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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. If they didn't get rid of filibuster, Gorsuch wouldn't have made it. Now they need to get rid of filibuster all together, or the Dems will kill them.
  2. The plot thickens: http://thefederalist.com/2017/05/02/bill-nye-censor-transgender-ideology/ Every day we become more like the Soviet Union.
  3. lol http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/05/01/nyt-op-ed-communism-gave-americans-sense-ones-own-humanity/ The only good communist is a dead communist.
  4. The Supreme Court is back in conservative hands and illegal border crossings are down 70%, so he's not as ineffective is you claim. Consider the difference if the super shrew won. Republican weakness is that they're disunited against a united Democrat opposition, thus majority of Republicans have to yield to Dems because the far right is so intransigent they sabotage the good when they can't get the perfect.
  5. Here's a guy who'd like some rectal probing: http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/26/new-biography-young-obama-considered-gayness-amazon1/
  6. Gun control: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/04/19/venezuelan-president-giving-400000-guns-to-supporters-to-silence-opposition/ It's always not about having guns, it's who gets to have them.
  7. Have to come to a good stopping point in Tyranny before I get Expeditions: V
  8. Trump probably didn't mean "easier than his previous life" he meant "easier than it actually is".
  9. There are no cities in Canada, hence no crime. Edit: Quite a mystery all right.
  10. I recognized Shanina. The site where her diary was posted removed it for some reason, but the internet never forgets: http://web.archive.org/web/20150914111609/http://iremember.ru:80/memoirs/snayperi/shanina-roza/ Might be a bit confusing if you have to rely on google translate, I thought they have a new algorithm but it apparently hasn't made it to Russian yet.
  11. Man, it's just like New Vegas: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/04/26/wandering-security-robots-take-america/
  12. Can North Korea really destroy Seoul? http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2017/04/26/could_north_korea_annihilate_seoul_with_its_artillery_111248.html We should've kept the neutron bomb.
  13. Not a formal one, of course the dollar is always losing value through inflation.
  14. I have to idea whether it's legal in the US, but depositor 'haircuts' have been widely suggested in the Euro Zone, especially Cyprus where they stole ~50% of deposits (mostly Russian) to bail out that failed garbage tier Euro, again. Kind of ironic, you get people who seem to genuinely wonder why Russia hates the EU as if there's no reason when they've outright stolen billions to prop up their failed economic model. But they were authorized by government to do it, which is what GD was saying, not stealing your money on their own as Elerond was claiming. In US deposits are insured by the government up to $250000 per bank per account ownership type (except for accrued but unpaid interest), but in practice no one's ever lost money in a bank as the government takes them over when they fail.
  15. Never heard of that happening in the US, sounds ridiculous. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/22/us/politics/james-comey-election.html?_r=0 Just wow. The Russians - keeping American government honest for a century. Edit: Yes, I'm sure that's why. Yes, pure coincidence. Edit2: Liberals never learn: https://www.the-american-interest.com/2017/04/24/guilty-men/ I hear Muslim Brotherhood is also mostly secular.
  16. Game is gud but I'd wait til patches. it's a 8.5 i'll change to 9.5 once quirks are fixed Glad to hear it's not as bad as the reviews on Steam made me believe.
  17. Maybe some young people living in first world countries should stop feeling so entitled and realize their governments can only do so much for them ? Yeah, they should quit feeling entitled to their government giving preference to their own citizens over everyone else.
  18. Pencil neck geek scientist wedgie coming up.
  19. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/855219342614695936
  20. I think that's why they tell you to have a "rainy day" fund.
  21. Had to do a boss fight in Styx, argh. Watched the video, set difficulty to easy, still had to do countless retries. It's not even that hard, you just have to memorize the level and what to do at each point, but one mistake and you're dead.
  22. The America Conservative has an excerpt from that book on their page. Apparently Clinton was a seriously paranoid individual. She had staffers spy on other staffers. She read other people e-mail. They had a "loyalty" list of congress where they ranked the congress critters from 1-7 on their loyalty to their campaign. She had a strained relationship with the President (that isn't news to anyone) and her whole campaign went out if it's way to ignore the advice coming from Bill Clinton. And it sounds like he was warning them as far back as April 2016 they were in trouble. I might have to give that book a look. it sounds interesting from the little I read. Apparently she was quite sophisticated in using email servers to spy on her employees. Then claimed in sworn testimony she had no idea how email servers work. Edit: This comes up from time to time: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/04/21/no-gov-dean-there-is-no-hate-speech-exception-to-the-first-amendment/?utm_term=.398340f95323
  23. Edit: You know, probably just a waste of breath. Living in a different world, I suppose. Edit 2, where I decide to waste breathe. I'm not fine with this: http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/04/20/524774195/what-country-spends-the-most-and-least-on-health-care-per-person No one in the US should be "fine" with the costs of healthcare. We are all one emergency away from catastrophic medical bills that can bankrupt all but the richest of us. We're not all one emergency away, because most of us have health insurance. You're exaggerating same as most people on this topic. Our system is far from perfect, but one reason the costs are high is that Americans are demanding and spoiled. We won't accept long waiting times or rationing. Edit: From your chart, the closest in spending to us are Norway, Luxembourg and Switzerland. What's the common denominator? These are all very rich countries.
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