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Totally not Gorgon

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Everything posted by Totally not Gorgon

  1. Well that's sorted then, they will have to withdraw
  2. Well that's sorted then, they will have to withdraw
  3. the huge problem with babylon 5 is the terrible CGI and the fact that try as you might you just can't do everything with prosthetics, so. yeah. That's fine. Every alien race just consists of slightly different ridges on their face piece.
  4. Tenpenny Tower, because they sell all the fancy hats in pristine condition. I wouldn't leave, so I don't need a weapon. mmm... nevermind all the fallout games are mixed together in my head. I was about to say the underground railway faction in point lookout.
  5. it says that if you cancel after 30 days the refund will be to your steam wallet. So monopoly money that you can only use on STEAM. ? yeah, not preordering.
  6. So apparently, you would ?. Not bad, I think I might be onboard.
  7. So how much control have they grabbed for themselves. I'm guessing it won't be able to install Epic launcher, just as a forinstance.
  8. https://i.imgur.com/JnFcZ5M.mp4 I want this as weapon in Elden Ring
  9. https://imgur.com/gallery/LrzuULb
  10. I can only login with my potato PC
  11. I'm putting up a scaffold. Or rather I'm attempting to help. I have no clue what I'm doing.
  12. Got the covid jab. Waiting for superpowers/government mind control
  13. I have no idea how likely it is that the CCP covered up some sort of biological Chernobyl. Probably not very. I only know they aren't trustworthy.
  14. There is also the fact that the UK handled their covid response pretty poorly overall, and that as a result needed preferential treatment. Lockdowns are expensive and they didn't initially want to pay.
  15. well, got my spot in a week, so. I just gotta hold on a bit more.
  16. The EU ordered plenty, and produced plenty internally. They just relied on the manufacturer for distribution and allocation. I think they are suing Astrazeneca for it.
  17. We got shafted with dosages. It's basically the same for any country that doesn't produce its own vaccine. Geopolitics.
  18. I'm supposed to be eligible for a vaccine offer this month. With my luck it will be September.
  19. Mad a to do list and it says "clean windows". Not sure if I meant a clean windows installation, or you know, cleaning my windows. Both my "windows" are filthy.
  20. Basically just wait a year or so for the chip shortage to subside.
  21. There are no good game names left. There are no good franchise names left. Everything has already been done. Pretty soon we are going to run out of things to misspell with a "Y" or the like so they are trademarkable. So you just worry about making it sound unique. Just one game that kind of sounds like yours - that's actually a good result.
  22. Well snobbed, sir.
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