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Everything posted by Albion72

  1. 1. 300 years later = Revan and Exile dead. 2. From the FAQ - http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#356 This means that there can never be a KotOR3 where Revan and Exile resolve the threat of the True Sith, because we're now 300 years later, meaning they've both long since died of old age, yet here are the same Sith that Revan left to fight, and they threaten the Republic. Hence Revan failed, and the game is based on the plot basis established for Revan during TSL. Or to put it differently: Which, judging from the above, is exactly what they did. Same plot, it's the true Sith and Revan never returned. That's it, KotOR closed. If they have thought of an original plot, I wouldn't have a problem with this, but they didn't - they hijacked the KotOR3 plot established at the end of TSL. Besides, also from the FAQ: Yup, we'll be seeing droids from KotOR as well, probably T3 and HK-47, and our characters from KotOR will be "relevant" through their various descendants. That's the nod to saying "Yes, this is as much KotOR as you're going to get - KotOR is now this. Get with the program - it's this way or the highway." Personally I've already chosen the latter. That still leaves room for a plot imho. Revan may not have owned all the Sith in the unknown regions, but something interesting certainly happened. Maybe this Sith Emperor is Revan, who knows. Maybe there is a plot twist and these Sith who are attacking the Republic aren't the True Sith at all. Afterall, in KOTOR's time, pretty much every person in the galaxy believed that the Sith we tear apart in the games were THE SITH, who were jerks, conquerors, and fighters. Also, if the True Sith were massing in the uknnown regions, it took them 300 years to finally attack the Republic? Revan/Exile/both had to have DONE SOMETHING to postpone this threat. Afterall I think Kreia states that the Sith we were not apart of the "True Sith" faction... which leads me to believe Revan left known space right away because he knew the True Sith were getting ready to attack the weak and fragile republic, which had been decimated by two wars right after eachother. It was the perfect time to attack, and I think Revan knew this. So, what stopped the True Sith from attacking a Republic that was only a tiny fraction of its strength before the war? Even if these True Sith only had mediocre military forces, mediocre was better than the Republics tiny little army that was still intact and operational. Perhaps we will not find out who the True Sith are until some future Expanded Universe comic or game that takes place far after anything we have now (I hope not). Perhaps We will get a game that takes place during the Mandalorian Wars and we'll see what Revan saw when he came back with an armada. I guess the whole point of what I'm getting at is this: Just because a company decides to make an MMO does not mean that the entirety of a plot is destroyed. Take Star Wars Galaxies for example. During the time period of the game (Rebellion vs. Empire), were there thousands of jedi running around? No. In the game were there? Yes. Did you see any of the events that took place in the movies in the game? No. You made your own personal story. There was nothing epic about Star Wars Galaxies. No plots were screwed over. Games were still made of that time era. We are safe.
  2. Over much debating with myself in the countless minutes of boredom at work, I have concluded that three possible outcomes exist for the star wars galaxy. 1. Somehow, good wins infinitely. The DS is destroyed to a point where it can never return to full power. 2. Opposite of above, and the galaxy sucks. 3. Rinse and repeat of the last 20,000 years of galactic history, with new jedi/sith and different technology. What are your opinions on this issue? And btw, it feels AWESOME to be back on these forums.
  3. After the Clone Wars, I'm afraid a movie about Revan would give him dumb lines like, "Better luck next time!" and, "Prepare to meet your death!" Hehehehe.
  4. Sadly that seems unlikely to me. For one thing, SWtOR has hijacked the K3 plot. So even if it fails and LA decides to retrace their steps towards SP CRPG, there is virtually no way to recover the Revan and Exile vs. True Sith plot... It's dead, Jim. I respectfully disagree. You must look at MMOs, and how they work. MMO's aren't games that are meant for great plot. How can one player be the hero, if 10 thousand other players did the same quests? My guess is this MMO is going to be the run of the mill, "Create your character, get some half-a@# quest that tells you to collect some bones, and then go kill the creatures that have the bones. Do this till max level, then raid this 'Cave that is tuned w/ the darkside' for better gear. This will take you approximately 70 hours of your life." 1. EDIT: I did some reading on the site. The events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, take place approximately 300 years after the events of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Far from hijacking the Revan versus true sith plot. 300 years is enough breathing room to do with what you will with that whole story arc. You can be assured that this game will have nothing to do with Revan or the Exile. Sleep easy . After some more reading, I found a very useful sentence. "Choose to be a Jedi, a Sith, or from a variety of other classic Star Wars roles, and make decisions which define your personal story and determine your path down the light or dark side of the Force." The keywords in this sentence are "define your personal story". This isn't going to be on a galactic epic scale, such as you saving the galaxy. Its going to be personal, story driven battles. However, if they do something stupid like tell everyone playing the MMO through some dumb quest what Revan and the Exile did in the uknown regions, and they reveal who the True Sith are, then the plot would be ruined. But I think they would not do this. Because you can gather from games and/or movies that the True Sith were never noticed, or considered enough of a threat to go out AND NOTICE them. This means Revan and the Exile did something special out there, in which their actions can only be revealed through a singleplayer game, and the rest of the galaxy will never know what happened. I wouldn't put the Singleplayer KOTOR 3 to rest just yet. The success/failure of the MMO can be looked at from a positive view point as well. Success: Bioware has money. Lots of money. They can make a singleplayer third installment. Failure: Bioware realized players don't want an MMO. They make a singleplayer third installment.
