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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. Systems engineering just means that they design systems, doesn't it? I guess it sounds better than saying we design widgets. Edit: That pretty much say it all, doesn't it? Management bull**** alert activated.
  2. It means the unwashed masses, as opposed to elite and discerning gamers like us.
  3. Well, I know what I know and you don't. I didn't say you don't know any technology firms run on systems theory, but I welcome any examples you might wish to offer.
  4. That's already been proven beyond all doubt.
  5. Sometimes I really wonder where you obtain the alien logic you use to reach some of your conclusions. Systems theory. But don't let that worry you. It's only used to run every major technology and manufacturing firm in the world. FFS I thought you were studying for an MBA? I don't know any technology firm that's run on systems theory, certainly not any I've worked for. And how exactly does systems theory show that I wouldn't care if someone was hit by lightning? Anyway, I think you have me confused with someone else, I'm not studying for anything, I've been an engineer for 25 years.
  6. Sometimes I really wonder where you obtain the alien logic you use to reach some of your conclusions. And for the record, I didn't say let everyone fail. I specifically said we'll have to bail out our banks once again if it comes to that. But really, how much can they be in for? Even if it's a couple of trillion $, the Fed prints that much before they break for lunch. But trying to help people who are unwilling to help themselves has always been a fool's errand.
  7. I say anyone unwilling to pay their debts should just be allowed to collapse, and once again we'll have to bail out our idiot banks by going even deeper into debt. I want heads to roll though if that happens again. Btw, I always thought EU as a common market was a good idea, but as a political and monetary union it was sheer stupidity, although it was hard to remember that as the Euro was soaring past the dollar.
  8. Why do you keep saying that, Syria and Iran have been close allies for a long time. Most of the Iranian help for the Hezbollah comes though Syria, and Hezbollah has assassinated Rafic Hariri on Syria's behalf.
  9. Hmm, so I wonder if anyone tried to see if these people stick to each other.
  10. May be so. http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/magnet...ky-bogdan-1397/ But he's sticky enough to hold a frying pan?
  11. Well, this isn't exactly science: http://news.yahoo.com/serb-cousins-share-s...-100711830.html
  12. So anyone who believes in God is "hopelessly disconnected from reality" ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creationism
  13. People keep saying that, what exactly was so amazing about Shivering Isles? The dungeons were even more tedious than Oblivion, and you couldn't avoid going to one right after another. Agree about Knights of the Nine though.
  14. The connotation is correct, whether you believe it or not. Edit: May be you should read this: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/liberty-an...evin/1009207331 disclaimer, I haven't read it
  15. Also unfair in that Obsidian had multiple shipped projects, while this was Eidos Montr
  16. Oh, wikipedia. Tyrannos, greek, per OED. And originally had no bad connotations. Wikipedia says all that. But apparently the English word derives from Latin.
  17. Innovation is overrated, I'd rather have a quality game.
  18. If a judge ignores the law and rules against you, when by law you were in the right, is he not being despotic and oppressive? I'll quote from an inscription in our courthouse, "Where law ends, tyranny begins"
  19. "Endgame autosave" is in the Causeway, actually. The final autosave is marked "East Forest". It could work if someone isn't the type to delete saves as they go. Good point, may be that's why they did it that way.
  20. The way it sounds, we will take the Causeway to that new place. It's far enough from the regions seen in the original game to imagine that we can't see the various consequences of our choices, so I see no reason why it couldn't be set right after the game has ended. But the last save is just before the last boss fight, how do you take the causeway from there?
  21. Also unfair in that Obsidian had multiple shipped projects, while this was Eidos Montr
  22. How do you play it if you already finished the game?
  23. Tyrant noun any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically. Yes, an illegitimate ruler that rules by fiat, exactly what a federal judge does. I already quoted Sotomayor, also Bill Moyers to Sandra Day O'Connor: "but the Constitution is whatever you say it means". But I'm the nutty one, fine. Edit: from Wikipedia.
  24. Pretty unfair comparison to AP since Square Enix spend a million jillion dollars making HR, while Sega could obviously only afford a shoe string budget. Plus Obsidian had no prior experience making action/stealth games.
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