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Everything posted by Selnor1983

  1. TOW wasn't made when Fallout 4 came out. My point in showing those reviews is the absolute consensus is TOW writing is fantastic. Across the board. Both with players and reviewers. We aren't talking about a small amount of people who say this. It's like 90% of people who have played it rate the writing so highly. I was challenging the point in this thread that the writing is mediocre. That's fine if people really think that. But when these same people try and say the writing in Fallout 3 and 4 is better or even on a par, then I'm sorry that just Bethesda fans trolling. The writing in Fallout 3 and 4 was never considered that great. Even by reviewers.
  2. As I said. There will be a small minority who disagree with the majority.
  3. You know those 17 reviews aren't the only ones right? I've included quotes from Xbox, PC and PS4 reviews. Even the User Reviews on Meta critic for PC, Xbox and PS4 are all so positive for the gane and its writing. Then you have a small selection of 0/10 reviews which all mention Fallout being better. Which is laughable as they are all Bethesda fans troll rating TOW on Meta critic with 0s. So sad. I used to love Bethesda. But since they took over Fallout, they have gone downhill big time. So sad there is some left in the Bethesda community which are attempting to troll TOW. Bye bye Bethesda. Nice while it lasted.
  4. That's absolutely fine. There is going to be a small minority that disagree. Just as an example here are the sorts of things reviewers say about TOW writing. "More than just Fallout in space, this action-RPG is a delightful sci-fi romp with razor-sharp writing, lashings of humour and enough content to entertain you for months." "Dizzyingly deep, painstakingly polished, remarkably replayable, and marvelously moreish, The Outer Worlds is one of the most refined and well-written RPGs of the generation." "With the best writing of any game thus far in 2019, any fan of RPGs needs to play The Outer Worlds." "With full character development, a wonderful companion system, and a spirit all its own, The Outer Worlds is everything I had hoped it would be and more. From the excellent writing to the beautiful environments, each new world is vast enough to feel expansive without being desolate and wasted space. The gameplay and combat is fantastic and handles great, with the only downside being its occasional dip in frame rate or issues loading textures. The Outer Worlds fulfills the promise every other RPG makes of putting you in control and I can’t wait to try the game over and over again with different styles and tactics." "In the end it's the freedom of choice, and how those choices impact the world Obsidian has created that makes The Outer Worlds so great. You can be and act almost as you please, and do as little or as much for the people around you. Great writing, creative quest lines and solid voice acting makes the 40 hours a great experience." And there's another 50 reviews that say the same thing. The writing in TOW is absolutely amazing.
  5. I've played 26 hours so far. I feel I'm playing at a normal pace. I have only just got to Stellar Bay in the last 4 hours. And have about 12 quests open. I can't see me finishing this anywhere before 40 hours. I don't really see how I can play it any faster.
  6. All PC games get lower scores than console games. That's been the case for over a decade. Quite often it's more down to the PC version having more technical issues due to the fact it has to work across a multitude of hardware. As opposed to the fixed hardware of Consoles. Regardless of the game being 4 points lower. If you Read the reviews. They all love the writing. Which is what you were against. No??????
  7. Here is a great article for all those Bethesda fanboys who can't help themselves to trolling. Bethesda have literally killed themselves over this generation. https://www.windowscentral.com/fallout-first-fallout-has-lived-long-enough-become-villain
  8. So why are PC reviewers saying the writing is awesome as well?
  9. Hahahaha. But it isn't. It's praises on over 70 reviews that the writing is some of the best this entire generation. I'm guessing everyone is wrong and a select few hardcore Bethesda fans who are hurting are right. God help us.
  10. How has it failed. The general consensus across the board is TOW writing is fsr superior to Fallout. The choices and morality is far far deeper and richer than Fallout. The focus on KOTOR 2/Mass Effect hub areas as opposed to boring open worlds filled with nothing is a huge bonus over Fallout. Slow Mo is so much better to use than the terrible Vats system. I can literally go on. And this is what most reviews say. It's not like TOW isn't loved. It's a huge success. So I can only Imagine your a Bethesda fan that really is hurt by how amazing TOW is.
  11. Sorry it's clear trolling. Everyone is saying including the reviewers that the writing is fantastic. One of the best written games in years. There are going to be trolls from Bethesda around here. The pure fact he compares it to Fallout in the OP says that. Every point he is trying to make is why TOW is so much better than Fallout 3 and 4. Just let him be. This won't be the last thread someone tries to downplay the game in comparison to Fallout. Bethesda is on the way down. Consumed by Corporate greed. The irony? That's what Fallout was actually about. Bethesda have become the very thing they wrote a story against.
