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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. I have a hard time making sense of this, is "Cruz-like" supposed to mean someone like Cruz or a quality Cruz has? Since I'm talking about Cruz, it's a quality Cruz has, namely to change his positions to whatever he needs to attract support. Not unusual in a politician but noticeable in someone who claims to be a man of principle.
  2. Do Americans have a problem with Radical Christianity and what is the FBI doing to keep arms out of their hands? Thing being, of course, that if it were one of his congregation who did the shooting instead of a 2nd gen Muslim Afghan you'd have most of the people who want it to be all Radical Islam insisting it wasn't a religious issue this time and most of the people who don't want to mention Radical Islam insisting this was a religious issue, this time. No they wouldn't. If that happened the government would go after those groups the way they've gone after white supremacists in the past. There's isn't any large scale international Christian terrorist movement. People are free to shoot off their mouth all they want though.
  3. Big reason Cruz lost the primary, although of course Cruz-like he was for it before he was against it.
  4. WOD do you think if Trump was president institutions like the FBI would become more effective ? I find myself sometimes surprised by what you guys want from your governments. For example the NSA gets vilified for developing a system like Prism but yet people feel the government doesn't do enough to prevent terrorism ? Yes, Trump would not take advice from Islamists or pressure federal agencies to bury their heads in the sand because of PC. Please read the links I already posted before you ask any more questions. They lay out the reasons very clearly. Basically this. I have a hunch that the people protesting about the FBI not preventing this attack just have no idea what kind of resources it'd take to investigate every single person who exhibits the same warning signs as the shooter. It's not that they didn't prevent it, even if they did everything right they might not have succeeded. The problem is we know they put him on terror watch list and then removed him against all logic. Edit: If a guy is on a terror watch list and FBI gets a call he's trying to buy body armor and bulk ammo, that might make his case high priority. If it's just an average guy doing that may be FBI doesn't have time to follow up.
  5. They could've kept him on the watch list. That way they would've been notified when he bought guns. If it started looking like he's about to launch an attack, they could've put him under surveillance. They could have an informer approach him. The idea that law enforcement can't do anything about a known terrorist until after he commits an attack is ridiculous.
  6. FBI so blinded by PC they can't see what's right in front of their face: http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/17/has-fbis-work-been-tainted-political-correctness/#!
  7. What would you say the flaws were? I hadn't particularly noticed.
  8. So when someone is shot and paralyzed for life the bigger picture is that attackers got caught? Pretty low standard I'd say.
  9. Just try to look at things objectively, that's all.
  10. The article only talks about Juarez, not all of Mexico. Even so: "Still, the transformation seems credible, though some say it is also the result of an accord between the Sinaloa and Juárez drug cartels." "Two months after our conversation Leyzaola was shot multiple times while parked on a Juárez street, a reminder of how dangerous the city remains." "Much of what weakened Juárez remains: low-paying, dead-end jobs; street gangs and drug cartels; more billboards than trees; and proximity to a neighbor with an insatiable appetite for drugs and few controls on guns. What’s more, politicians haven’t touched the political system’s corruption and lack of accountability, which allowed small-time drug traffickers to become national security threats."
  11. There are eye witness reports that he shouted 'Britain First' which is anti EU party in UK. Also UK don't have total ban of guns. Although reports say that he used home made gun. Apparently that claim has now been withdrawn: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/06/16/breaking-labour-mp-jo-cox-shot-stabbed-constituency-surgery-yorkshire/ Although we'll probably have to wait a while longer to be sure as most initial reports are wrong.
  12. It sure sounds like you're trying to minimize that aspect of it in the following:
  13. Maybe for the same reasons that the Russians still haven't released the rest of the deleted emails that they stole: bargaining power. Is wikileaks a front for Russian intelligence? https://20committee.com/2015/08/31/wikileaks-is-a-front-for-russian-intelligence/
  14. ISIS is a scapegoat according to you? Obviously this has nothing to do with radical ideology, even though his father is an America hating Taliban loving Muslim immigrant who expressed exactly the same views as his son.
  15. He said his grandmother was racist. How come he's not called the first half-white president of the United States?
  16. What's the evidence he was a "Brexit fanatic"? Reports say he was mentally ill. Also what happened with that famous British gun control?
  17. Obola hates America, because we have racism in our DNA. By which of course he means whites.
  18. Progs are suffering right now from a severe case of cognitive dissonance. One of their favorite victim groups is murdering another.
  19. With the likes of Huma Abedeen in the government and CAIR advising Obola, why should that surprise anyone? http://observer.com/2016/06/the-road-to-orlando/ How progressive of him. Well, he is a Democrat.
  20. With independents they're almost even though, most of his high unfavorability is with Democrats, who wouldn't vote for him anyway.
  21. Problem is, there's no due process in being put on the no fly list, so legally it's meaningless. If they actually went to a judge and asked someone to be placed on the no gun list, that may be legal, like they do with mentally incompetent. In other news, shooter probably a homosexual himself: http://m.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/orlando-shooter-omar-mateen-was-gay-former-classma/nrfwW/ I thought it might have something to do with self-hatred.
  22. Eh? The European refugee crisis has literally nothing to do with China, very little to do with Russia (Turkey has had their borders closed, so any extra refugees caused by Russian involvement are either internal or going to countries other than Turkey) and almost as little to do with ISIS since the population in their entire Syrian territory even with full pre war rather than 2014 populations barely passes a million. The only thing it has to do with Iran is that they support Assad; by that measure you can add Qatar, KSA, US etc as they support the rebels (and ISIS pre name change in some cases). It also ignores the biggest factor besides the existence of the civil war itself, Turkey, a nominal ally and friend of both Europe and the US, and the refugee crisis has had almost no effect on the US either. There's nothing US hard power could have done to alter things beyond the wanktastic daydreams of neocon fantasists. I was just using the refugee crisis as an example that even if we ignore the rest of the world, their problems would still make it over here in one form or another. But even in this case, since Turkey is a NATO member, presumably we would have some influence on them if we wanted to keep them from stirring things up in Syria, while if we had no conventional military forces there would be no NATO, and our influence would be a lot less.
  23. What you're saying basically is whatever designs Russia or China or Iran or IS have, we wouldn't interfere, because we couldn't. But I have to believe eventually whatever evils they unleash would get back to us one way or the other, you can see the European refugee crisis as an example. Plus we have global investments and trade we have to protect, unless you're willing to give all that up and just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. There can be a balance you know. It's not like we need to from spending more on military than the rest of the world combined straight to spending barely anything at all. I don't see for example, why we need things like the F35 Joint Strike Fighter. It costed like $400,000,000, and they don't even work. It's friggin' stupid. We need to stop the BS. No more blank checks for idiotic pet programs in the military. I don't disagree with you. Our military procurement is run by the fox in the henhouse, it's ridiculous the vast amounts of money they waste. And of course we can use (or not use) our military in a much more judicious way as well. All hard problems though.
  24. I don't think we'd survive as the richest global weakling. Like it or not, people are going to want our stuff. But Trump is right, other countries should contribute a lot more to their own defense, we shouldn't be carrying them.
  25. It's not. Illegals are costing us hundreds of billions, not to mention all the crime and social problems. You can't end poverty while you keep importing it.
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