  5. The Emperor did not live much beyond ROTJ in the expanded universe, though. He came back in the six-issue Dark Empire arc, then returned in the next six-issue Dark Empire II and then finally expired completely in the two-issue Empire's End. So all in all he lived fourteen issues beyond ROTJ. And the KotOR comic book with Zayne Carrick, which is really reaching its climax at the moment. I can't find a comic store here . I want to read'em, but no one has'em. Sad.
  6. Wait wait wait wait... I know that a KOTOR time based MMO is being made, but where was it said that it was the third installment. Was it ever confirmed KOTOR III cannot happen... MMOs and Singleplayer games do take their own paths after all. I haven't kept up with gaming news lately, but I would like to see a link to a site where a company says that KOTOR III as a singleplayer game is out of the question. We still have these forums at least... KOTOR related discussion is still possible . I'm really going to have to buy KOTOR 1 for the PC now... So that I have both of them in the years to come.
  7. I don't see the big deal with people and MMOs. Its 15 dollars a month. If you take a family of three to burger king and actually don't buy crappy stuff, you'll be spending that in one evening. Its not like you are paying monthly for a game that won't have anythign else done to it either... Your 15 dollars a month is going towards server maintenance, expanded content, more gear, more quests, more weapons, more balance issues, the creation of expansion packs, etc. Some people must just be inherently Singleplayer fans I guess. Its 15 bucks if you go see a movie at the movie theater with another person. (Well, could be cheaper where you live tbh so I actually don't know). I'm currently subscribed to TWO MMO's (Age of Conan and PlanetSide) for a grand total of 30 dollars a month. When you factor in that each month I get like 100 hours of entertainment out of it, I think its well worth the 30 dollars.
  8. Hmm, its hard for a person like me to decide what kind of combat a game should use for one reason: I'm a fan of first person shooters, I'm a fan of Role-Playing games, I'm a fan of Sci-Fi games, Fantasy games, racing games, Third person shooters, Over the Shoulder shooters, wacky stuff (like mario).... so I'm pretty much into it all. As for hooded robes, hell yeah. As for choosing your race, I'd still be a human, but why not have hte option? I think you should be able to build your own ship (and choose a pre-made name so the NPCs would be able to say it, the list of pre-made names would be huge.). The style of ship etc would be unique to you only. I think the storyline would be much more epic if the ship you were traveling the galaxy on and whooping some @!% with if YOU MADE IT yourself of your own design. I also think that planets should be expanded. More zones on the planets, and make them bigger too.
  9. I would choose the Ebon Hawk. However, I would build my own spaceship that varies slightly from the Falcon and Hawk, and name it something cool. NAME COMING SOON!
  10. Yep. Same here. Me three. It's called EA. I don't really care. I will play this MMO. I enjoy singleplayer and MMOs, just not sports games :D. Could play those in real life. IMO Obsidian will get a KOTOR 3 Project just because they are the ones who practically created the breathtaking plot in KOTOR II. Only makes sense to let the geniuses take over after their first successs.