  12. The quests because of the world and writing are more enjoyable in TOW than any RPG I've played for a long time. You actually feel like you have total control over the outcome of quests you get in TOW.
  13. Just pressing A on Xbox speeds the text. If I'm not mistaken.
  14. To be honest I'm not really sure. Aim assist is not something I ever notice in games as such. All I can tell you is how it feels. I'd say it's not as smooth as something like Halo 5 or other twitch shooters. But in terms of other GPS RPGs it's a Rock solid experience. I've had 0nissues with playing it on console. Aiming wise I've not felt hindered or difficult at all. In comparison to something like Fallout 4 the gunplay feels much more free flowing. And I've never felt I lost a battle due to poor aiming or controls. I hope this helps.
  15. Your entitled to your opinion. But it's definately a minority viewpoint. Obsidian are not known for mediocre ganes. Obsidian are known as one of the best RPG devs in the west. Something tells me more than likely your a very sad Bethesda fan. Who is so upset that Bethesda have gone so downhill that many don't want to support them anymore. TOW is so much better than Fallout 4. The RPG mechanics are better. And the slow Mo is far superior to Vats. But the biggest problem with Fallout is the writing. Obsidian writing is superb. Please Obsidian don't be like Fallout. TOW is far superior as an RPG. IMO the OP is either a PS fanboy or Bethesda Fanboy. What gives it away is the line that Obsidian are known for mediocrity. When that statement is totally false. Obsidian is synonymous with top drawer quality RPGs. Either he's Annoyed that from here on all Obsidian RPGs will be Xbox exclusive or he's annoyed that so much hate is being piped on Bethesda lately. And people are much happier with The Outer Worlds. 90% of reviews say it's better than Fallout.
  16. I'm playing on One X. Gunplay is absolutely fine. Better than Fallout 4 for example. The PS4 Pro version though doesn't have the ultra textures that the One X and PC version does. I would say get the game on PC if you have that. Better experience.
  17. Not to mention when you spend money on Steam you own nothing. They are charging full price for you to rent the game. Valve can cut your access at anytime. And even if you have spent thousands on games on steam, if your cut access to Steam, you lose access to all the games you've rented on their service. I wouldnt touch that rental service with a 10 foot pole. At least with Gamepass it's way cheaper. And we are told up front that you don't own the game. Valve have been conning PC gamers for years with their rental service made to look like a purchase service.
  18. What is broken? I'm playing on One X and everything works great. Not had any issues apart from one glitch which kicked me to dashboard. Even all the reviews say it's so refreshing to have a game come out bug free. Especially an RPG of this magnitude. My first 3 hours in Fallout had about 100 glitches. This is a breath of fresh air. I've had no framerste issues. No graphical issues. And absolutely nothing wierd at all going on at anytime.
  19. Not sure if this helps. But apparantly limiting framerate to 60fps currently solves whatever issue is going on. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-fix-frame-rate-drops-outer-worlds-pc
  20. Yes. Bravo. I'll add my excitement here to. It's a breath of fresh air in a time in gaming where Microtransactions and constant 3rd person linear cinematic games get constant repetition. It's so brilliant to have a gane that is so open, so much choice and literally hardly a bug in sight. I've played 12 hours so far. And had 1 glitch. That's it. I'm absolutely in love with this game. Now please please please can you bring Pillars of Eternity to Gamepass. Lots of love Obsidian. Thankyou.
  21. It definately is. The One X has 20 gb more install size than all other console versions. My friend has it on Pro, and he noticed it straight away when he saw my One X version. I haven't seen his version yet. But he said there is big graphical difference on mine to what he has been playing.
  22. Thankyou very much. Does that mean they roll better stays when you tinker their level up as well?
  23. Can you not remap your controls in the Xbox Dashboard settings?
  24. It's based on D and D systems. As an example there's a system for Noise range that a gun makes. Doing what you have has actually caused you to miss a ton of quests from the area your in because you will no longer have access to them. Cause you've permanently killed people that had quests (you can kill everyone in the game bar 1 character, yes even main quest characters you can wipe out) So without any knowledge, you've been penalised big time within that city already. It's fine, you can play that way. Just don't expect to do anywhere the amount of quests you could have done. Also any of your actions affects way more further down the road. Don't think of it like playing a shooter. It's a tabletop system RPG through and through.
  25. Interesting. But also the One X version is running ultra textures from the PC version as well. Not just a resolution boost. The textures on the PS4 Pro version are much worse than the X version. You can notice in the Pro version the actual foliage itself is missing certain details as well.
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