also means it limits the usefulness of some of the in game items we currently have, and at their expensive cost - make them seem not really worth it - as a simple guide online can show all the current raw science points to us. The shovel. I'd like it to be stronger. It takes quite a bit of effort to get clay, which makes it feel too tedious for the yeild. Cutting down a single 'harvest attack' should remedy this without requiring there to be 'more clay per node'. This will probably mean it does slightly more damage as well (as damage dealt seems to effect harvest attacks needed to fully harvest) which should be ok, as it is not a particularly strong 'weapon' in the first place. Harvesting: I would like it to have a few changes. first - once a resource is harvested (acorn, clay, anything that gives a stacked item in your backpack) to place the items in your backpack immediately instead of 'exploding into the world' -unless of course your backpack is full. (then the explosion will be a nice indicator "oh no, my backpack is full!") Making it less tedious to pick up small objects like acorn chunks and sap. secondly - acorns need to crack into more than 1 shell part. I can understand 'where we hit' became 'broken' so it wasn't usable, but it should at least give us 2 shells, if not 3. They are used in armor, tools, stations, storage and more, and one of the most needed items, plus it just physically makes sense. swimming: I hope in the future our heads are more above water when we swim at the surface, but otherwise this mechanic seems fine, and is quite fun if not scary. Insect AI: I would like insects to not be so 'afraid' of you when you have ranged advantage, it seems too clever for them to skitter backwards and around corners as if to avoid your line of sight. I can understand 'not staying put' as they are getting hurt, but they should turn and run away, or try to hide in a more natural way. Also.. the HP return needs to be slower (still). I shot multiple arrows into a spider, it went around the corner, and I chased it - it came back full health with my arrows still stuck inside it - I got to see the lifebar fill this time, instead of turn blue and reset instantly, it 'chunked' HP recovery, about 25% at a time, still too fast - way out healing even advanced healing for the players, and I didn't hesitate to chase it when it finally decided to 'run away to reset' either. and once again I would like to say venom arrows, the poison damage, needs to be more potent. Testing being poisoned by a Wolf Spider vs Shooting a Orb Spider with a venom arrow (or all 5 in my case for more balanced testing) results in the psn to players being extremely potent and deadly, while to basically all insects it barely making the arrow do 'double damage' just with half the damage being damage over time from the poison. It is also unclear if 'multiple venom arrows' stack the damage, or combine for greater damage, or increase the timer that the damage is applied, making using multiple seem wasteful until the previous wears off. I have now found 5 ladybugs on my map.. and killed them all and still never got a ladybug head. 15 in game days have passed since, and I have not seen another ladybug. I have still never seen an ant egg. I have even gone to the liberty of having both a feeding basket for rotten meat at the entrance, as well as hand-delivering food (hotdog and rotten and nectar) to the 'food room', as well as murdering enough ants to have a basket full of parts and another full of mandibles. I know there is 1 or 2 groups of ants left on my map - stuck at the pond - and I plan to murder them later to see what happens. I would like, in the future, for the players to be able to don Ant Armor and "feed the colony" by dropping food into the food room (or just through the hole) triggering some sort of event, such as signaling all the ants to return to the hill, or allowing respawn/eggs. an AI tweak here could do wonders for the current ants - by adding 2 factors. 1: set them up to return to the hill at night. (this means a player would have to remain awake all night) after morning comes, they 'reset' and go back to forage for items/food. 2: if an ant has not returned to the hill in 2 nights, it dies, instantly, without leaving a body/loot behind. This should help reset the 'stuck' ants in the world, and keep clutter down. and lastly, insects - should drown underwater. I have several ants and gnats stuck underwater, and they just live there happily.
