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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Its like there is some idea in the world that Blizzard is infalible? Which is a pile of steaming doggie poo.
  2. Bad driving model, terrible shooting model, not very tactical really, the game basically ends up as whoever gets to the mission point camps. Awful mission implementation, I dunno running upto a window playing a bad animation and then spawning a pick-up and having that be the player rob some place is just plane lame. Also the game lacks environments, and well... It also lacks any point. They spent so many years working on the customisation tools they clearly forgot to make a game. I've met a few guys who turned down jobs at realtime worlds, the reason was that it was clear that this game was missing something. It's bad direction like APB, that ultimately lead to the demise of realtime worlds.
  3. The game is brutal, that will have put some people off, but that doesn't mean its a bad game. And Yahtzee's review basically says "This game is really really hard" It's old skool hard, like games used to be, and I love it for that. Other than the difficulty at its very core it is an exceptionally well crafted experience, the controls are slick, if you die its because you messed up, not because the controls are lame. Demon's Souls isn't for everyone, but that doesn't mean its a bad game. Many a bad game has been sucked up by the masses and critics and acclaimed to be awesome, and infact they've been simplistic, repetative and dull.
  4. So true, I actually bought it aswell... *shruggs* Wasn't that expensive though.
  5. Oh I love it when you guys talk tech, its inbetween ignorance, and knowledge... Cracks me up every time.
  6. And here I was thinking you a man of elegance and taste... Clearly any old hooker will do.
  7. I don't care about King, heck I don't give a rats ass about Morgan either, they're both a couple of nobodies from my perspective. I also don't care what the hell you watch on TV, merely pointing out that Piers Morgan is scum, I hope he stays on that side of the pond, I don't know anyone who'll miss him, and when you watch any show with him in, it keeps him in the public conciousness. Maybe he did reject the UK, but I hope it was as a result of us rejecting him first. The most important thing that you've failed to pick up on, is that I am celebrating his leaving! It's great news, one less idiot on the box contributing to another generation of ignorant gormless wankers. I suppose that comes over to you as whining because you obviously have suffered for a long time with comprehension, I was actually a little be shocked that you was so witty initially about all this, very out of character. At the end of the day it seems we both come away smiling, you have your gutter trash D-list celeb-scum, and I don't have to worry about him popping up on TV at 9pm interviewing some chav harlot with bloons for breasts. WE! BOTH! WIN! Edit: formatting/grammar etc...
  8. Not sure I can bring myself to care, I was really into checking out full conversion mods years back, but now it all seems like wasted effort, on their part, I've honestly never played a good full conversion mod. That doesn't mean they don't exist, I've just not seen one.
  9. People LIKE you, so all those tards watching America's Got Talent, like yourself, keep him on the TV. I feel the same way about Simon Cowell.
  10. The new Lara Croft game? I have to say, its excellent! You serious?... It looks like a Diablo clone I wouldn't say its a Diablo clone, but if you could mash Diablo and Tomb Raider togeather, you'd get the new Lara Croft game. Give the demo a shot, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, for the price its worth it if you have someone to play Co-op with
  11. The new Lara Croft game? I have to say, its excellent!
  12. I nearly knocked Bill Baily over...
  13. Don't lie. *chuckles* I don't think he's lying about thinking he's intelligent, maybe the wanker part. Don't shock me one bit though, I expected as much from Volo.
  14. Leveling was fine, but the save system was broken for a game where success wasn't based on skill with broken controls, but luck, and exploits. Heh... Zombie clown in my opinion isn't the worst of it. For all it's positive elements, its full of negatives. I hope that capcom has fixed it in DR 2, but I doubt it... I've hated every minute of it because I'm fighting the controls, and bad AI, opposed to playing the game. It wouldn't be hard to take the DR formula, and make a better game, its fundementally broken on so many levels. I'm shocked that there is so much love for it also... But hey RPG fan's do have an amazing tolerance for badly designed games, because they focus on the good despite the negatives. Dead rising makes me cry... SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL! i dont remember the controls having anything wrong with them, and what was wrong with the save system? if you failed you just restart and you keep all your experience from your last attempt so you didnt really lose anything, i know i restarted about 4 times before i finally had enough levels to handle the tougher parts of the game. for something so "broken" it seemed to have no real problems for me, nor for most/many people. I can understand not LIKING the save system, but saying its "broken" is being purposefully ignorant of reality. EDIT: i should preface that i bought the game for 9$ and loved it. I might feel different had I paid $60 for it. In terms of progression, yes the save system isn't good, not only do I have to beat the psycho I then have to make it to a save point, I felt that broke the flow of the game, considering that alot of the time the AI was unfairly stacked against the player, I certainly recall using lame gliches (getting psycho's stuck on the collision mesh) to beat one or two of them. Sure if you failed you could reload, that's fair enough, but I don't recall any restart option, I certainly haven't seen it and as the entire story is delivered within a time frame its also possible to screw yourself by not having enough time left to actually achieve a win result, the main reason why the progression and save system is broken, you can nerf your entire game, meaning that either you don't complete the story, or you start a new game. So you can say I'm ignorant, this isn't the case, Dead Rising is a game which has been studied in depth by a large majority of the dev studio I work for as reference for an earlier project, we had to play it, we had to rip it apart, something tells me you had a positive experience with the game but you haven't played it in a long time else you would have been aware of these flaws. The controls aren't great, I think they feel clunky, and being unable to move and aim a gun is just stupid, yeah I loved the fact that you end up aiming and all of a sudden you go from using the right stick to using the left stick, that's the least of its problems mind, just the one that sprung to mind. Also, I believe the game was almost unplayable in standard definition because it made the text, which most mission are delivered by, are unreadable. Whilst I admit, I'm critical of the title, it does alot well, the whole running around slaying zombies is so well done that if they'd actually focused on getting everything else slick and smooth, this game would a true classic, opposed to an average game. That said, if these issues didn't really effect you, and you got the game cheap, well... Who am I to tell you what's fun, but that game was definately flawed, unpolished in terms of design, and broken because of bad mechanics. I would actually go so far as to say it can be seen as a lesson in what doesn't work.
  15. Leveling was fine, but the save system was broken for a game where success wasn't based on skill with broken controls, but luck, and exploits. Heh... Zombie clown in my opinion isn't the worst of it. For all it's positive elements, its full of negatives. I hope that capcom has fixed it in DR 2, but I doubt it... I've hated every minute of it because I'm fighting the controls, and bad AI, opposed to playing the game. It wouldn't be hard to take the DR formula, and make a better game, its fundementally broken on so many levels. I'm shocked that there is so much love for it also... But hey RPG fan's do have an amazing tolerance for badly designed games, because they focus on the good despite the negatives. Dead rising makes me cry... SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL!
  16. I don't agree, I don't believe that he belongs in the public eye at all... People like you keep him on TV.
  17. No more than a small car...
  18. Surely you're aware of its many flaws! I admit the second to second is definately fun, but the boss AI coupled with awful controls, a terrible hour to hour, and ridiculious save mechanic spoil the experience.
  19. Lappland is in northern Sweden, you poohead. And for your information, they do have delicious cheeseburgers there aswell. Which they dont have in Finland were you only eat cucumbers and disgusting pirogi... pirogies? Pirogs? Pirogmoly? And no, I dont use anti-finnish cream more than once or twice a week. Yeah, I bet its new. Like real new. So new you can taste what the cow ate for breakfast. I bet it looks awesome when you're 'cruising' around on your motorcycle *cough* Segway! *cough* LMFAO. Here, me with the bike and my OLD jacket. And a map... untitled.bmp
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