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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I never held out much hope for RAGE. ID an their tech demo's. Dark Souls, that'll be what I'll be gettings! A good game, none of this "amazing" yet unproven tech poop.
  2. Looks sweet, thanks. Turns out some other online friends are all playing, I might be able to get a friend invite from one of them faster than the company deciding to choose me. We'll see/I'll hope! What?! Ok, then I expect an invite from YOU in the near future for giving such excellent gaming suggestions! *ahem* I believe I created the thread.
  3. Syndicate Trailer... Looks fun, certainly an interesting reboot.
  4. This is amazing!!! High quality work! SOMEBODY EMPLOY THIS MAN!!!!!!
  5. One assumes you mean this: I don't know how much you actually paid for it, I assume 80MS points... Hell even at 240MS points I think 3 hrs content isn't so bad. Heck, Streets of rage was about that long far as I recall.
  6. Any game that has been a thread bare grind has tended towards sucky. "Collect 10 rabbit ears!" Is crap, its always been crap - atleast try and make it less crap eh! Hell, I can go back to the 80's and see the grind in RPG's, but it never quite feels like a grind in that MMO sense. The Bards Tale series was nothing but a massive grind, but it was great because death means something in that game, hell getting past lvl 1 is an achievement in and of itself. There's something about the tone of the MMO grind I've always disliked, leveling up for the sake of it, I suppose you can point at alot of 90's RPG's that were like this, but the style of play never really felt quite so empty to me. Which leads me to the thought, I think you'll find that most of these games are nothing like the shabby MMO grind, and there was genuine quality, which were certainly a pre-cursor to some of the early 2000's RPG's. Regardless of history, the experience of say Ultima Underworld, Ultima 7, or Darklands for example is not all that much like WoW. The most grindy games that I can think of belong to the Rogue timeline, the Diablo's of this world - They're true grinds of the SP RPG experience. Regardless, I think people can distingush the difference in tone between the MMO grind, and the general RPG grind. Or to be blunt, SP RPG's have to me been less about combat, and more about other aspects of gaming, character development or the rules etc... Where MMO's just seem to be very combat focused, and the style of play has always felt somewhat dull. NWN's springs to mind as a game with an identity crysis, in some ways you can see the influence coming through from Everquest - and said MMO button pressy quickbar formula established initially I believe by Diablo, but it really is trying to hold onto its story based heritage. Dragon Age 2 I believe has successfully made this transition to SP MMO, with emphasis on story. The reasons are all so very simple, for the same reason that CoD firmly dictates FPS control schemes on consoles, WoW dictates the RPG interface on PC based RPG's. I'm not certain that anyone has stumbled upon that CoD type formula for console RPG's - Although the Mass Effect series is bloody well trying with its GoW style of play.
  7. ...what a load o' horseshyte; whilst anyone 'round in them days knows I obviously admits ta possibly knowin' a few o' yer rabid micreants, said miscreants also replied ta an' answer faaaaaar more queries an' comments than any dev e'er thought o' on the ol' BIS boards, hence one o' the main reasons the devs made theyselves more available ta us miscreants an' the community expanded soo much in so li'l time...BIS died cuz Herve's a dumb@ss...BIObsidian be a ghost town most times cuz the community ain't gittin' that luvin' feelin' anymores...cuz it's gone...gone...gone...whoa oh whoa oh OH!... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... Hey man, I was around - I really was takin the piss with this. We all know why Interplay imploded, heck, us old folks know damn well that Interplay survived a little longer because of BIS, heck IWD2 is a testament to making a game with next to no resources at all, I remember Josh actually coming to the community with the suggestion of going 3E, obviously trying to figure out if it'd be such a negative backlash it may infact not be worthwhile. Hell, d'ya remember the merc class? Which basically became a feat because of that change. That said after 10+ years of jabbering back at us, they've surely figured that we ain't worth jabbering at. Obsidian ain't BIS, and if the folks ain't posting its good news, means they've got too much to do.
  8. Well I hope it turns out good, but you can't help but have the grind fear... Hell even the SP stuff like DA2 has gone in that MMO grindy direction. Bioware, why hath thou forsaken us?
  9. This stuff is way way better than FIFE, this is genius stuff!
  10. Excellent game, one of the best of the generation.
  11. They realised the community was made up of rabid miscreants and misfits - a whole new kind of global social underclass, and further association would only result in the demise of Obsidian, much as with BIS.
  12. You know what's funny? This is exactly what I mean about negativity man...
  13. - So I'm going to be interview my ex-boss tomorrow how bloody weird is that, they interview me, give me a job, four years down the line, I'm interviewing them despite the fact they've years of experience on me.
  14. Starting with such a negative attitude I wonder why people even play video games? It's to maintain gaming hipster cred on the obsid board. Kinda funny coming from morgoth don't you think? The guys like some government sponsered advert for "negative attitude".
  15. The writing was on the wall months and months ago. Alot of the best people had already left the studio, moving to places like EA, Criterion, Ubisoft Toronto, starting their own company (see Rodeo games, and Wonderland Software now known as Zynga Mobile UK), Supermassive, Dangerclose... The list goes on. In the end there isn't much I can say, alot of those people are friends of mine, and I hate to see them out of work, some seriously genuine talent, who had to suffer some of the worst disorganised project management, a dwindling dev budget, working in some cases 100hrs a wekk. I can assure, Bodycount was the development project from hell. Which reminds me, they issued no apology when telling these people they've no longer got jobs. Not even a "Sorry but", nada, zip, feck all.
  16. Perhaps its more fool them.
  17. You loved Bodycount so much you wrotes a song... HOW KIND OF YOU!
  18. How long for, sparky? Atleast 9 months, probably alot longer. Joined a new company, I has shares and stuff, so I'm around for some time. Still games, before anyone asks.
  19. Hey Wals, I'm working in London - We should hook up so I can drink you under the table
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