  3. There is currently a acorn shield in game, it is non-functional right now as the mechanic hasn't been introduced yet. The game is (by my definition) in Late Alpha stages, so changes to combat system and items and even AI are expected. The acorn shield can be obtained (although is not very functional, and may have a placeholder icon/image) via console commands and cheats, but IS in the game files, as well as other things like a harpoon gun/harpoons, rebreather, etc. (all requiring things not in the game yet, like leach parts) This means we can expect, in the least Mosquitos, Leaches, and Bees, the ability to be under water longer (not permanent yet it seems) and harvest special under water materials (not currently in game as harvestable)
  4. @slopesandsam I actually disagree with what you think alpha is. Alpha games don't have all the content added, they have the framework of game. In Mario, it would be basic colors to represent walk ways and barriers, pits, etc. but none of them would need to 'function' beyond 'walk on, block movement' it wouldn't have coins or power ups, or even enemies until later. The point of this stage of testing is to get the basic game working - push forward, jump, platform detects player, etc. Later textures and the like are added, usually while still in Alpha (sometimes even skipping the main testing if coders know how it functions) In alpha, there is no real 'end' yet, in fact there isn't even really 'life' or 'points' or 'time limits' - that comes in later stages of alpha at the earliest, sometimes not until Beta. If Mario was 'supposed' to have a double jump for example, and it was in alpha - it was removed in alpha, as it was deemed 'not needed'. This would be an example of an Alpha stage game change, a core mechanic (double jumping) being added, tested, and removed. This wouldn't be in a Beta game, as by then it would be an established mechanic with the heavy desire, or need, to keep. Most alpha games have 'placeholder' items, enemies, and the like, and not until Late Alpha, or Early Beta do they get filled in. Most "Beta Access" games are not 'early' stages, but Late Beta, doing the more common bug fixes, mass testing and the like. Have you seen what the Starcraft Alpha footage/game looked like and played like? Here, provided links are allowed: Early Alpha screenshot: Now compare that to the LATE Alpha Screenshot: Notice at the top, the resources, the early alpha has very basic icon and number system to indicate values and type, while the late alpha has that flushed out, and more "user ready" Notice the selected troop - has just a basic square selection in the early Alpha, compared to the Highlighted Green Outline version in the Late Alpha - these are all core changes to improve the game, adding functions and features, even removing some. The minimap has been changed as well, and even the Unit Images/troop image (left on Early alpha, bottom on late) giving more details and an updated UI. Now, you can easily find screenshots showing 'released' gameplay - as those are the most common, but everything is once again given a touch up and re-look. The beta footage (if you can find any) would look very similar to the 'release game' footage, and have obvious differences from Either of the Alpha shots. I use this old game to give very drastic comparison, as newer engines have more subtle changes, that are more easily swapped out than in older versions. The differences are still there though, what kind of mechanics existed in Alpha, don't always carry over to Beta, and can even be cut or changed before release from beta. So what's the big deal? I don't care? ETC: Well it would be nice to know 'just how far alone' the games actually are. You might not want to toss $30 on a game in ALPHA - since it may have YEARS to go before it is finally released. With that, there are a growing number of games semi-abusing the "Early Access" tag as a way to excuse poor game performance or lacking content. They put the game out anyway, get as much money as they can, and then typically don't bother 'finishing' it. This rotten practice has been growing exponentially and needs to stop - it has even grown and spread to "well known' game publishers, I won't name any right now but in the last couple of years there have been a number of games that were advertised as one thing, released in an unfinished or unready state- and never got finished due to backlashes. Some have done well to keep their word on what they promised, like No Man's Sky - but at launch, you cannot deny it was completely advertised falsely. With these games relying on "live patching" and 'future content' with 'roadmaps' - you can clearly see the line is being stretched farther and farther - until some of the content we purchase - literally is a sandbox for testing and never gets any further, despite being labeled "early access" or "beta access" to make it sound appealing, like 'it's not done, it will be more amazing when they fix these things and add those things!" With all that said, I do not believe Obsidian is trying to pull the wool over our eyes or anything, which is why I wasn't just talking about Grounded, but 'games in general'. From what I can tell, the relatively small team working on Grounded were forced to 'release early' due to Microsoft/shareholders and are working their tiny butts off to get everything going as smoothly as they can. So while I support grounded, I have not purchased it yet officially, only game passed it. My reasons are 'too many times burned by early access'. I've literally spent hundreds if not thousands on 'early accesses' only to be completely let down almost every single time. $10 here, $15 there, $30 here -it all adds up. Which brings me back to my question, and finalized statement... If companies would stick to proper labels, instead of just tagging 'early access' onto everything, this would actually help organize games and progress. This would also allow a tier system of "ok, it's $15 now to help us test, but later it will most likely increase in price, especially when it is ready" because I get it - you need money to fund the projects, you can't expect talented people to work for free, or on the 'promise of payment' after a game is released. Knowing going into the game that it is 'early access alpha' would allow those leaving reviews to have more depth as well. "in alpha is was terrible, but now in beta the game is running so much better" type of thing. When everything is clumped in the same set - we can only review by the same set, it has no option for separation from 'early alpha' to 'late beta' - it is jut all 'early access' to us - meaning once a negative review hits, there is almost no room to look back on it until it releases. (and vice versa if a game manages to be great early, but released it becomes horrible) With the versions of "alpha' and 'beta" I know and posted, Grounded would be a very polished-late Alpha game title, released in "early access' mode to attempt to get some funding to keep it going smoothly for Obsidian and the team(s) working on it. The reason I state this is simple: The game is about to change, drastically, permanently, and how we play it to follow. How do I know this? Bees will be added. This is a new insect that flies, will probably be much more dangerous than we expect, and with uknown-currently mechanics. (spawn rate, flight speed, damage resist, does it only go for pollen/plants- does it make a hive, etc) It was planned from a while ago, but hasn't made it in yet, the same with leaches and possibly fish. How we are playing the game now, may not be the same at all when everything is put into it, especially if the AI is tweaked. This means it is a Major change in mechanics, adding and removing items, enemies, behaviors - all Alpha level testing things.
