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Everything posted by Albion72

  1. This went from a K3 Discussion to a YourOpinionMeansNothingYesItDoesNoItDoesn'tItDoesn'tMatterAtAllSoBeQuietButIfISayThisthenThisMustBeTrueNoItsNot. So back on Topic. Hi. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Albion. My views are often hated by everyone. So here they are. In a K3, when or if they release it, I would like to see these things: 1. One more party member allowed at one time... So four instead of three. 2. More advanced party features (Like forms, such as Agressive, Jedi Support, Stationary, Grenadier) so that we may make our 4 person party truly innovative to our playstyle. 3. Of course, lots of lore. Well... Can't really think of much else that hasn'talready been covered.
  2. What would that have to do with anything? Really you have no idea what they have in store but still you sit here and critize. Its hilarious you think people care about your ramblings of how its going to be horrible. Bioware is an amazing company funded by EA they will deliver. Just wait and see SWG, like all MMOs, sucks. Yes, I know that Bioware is a great developer, they're one of my favorites, probably my actual favorite. I just hold no like/respect for the MMO genre, and I don't think that will change. And since when has EA been good at anything except sports games? I will agree that most MMORPG's suck. However, MMOFPS is quite different, especially when that MMOFPS is PlanetSide. But still. I want teh Kotor 3 SINGLEPLAYER!
  3. Lol exactly. If there are Sith, expect some wars. :D
  4. That sounds interestingly interesting... lol
  5. As you probably know, Star Wars canon is not written in a straight line, so there are a lot of unknowns. I actually have not read all the New Jedi Order (NJO) stuff taking place 20+ years after RotJ, but you can pick up the plots pretty easily if you look through Wookieepedia. For a long time, new NJO novels were always the chronologically "newest" stories in Star Wars, but a few years back, they decided to begin a new comic book set about 100-120 or so years after RotJ, the point being that all the regular heroes (Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, etc.) would be long dead and gone. And the galaxy is in trouble. The comic series is called "Legacy" and has Cade Skywalker as the main character. Luke actually appears as a force ghost in one story, though, so it does establish that he died at some point and became one with the force like Obi-Wan. Everything in the computer games, comic books (except for all but a few parts of Star Wars Tales) and novels is canon. Yes, some people assign C-canon and whatnot, but LA actually considers everything they've released to be canon. Probably not the true Sith. For one thing, given that Kreia ends TSL with the comment that the great is coming, I'd assume the matter has long since been dealt with. I'm still clinging to the hope of seeing that resolved in a single-player KotOR3. Besides, the unknown regions of KotOR are not quite as unknown anymore in Luke's time 4000+ years later. Well, I don't read it either, but maybe we just don't like all the new characters. Or maybe we don't like the idea that Han, Leia and Luke are dead - it's much easier to accept they are not born yet if you go back in time and tell stories in the Old Republic. Krayt is a creature of the movie era, though, as his origin is set in the Republic comic books between Episodes I and II, IIRC. Thanks for your praise, though. Ah ok. They haven't stopped with the legacy books have they? I guess the biggest problem I have with it is that... well... the Sith order won lol. They are ruling hte galaxy and I'm (I admit) a Jedi/Light Side fanboy. And are these comic books common? (Comic books based around the KOTOR timeline) I'd love to go pick up like 10 copies. :D Can I find them in most modern comic book stores? BTW I still think there are some unexplored regions of space. I know that Darth Sidious ordered the exploration of a lot of unknown space though.. (IIRC thats how he met Grand Admiral Thrawn.... maybe). But who knows. This galaxy is full of so much crap we can never be completely sure whats going to happen. lol.
  6. My faith is re-newed. In that link you posted I read one phrase. "Knights of the Old Republic Online". That tells me that KOTOR III will be singleplayer for one reason, mainly an example. World Of Warcraft came out after Warcraft 1, 2, and 3. They made the MMO Separate from the single-player story plot. Now, one last hopeful thought, maybe Obsidian will develop KOTOR III and LA and BioWare will work on the MMO, everyone is a happy camper then. That would rake in 2x the amount of money too then if they decided to develop one or the other. From a Financial Standpoint BioWare and LA have enough money to design an MMO which people will pay monthly for, even if you won't. And Obsidian has enough money to make a single-player game, even if they don't maybe LA will throw them some cash. Afterwards they have people paying monthly for an MMO and us who are buying the Singe-Player copies of the game and most likely even more people who are playing both. We'll see though.
  7. Yeah 50% of the time. The other 50% is just a dream of me sitting in a room or something.
  8. No I was basically saying the same thing you are saying. Forgot who, said that the Jedi only care about the Sith because the Sith are stronger than the Jedi. Ergh, I guess to sum it up I'm trying to say that the Jedi DON'T care about the Sith because they think they are stronger, but because they are SITH, and will sooner or later start some craziness. Even if the Sith were the weak kids on the blcok the Jedi would still care about them because they wouldnt' want them starting any galactic conflicts.