  11. Thats what I happen to believe, considering Palpatine had to clone himself in order to not have the Dark Side completely annihilate his body and that be the end of him. Lol. Whether that was the reason for the cloning is still uncertain. ROTS sees him disfigured due to the fight with Windu. It's true that he says in Dark Empire that his body does not well sustain his power in the dark side. It's also stated that he has died many times before, but I believe that was later retconned, so that he had never "died" before ROTJ. That would make sense, though, if we assume he used the technology of Kaminoans, who needed decades to clone Jango Fett. According to what I read on wookieepedia, Palpatine was so strong with the dark side that he was granted great power at the cost of a rapidly decaying body. His clones fixed this making his one flaw not so flaw-like. Besides the fact that as a new clone he would have to re-learn a few things but it didn't take that long. Except Palpatine's cloning method is not quite like that. You'd think that an newly activated clone has only the experience and skills of the original at the time he "copied" himself. But it's not so in Palpatine's case, because he can transfer his lifeforce through the force and enter a new clone-body even lightyears away. That's how he can remember Luke's fight with Vader on Death Star II despite being killed there. It's also why it is a real threat, when he threatens Leia to enter and possess the body of her unborn child (Anakin Solo) in "Empire's End". I'm just telling you what I read off wookieepedia. It says something a long the lines of, "As soon as Palpatine entered a new clone he'd be a little weaker than he was before being forced to go to a clone, and by the time he gets really really god like powerful hsi body decays, causing him to go to another clone.. lol.
  12. The only non-monthly subscription fee MMO I know of is Guild Wars, and guess what hte price to pay for that is? Instanced zones meaning only a set amount of people can be in one instance sot hat deters from being immersed in an MMO environment. If you are talking about the "Free MMOs" that the Koreans make on a daily basis, those don't count because once you reach a certain level its ALMOST impossible to level without buying something from their item malls. And all MMOs offer a "solo" playstyle... YOu are not forced to play with anybody. I also disagree with you first point about games being singleplayer. Singleplayer games are singleplayer, MMOs are not. Singleplayer allows multiplayer because some people enjoy it.
  13. Don't want to argue with anyone, but everyone on these forums except like one other seems to think MMOs are big bad evil people out to steal your money.... Lol. Wasn't there a great Jedi or something who once said, "Open your mind?" You should all try this MMO . If you don't like it, take it back (Just make sure you buy from a store or site that allows refunds). Of course, KOTOR III will have to be singleplayer otherwise the story element will be lost, but MMOs are MMOs for exactly one reason, being MMO. Its meant to do things and explore the world with other players. I guess thats what some of you don't like. I guess on a KOTOR II forum though the majority playerbase would be more adherent to single player things. No problem here, just saying... saying things like ''NEVER. NO. NO WAY. MMOS ALL SUCK" is just a little one-sided and close-minded to me... especially when a lot of you have never played an MMO past the point where it gets really really interesting. And just for everyone's information... I absolutely despise World of Warcraft? Not because of hte monthly fee, but because of the lack of plot (I mean, MMOs shouldn't make any one player Ruler of the Galaxy or World, but WoW's plot just sucks), and that "You killed something, now get used to killing something a few million other times to get to the MAX level in the game so that you can go raid the same dungeon to get the best gear and then just raid dungeons for fun while you wait for even better (more ridiculously over powered gear) to come out" feel to it. Do you know what you are paying a monthly fee for? Patches, game development, new weapons/quests/jobs/force powers. More cities to go explore. More planets/landspeeders/space ships. A good MMO that gets a lot of money has something new coming out every week for players too do. Oh yeah did I mention Expansion packs? If your MMO company aint doing all this when they got a good 100,000-1,000,000 person playerbase, then unsubscribe from them. They suck. :D. Your 15 bucks a month (or 10 bucks a month for some MMOs) is going to something actually meant to make the game more useful. Its not like KOTOR II where its HERES YOUR BUGGY GAME NOW PLAY! Now maybe you should be saying that you shouldn't eat fast food (assuming there's two of you) because it will be around 10-15 bucks for two people to go, and they are "milking" your money from you every time. Truthfully, fast food is but thats another topic. I for one will try this KOTOR MMORPG, on an Role-Playing server that is (Less annoying people who spam and talk about stupid stuff).
  14. There are entire servers in some games dedicated to Role-playing. So basically if you make a character on that server you must follow the role-play ruleset meaning you don't go around spamming how good the dark knight was and that you saw it 8 times (guilty)... you have to talk like youa rein the world etc. Theres lots of role-playing, but if you are not on a role-playing server don't expect it. At the moment there are no MMORPGs that I am subscribed too. Once my new vid card gets in I will try Age of Conan. I am however subscribed to an MMOFPS.. the only MASSVIE FPS out there (1000s on one server fighting). For 15 bucks a month I get about 30 hours of entertainment a week. Star Wars Galaxies Failed utterly however, so I'm skeptical about this one. Well I take that back... Star wars galaxies was AWESOME Pre-CU and Pre-NGE. Hopefully this new KOTOR MMO doesn't make the same mistake as Sony Online Entertainment did with SWG. SWG Had it SOOO hard to get your lightsaber/become a jedi then in one update the ruined it, few days, thousands of jedi running around iwth lightsabers. I mean, there aren't even that many Jedi in that time period so it didn't make sense.