  5. in my testing, chopping the stump has no effect on grass growth (or it may slow it, but still regrows) the only way I found to stop it was to build over the spot it was in. Foundations seem to have a small radius around them to prevent growth as well. (I have a stump next to my clay foundation and it has not regrown, but just a few steps away I had cut down all the grass in the area and all the rest has regrown) I hope it becomes planned that 'leave the stump, regrow the grass' and 'remove the stump, prevent regrowth' mechanics in the future, but right now testing shows this is not the case. IT could also be a system like "the forest" where every night you sleep, a % of 'trees' regrow. In this case, grass. So every night you sleep through - actually speeds up regrowth.
  6. There is currently no way to 'keep grass' and things from growing back - unless you build nearby it. I am testing removing the 'stumps' and building a light in it's place right now, but I do know the foundations (the weed stem scaffold and the clay) both have prevented re-growth, as well as a small radius around them (maybe half the width of the foundation) Hopefully, in the future, removing the stump will simply disable regrowth, allowing players to pick which ones to 'permanently remove' (maybe make some form of fertilizer to regrow, expensive cost for small radius. This will also allow you to 'clear cut' an area to see better, or , to plan traps for wandering enemies.
  7. I think every 'night' cycle they should march back to the hill and 'reset' AI - this may require not actively sleeping in game, but would be a good AI tweak to help control them. Simply make an unseen target at the ant hill (inside, maybe the 'food storage room') to where all the Worker Ants target to go to. Encourage the AI (to keep resets properly) by having it where if an ant didn't get back to the nest for 2 nights in a row (indicating it is stuck somewhere, etc) that it flat out dies where it was. Now with rumor of taming in mind - make sure this is a flag for 'wild ants' and not 'tamed ants' to prevent future problems. I too am having the issue of never seeing an ant egg. I have been killing soldier ants hoping to thin it, but I noticed most the worker ants are stuck around the pond/water areas. (some inside, never drowning, another thing that should happen) I have been manually bringing rotten food and nectar and such to try to 'feed the colony' but nothing seems to work. I am about to go on a complete murder spree and kill literally every ant to see if it will 'respawn' any at all. (because honestly I am sick of them breaking into my boxes when I have clay foundations and walls set up, with the storage no where near the outer walls) I have 82 mandibles and 116 parts currently. and 130 acid glands. (only 4 heads!) Just to give an idea of how many ants I have looted already. (I also have 1 full suit of ant armor, for reference)
  8. A new game was started (so I could see those lovely R.S. orbs) and now I have a new problem... repair tools - do not repair, at all. In this I chose to lower the difficulty, because playing 'again' on the same seemed insane. I also wanted to see changes hands on. - this game also has ant problem of no eggs, but the workers have been spotted - attacking a aphid that spawned inside terrain (and thus, is immortal and the ants won't leave the area) Other than that - nothing seems 'broken'. Sure still have the normal game issues that need fixed, but no new additions. Are the repair tool bug and Raw Science related? I don't know.. just something I noticed and wanted to report.