  9. I'll try it. Do we know for sure if this is specifically the third installment? What if this is just a "KOTOR-Based-Time-Thingy" MMO. OR something entirely different? Did someone from LA or BioWare specifically come out and say, "KOTOR III will be a Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game? Just wondering if it is COMPLETELY CONFIRMED no hoaxes, no confusion, just pure truth. Maybe they'll have it as singleplayer and once you've beat the Singleplayer campaign which is the main plot you'll be able to play it with an MMO for those who like it with an expanded universe and MMO like qualities... who knows.
  10. Another person with no brains. Graphics don't equal good gameplay. Go play Crysis because we all know the better the graphics the better the game.
  11. Hope you have fun playing Galaxies, it will be free when Kotor Mmorpg kicks it ass. And albion, you seem familar with Runescape and Hello Kitty, you sure know how to pick your games. So that was an attempt at an Insult? Fail. I am very familiar with RuneScape. Lvl 93. Is that bad? The graphics are bad, get over it. Didn't even know Hello Kitty was anything but a TV show. And I obviously know how to pick my games if I play the KOTORs, or are you now saying that KOTOR is lame? Go try every MMO and every console game out there before you tell someone who has that htey don't know how to pick games. Out of the multitudes of MMOs out there I am subscribed to 2 for about 20 dollars a month. I make that in 1/3 a day at work, and for hte enjoyment I get out of it, its wroth it. If you are referring to 3/4 RuneScapes playerbase, then I'll agree with you. It sucks.
  12. Yeah, I think its easy to happen to me. When I was a kid I'd play with plastic Army Men (lol). I once dreamt I was on top of a cloud with this huge like 10x10 battlefield pro built/painted everything with all my little men. Good point on the dream interpretation, I'm just not entirely convinced by it yet.
  13. This is what I've experienced in MMO's so far. (With the exception of PlanetSide, which is an MMOFPS, and is everchanging, constantly fun battlefield on a massive scale [up to like 350 people in any one area!]) I hope the KOTOR MMO does not follow this pattern, if it does, it will fail miserably in the eyes of everyone on these forums. Leveling: Step 1: Kill 10 things to get to lvl 2. Step 2: Kill 15 things to get to lvl 3. Step 3: Kill 20 things to get to lvl 4. Step 4: Kill 25 things to get to lvl 5. Step 5: Sell the noob items and gold you got from killing 75 w/e and buy your lvl 5 weapon armor. Step 6: Repeat steps 1-4 with the amount you have to kill till you reach half the reachable levels in the game. Step 7: Go "OMG I WANT THAT ULTRA RARE GEAR SO BAD" Step 8: Kill like 5000 things for almost no experience so you can get enough money to buy whatever overpriced piece of gear you want. Step 9: Go PVP with it. Step 10: Go PVP with it some more. Step 11: Get bored. Quit for 2 months. Step 12: Come back, PVP some more until you realize its boring. Step 13: Move on. Realize the last 50000 hours of your life were wasted. QUESTS in MMOs: Step 1: Talk to an NPC Step 2: Go collect 10 hides for the NPC. Step 3: Get 5000 experience because you brought the NPC 10 hides. Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 except the amount of things you have to collect grows in number until you see the exp gained from quests is completely pointless so you go PVP but that is already boring so there is no alternative other than to quit. Thats why I actually like RuneScape. (Yes, you can make fun of me) RuneScape allows you to not only go kill 500000000000 things to reach the max levels in combat skills, but you can go fish, chop trees, hunt animals, summon things, cook very complicated meals, craft jewelry, armour, etc, smith metal armors and weapons, mine ores and smelt them into bars, fletch your own bows, etc. There are so many things to do. The RuneScape quest system for an MMO is the best so far. Graphics are bad but hey, RuneScape quests will befuzzle (lol) you for long periods of time. You literally have to search every brick on every wall for some quests, use certain items with certain things to get access to a riddle. Travel the world gathering information. Cast a spell on a wall (that you have no idea how to figure it out, you just do). IF the KOTOR MMO takes what RuneScape has done and makes it more Star Wars-like with better graphics, improved quest systems (even more-so) and lots and lots of star wars-like skills that I can mess around wtih, as well as an awesome MAIN PLOT, I won't mind paying montly. 15 dollars a month. You spend like 11 when you and another go eat at Burger King. Its nothing... Well I souldn't say that since I don't know where everyone works... sorry if I've offended anyone.