  15. No no no no... Jabba is not a baby hutt. They rescue Jabba's son. Guess I worded it wrong. :D
  16. Agree on the Luke/Han/Leia part. I might wind the clocks back a bit and right about the unification wars. Who knows. I wonder what happens when George Lucas dies. Does a family member become the owner of Lucas Arts and do the stories still get written or is it all discontinued?
  17. Well its not like my life is failing or anything. I still go to work, etc. My marriage is good. Sometimes I just go on wookieepedia reading sprees for like hours though... lol. On the Clone Wars... I have to agree... Animation: Could've been better Voice acting: The voices were good, the lines were horrendous. Action: Meh, alright. Clones vs. Droids was good, Jedi movements were a little too jerky. Plot: I can understand having to control the outer rim space routes in order to move troops, but rescuing a Hutts son to do it kind of lacked. I'd rather I'd not watched it because it made me view Jabba in a different way. Actually, it made me view the hutts in a different way. Jabbas uncle was horrendous. He was like a drug addict pimp who sounded like a girl. No offense to girls, but he was supposed to be a GUY in the movie. I give it a 2 out of 5.
  18. Does anyone else suffer from a disease known as Star Wars Crave Syndrome? No matter how much I read, how much I find out, I can't help but want to know MORE about the universe. More about the star wars galaxy, more about sith, more about jedi, mroe about grey jedi, about groups that are supposedly neutral, more about galactic politics, more about star systems, mroe about people, more about the militaries and wars of the past. Ugh, its infuriating.
  19. EDIT: Nevermind. I figured out what I had to do. I just downloaded the .dll file from the link you gave me and replaced the one I had and now the game is running. Thanks for the guide. I bought a new comp (got a deal for 4gb of ram and phenom processor and 4850 radeon - 500 bucks :D) and it has vista. Giving hell to all my games. I can't live w/o KOTOR either and Clone Wars just got me in the mood to play.
  20. Thats what I happen to believe, considering Palpatine had to clone himself in order to not have the Dark Side completely annihilate his body and that be the end of him. Lol. Whether that was the reason for the cloning is still uncertain. ROTS sees him disfigured due to the fight with Windu. It's true that he says in Dark Empire that his body does not well sustain his power in the dark side. It's also stated that he has died many times before, but I believe that was later retconned, so that he had never "died" before ROTJ. That would make sense, though, if we assume he used the technology of Kaminoans, who needed decades to clone Jango Fett. According to what I read on wookieepedia, Palpatine was so strong with the dark side that he was granted great power at the cost of a rapidly decaying body. His clones fixed this making his one flaw not so flaw-like. Besides the fact that as a new clone he would have to re-learn a few things but it didn't take that long.
  21. Thats what I happen to believe, considering Palpatine had to clone himself in order to not have the Dark Side completely annihilate his body and that be the end of him. Lol.
  22. ROFL Lol... Thats quite a long time ago. Are you sure that there hasn't already been like 54164787654132168794543218967454611654549/78945131654 to the 8th power big bangs by now? Assuming of course you believe that big bang rubbish.
  23. Absolutely! I can see jealous backstabbing when Revan, Exile, Atton and Bastila gather... Seriously though, if a four member party was implemented would be easier to choose your companions. I always missed someone else to complete the party in both games: in K1 I usually carried Canderous and HK or Juhani and Jolee, and I missed either Jolee or T3 (for the first group) and Canderous or HK for the second goup; in K2 I carried either Kreia and Mira or Kreia and Mandalore. Occasionally Brianna or Visas. With four characters I could have my most used chars in the same party... But it has to be very well balanced... I mean, if an army of three delivered havoc and utter-doom to any battlefields they were, imagine an army of four. It would be the damn apocalypse! There would probably be more enemies. If not more enemies then enemies would be tougher... Say more HP and better stats in strength or dexterity depending on what your enemy is using.
  24. Explain the meaning of your text? :D You are saying LightSide rules (which is easy to interpret) but then you say "Even if you have to be dark to get there". Are you saying that it rules even if a former DS user turns to the light or something?
  25. I was like that for a few months except its harder to explain. I would remeber that I dreamed something. But when I awoke I couldn't tell, but I would remember that I dreamed something. And I had an image of what it was but I couldn't see the image. GR its so hard to put into words.
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