  9. For me my games have been borked so I never get to the tools to get weeds chopped, but, dandelions always respawn for me, takes a few days though. I don't know how long honestly, I do know that I don't chop the 'stumps' down on them though - never saw the point since I didn't gain anything useful from it. If it is based on similar structure as "The Forest" they may only 'regrow' during nights you sleep. So, if your just soldiering on during the night - take a break and start sleeping to see what changes. (This is only speculation, as I do not know)
  10. Yes, now find say 30 more. The issue is they aren't spawning as they should. The idea (still not confirmed and is being tested by other players) is that a Worker ant brings food back to the nest, then drops it in that hole. During a timer, maybe just morning, there is a check to see if they have food. If so- eggs are laid. How many? Unknown. Relative to food? Unknown. The thing is this is supposed to be the 'ant respawn mechanism' meaning when the eggs lay on the ground for X time, they hatch and more ants are now in your world. This issue may be time related, or that worker ants never go back to the nest, or maybe they are stuck 'aggro attacking' every aphid all night long, or attacking something that is spawned inside a rock/branch/etc and un-killable. Due to these issues - Worker ants 'never come home' - thus the 'mechanic to have them respawn' never triggers. Every time I check the ant hill, there are no eggs, but a bunch of soldiers. I am tempted to kill about 80% of them and see what happens. I am also tempted to put a bunch of aphid dew and nectar in that storage hole to see if I can 'be the ant' and feed the colony. (something, that if it isn't in game, totally should be) We have glitches were creatures get stuck in terrain, aggro things that cannot be seen normally (inside rocks, etc) and thus prevent 'normal game functions' until some of these are fixed up, or the Ant AI is changed to "return home at night" or some other function to help keep them flowing - this just keeps happening naturally. The longer you play (game days) the more frequently you will find stuck bugs. I suppose there is a hard limit to the number of bugs on a map - so consoles don't lag out from a thousand ants and such. (if not, there should be!)
  11. This is more a general topic and not just "Grounded". It is also a "gripe" or "complaint" so feel free to skip it if you want - EXCEPT if you work with Obsidian, or any other major game. Then, PLEASE read, because the structure of game release.. really needs some attention to details. Many games are in "Early Access" I get it, you have a lot of work done, and your trying to get it to the consumer so they can have a taste, see if they like it, get feedback, etc. That is fine. My issue is calling things "Beta" when they are not. I am an old gamer, and when you say "Beta" I think of the definition "nearly done product released for general use, server testing, population use to test how well each system handles a sudden amount of players/demand" and the like. Basically the game is 'near done' but might have some final touches done, or some behind-the-scenes changes to help optimize loading times or effects. The final touches, you could say. A lot of times it is used to test multiplayer - because no one can get literally millions of user log ins like just releasing it and letting millions of players create accounts and sign in. This is slightly different than post-release tweaks to things like weapons and damage, and new additions to keep things fresher in live service games. Alpha - on the other hand, is a earlier release of the game, with many unfinished works in progress. This can be things that change the core game (and usually do.) not, for example, polishing effects and things. When I think of alpha changes I think of adding base game elements, enemies, AI, items for functional use (ax to chop trees instead of just any blade, etc) Adding a hunger system, setting day/night cycles, etc. These are more Core Mechanic Elements being added, changed, tweaked, or removed. Google and look at Starcraft Alpha footage. The pictures may not be familiar to you at all - and that's the point. Alpha 'worked' completely differently than release. Even the UI was changed. Grounded, by the definitions known to me and mentioned above - is in Alpha. An Early Release, graphically intense Alpha. The map isn't done, things are still being worked on that are 'base game mechanics'. It is still fleshing out all the mechanics currently in place, to get them to work properly - meaning the 'final game' might play drastically differently than it does now, and it probably will. I gripe about all this in some slim sliver of hope that people will start using more clear terminology. If the definitions of Alpha and Beta change, that is fine, time moves forward after all, but companies need to really start being clear. Stating "early access" as a band aid and everything being referred to as 'beta' now makes the terms less useful to identifying a product. When every single title is Early Access and Beta - why have both? If your only options are Early Access Beta and Released product, why have both of the tags 'early access' and 'beta' ? Are you trying to use "early access" to replace "beta stage" of development? While it may seem picky, the proper terms are important. You wouldn't go up to your boss and say "ok the game is ready for release to test" when you really meant wide-use beta testing, or ready for release. Combining terms makes things every more confusing for everyone, that is why the games had stages in the first place, to give those that needed it a general idea of 'how on schedule' or 'how complete' the game was. "we are in late alpha" meant a whole lot different than "we are ready for beta testing" still meaning something different than "the game is ready for release". alright to anyone that actually read this nightmare , even if you disagree completely, thank you for your time.
  12. I played for over 50 in game days and never found an ant egg. I also noticed a problem, most my ants in the world were both soldiers and stuck. In fact, there were 0 worker ants anywhere on the map. I checked the ant hill for 10 days straight (every day at morning I'd run there) and never saw an egg, but did see the same groups of stuck soldiers. This is a problem/glitch (bug, hahapun) something to do with the ants. I heard there used to be tons of eggs in the hill during an earlier "beta" (the game, is in alpha now... by all definitions) but they seem to have patched that due to either exploiting bombs, or AntAI tweaks, or both. (I can understand having 'too many bombs' could be an issue, but never seeing them at all is a worse problem) Now there is also rumor/thought put into possibly it being tied to not seeing Raw Science. So... for me my first game play had no raw science in the world, no eggs, tons of soldiers, and no ladybugs past day 30 or so. I play on PC with GamePass (Not Steam) - gathering these facts can attempt to help Obsidian track down the problem - MOST if not ALL the 'can't find raw science in the world' seems to be Gamepass/Xbox Console related.
  13. while i agree with the 'no more aggro, reset HP" is broken, I also want to point out - we should rarely, if ever, have to fight 2+ spiders at the same time. This game has enough things that can 2 shot us, and having them combine or swarm is a problem with the AI/spawning. Bows, also need to do more damage, and/or things like arrows need to have higher stack amounts. 29 arrows to kill an orb weaver is insane, now fight 4 at once.
  14. I don't really know where to start here.. so this will be mostly random. Sorry for those expecting a more professional post. First some facts, although I don't have them in order to do proper troubleshooting. I am playing on PC, but using the game pass system, so not a steam purchase/run game. I have had.. a terrible amount of crashes and problems. I didn't even know Raw Science could be picked up in the world until recently, meanwhile day 40+ in game has passed. My game play has come to an end as I cannot progress. I don't mean due to lack of content, but because of serious issues with game mechanics/flaws/bugs. - I need ladybug parts. But there are 0 ladybugs in my world. I've run all over, looked up videos on where people find them, and haven't seen one in probably 30 game days. - Larvae are swarming. I managed to go kill some 30+ and raid the hole near the Spade Gulch thinking this would help quell them - but it hasn't. (btw, I have killed 0 ants.) - Speaking of ants. No worker ants exist, anywhere, that I can find. A TON of soldier ants, literally everywhere, but no workers. The ant hill is full of soldiers, I have a screen capture with 13+ stuck in one spot. - there have been 0 ant eggs. I have checked daily for over 10 in game days. (this may be related to the crazy amount of Soldiers in my world, as only Soldiers exist) - Spiders. There need to be fewer spiders. By this I have been in areas where 4 Orb Weavers and a Wolf Spider are all around me, and there is no way to battle this. Since I also have no ladybugs, I have no tank defense, can't get better gear/weapons, etc. I really wish killing a spider was some sort of benefit. Like - after killing an orb spider it takes 2 in game days for that one to respawn. Make it take a little bit longer for the wolf spiders. -grass growth. I really wish 'breaking the root' (the stump leftover after harvesting) would prevent grass regrowth. Clearing a large area around key points is basic strategy to see and either avoid, or deal with, dangers. -foundation health. it needs to be improved, larvae seem to tear through my clay foundations in less than 5 hits. constantly having to repair is also annoying due to: - repair tool needs to be "E" (or activate) to use, and HOLD to repair, not swing it repeatedly like a weapon. - lights, sconces, etc need a "hold E" to snuff - chopping grass (to get fiber parts) should put the fiber in your inventory unless your full. Same with breaking pebbles and clay. The excessive amount of 'resource explosions' tends to get annoying. - we need an expanded inventory system -or- allow out hotbars to be another row of inventory, allowing that much more space. - items need to stack in larger amounts. double would be a nice start for testing. - spider fang weapon should have improved durability since it's damage is so low. (by the time you kill just a few things you need to repair, and it takes 3q to do) - every insect seem to be spawning and getting stuck. in rocks, in roots, in grass, in nothing at all. - bomb. beetles and spiders are too quick to retreat. Using ranged tactics is less and less effective- this would be less an issue if arrows did more damage (needing less "pre damage" before battling) - Health Is returning to enemies much too quickly. I know the basis is to prevent 'exploitative mechanics' - but the best strategy would literally be to get up high and shoot things. Having things instant-heal the moment they walk too far away or time passes. (this strategy is literally shown on the loading screen where the teens are on a leaf using a bow against a spider) They need to have a much slower (say % over each second not in combat, healing completely in 30 seconds?) recovery system instead of 'no longer in aggro- reset stats' - poison weapons in general seem completely worthless. I get the general idea, but the poison damage seems so minimal that we are just better off using another weapon all together. IT's still not known (to me) if every hit is poison, or if only random hits are, or if once the psn starts - the damage stacks or not from more psn hits. (changing hp bar color to green, or indicating Damage over Time would help) -lighting seems to cause issues in bases. I believe the solution requires better light sources. Increased light radius of the various light furniture would allow us to place fewer of them, and having fewer seems to help the problems. - building needs to allow parts to snap to one another, in particular the triangle wall on top of regular wall. While it normally seems like this would work, if you rotate your wall on a angle - the triangle wall will not snap to the top to place in line. Rotating the triangle wall only snaps to 4 positions as well, and none line up with the angled wall. There are numerous places where building is glitchy and anger-inducing. -pallets should hold more. There really isn't a reason with how much grass we use, that a single pallet (which can't be moved when placed) can't be stacked as high as 1 wall. - after chopping down grass, dew will still form in the air (on nothing) in places. - sap harvester should hold more than 1 sap if left alone to generate. half a stack seems reasonable. (if using the values now, that means 5, if you increase stack sizes from previous suggestion/hope- it would be more) - arrows, after fired, need to be easier to pick up. Maybe a "hold E" to pick up a group around you, or just walk over them.
  15. I am on PC using Game Pass (not steam) and have the same issue. Problem is, I didn't know they even existed until today, while in game day 40+. So .. starting over... sucks.. but my games now at a stand-still anyway due to other issues.
  16. So many have bought this game for the $30 price, but with how little it has, the Early Access is an understatement. Sure the game 'looks' polished, but with game performance drops, crashes to desktop, and general 'nothing to do' - it really should not have been $30. If you snagged play on GamePass you got your money's worth Step 1: help the inventory. Common items only stacking in 10's makes inventory management a nightmare. Step 2: AI needs to keep HP Damage longer, you can let them heal - but not 'instantly after you lose aggro' Step 3: Spider Leap attacks go through - everything. They fit into tiny doors and then get stuck inside world-made structures. They can't pathfind into them normally, but the jump seems to ignore physics. They go through soda cans, etc. Step 4: why is the story less than 1 hour of content for a $30 game? Building.. is a pain in the butt. The snap points jump all around, and frequently you cannot build what you were planning, for unknown reasons. Building a wall, and 3 walls down all the sudden it won't let me build another wall. What is it clipping into? Who knows. Food/Thirst is more annoying than anything. Food seems to spoil way too fast, we need a way to 'dry' food if anything, less restored but lasts much longer before spoiling. This game is trying to be a bit more unique in the 'survival with base building' but I find it lacking in pretty much every department. ARK has better/more fun combat, especially with taming dinos. The Forest has more and deeper story, with AI that actually hunts you instead of random roaming spiders ruining your base build plans. The simple fact other games 'are doing it just as well' if not better, means this game has A LOT to finish. The price tag - is a big hit. This game is roughly 'completed' with it's general story in less than 1 hour. The rest of the time is just finding more 'science' and building more 'base things' Anyone that played this game with Game Pass got the best deal. Since we don't know if the $30 plan is 'forever' the price, or just the 'early access' price - it just feels like a cash grab. More and more games keep doing things like this - where they release in 'early access' but never really finish the game, they get overwhelmed and sidetracked and then it just becomes a mess. Ark is a prime example of this, where they sold DLC before the main game was even finished or out of early access. (It still, to this day, has Core Game mechanic bugs never fixed) Then a 'sister company' takes the base of the game and re-skins it and makes Arrrk I mean Atlas, another buggy and never completed game. I really hope Obsidian isn't planning the same, nor gets overwhelmed with player and feedback and can't keep up. Animations have issues, the UI has issues, the game crashes constantly, the frame rates take nose dives even playing on a decent PC and on lower GPU settings (low preset, still crashes and stutters with a GTX 1070) This game is no where near real "early access" and is more a polished alpha, where core elements need changed and adjusted for gameplay to be enjoyable. Yes, ALPHA, not BETA. BETA would indicate the game is nearly done and needs to do things like stability checks and general bug finding/fixing. ALPHA is where you change things like how many foods there are, what weapons are available, story line changes and additions, etc.
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