  14. I went on a 12 hour KOTOR II Marathon yesterday. (I didn't have any work, all the house work was done, I watered the yard at about 9 AM..... I had nothing to do the rest of the day so I popped in KOTOR II). I started at like noon and ended around midnight... can't remember which. During which the only breaks I took were bathroom, occasional eating break, re-fill water glass. I went to sleep that night and had a really crazy dream. Call me a nutjob but here is the summary. And yes, everything you read, I dreamt about. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......." DUH DUN... DUN... Dun dun dun dundundundundundundundundund DUNDA DUN! (Music continues) Star Wars: Episode X (Yeah really had that in my dream). The Evil Darth Trask (Have no idea why) has succeeded in resurrecting every past Dark Jedi, Sith or not. In an effort to halt the evil lord's efforts, Aquilinius (My characters name in KOTOR II) has gathered the force-ghosts of every past Jedi to figure out a way to resurrect an army of their own. Aquilinius succeeds. The two armies.... thousands of dark jedi pitted against thousands of lightsiders are on Coruscant... Sector E-17-2406 (Not relevant at all to anything in Star Wars). The ensuing battle looks as if it will ravage the planet until the glory of the Republic is nothing more but smoking ruins..... (Credits float off in space). (You see the chest area of two figures in robes, one in dark, one in light). BSHJGEEE (lightsabers ignite) and a ferocious duel follows. The two combatans lock lightsabers and stare at eachother face to face. "Your pathetic attempt to defeat my army will end in your DESTRUCTION!" -Dark Lord Trask. Aquilinius grunts, and then breaks away and the duel continues. The view zooms out to show thousands of force-users fighting with lightsabers all over the city. Blasts of pure force energy and force powers of all sorts are being used. The city is being destroyed very fast, block by block jedi are leveling buildings, using hte rubble as projectiles and what not. Nomi Sunrider cuts down Freedon Nad (Yep). Then it flashes back to the huge battle, it then zooms in on Aquilinius and Trask. Aquilinus uses Emerald Justice (i think its called that) on Trask and knocks him down. Dream ends with Aquilinus walking towards a (Seems like it) knocked out Dark Lord trask. Hehe, thanks for reading. Of course the plot really sucks (resurrect lol) but it was a dream, and I rather enjoyed it. I mean, seeing thousands of jedi against thousands of dark jedi just really kicked a lot of a**.
  15. Hey I like this idea and it sounds really awesome but I have a couple questions/ideas. 1... Can you clear up where official non-dragonball Z Star Wars cannon ends? According to Wookieepedia it ends iwth some Cade Skywalker or something and a New Sith order which I didn't really like the idea of. But according to what you are saying Luke is alive, when in the timeline look passed away some how. Some clarification would be aweosme because I really hate the DBZ form of Star Wars but I love Luke Skywalker. He was a childhood hero of mine as well considering I was born in 1984 and watched the old trilogy with my uncle in 86'. 2. Perhaps Luke roams the unknown regions when he steps down as Grand Master and finds some clues as to what Revan and the Exile were doing? Nothing so epic as it changes a whole set of plots but just a few interesting details in their travels... Maybe Luke even finishes off a fight that Revan starts... I really like the idea of "A Mysterious Man" saving people from pirates or just showing up randomly to help out. You should totally right that book... Just think of an Epic Title. I read Luke's Powers and Abilities article.... WOW LOL.... Overpowered much? :D Idc. Meh, I don't like any of this "Darth Krayt" business or whatever. It seems all too quickly written or something. I don't know how to explain it. To me it lacks "That Star Wars Touch".
  16. Off topic - NC - MasterChiefs4thChar - Vanu are technophiles reconsider your ways. On topic - Eh Nightshade, that would be very hard to do but cool if it worked. Considering I'm a lightside fanboy it wouldn't be down my alley though.
  17. Meh, I'll try this "KOTOR MMO". I'm an MMO fan... but sadly this is how most MMOs work. 1. Create Character 2. Log in, gaze at the world around and you are amazed for 5 minutes. 3. Find out the whole point of the game is an endless grind to the next lvl, with no plot, no awesome quests, nothing. Just kill more more and more until you are the max lvl then start over again. Quests go like this, "Hey Traveler, fetch me 5 snakeskins please?" You go kill 5 snakes and take it back, "Thank you brave one! Here is your reward!" "EXP Given, 500 Credits Gained". Oh and the "MMO Aspect" of gear. "Selling blue lightsaber 2m!" .... I fail to see how they can make plot work with an MMO, but I will try it nonetheless.
  18. Xard, you have a character in PlanetSide? (Sorry off-topic). On-topic. Keep the replies coming, funny comic btw. Don't get your Mynock's in a Sarlacc... lol.
  19. Yeah, I was just wondering what the community on these boards would write about if they were Star Wars Authors. Personally, I would write about a Force-Sensitive Smuggler in the Core Worlds named Jok Vess who plays every piece on the Dijarik board very close to the chest. He doesnt' become a jedi, he doesn't fall to the Dark Side, he is an odd mix of Force-Sensitivity and Smuggling, with some neat characters mixed in (not too sure on a romance as I would be afraid to try and make it work). What would you write about?
  20. He started killing off the Jedi after he took over the Republic, thus gaining an army. AS for Revan, I meant if Malak hadn't attacked him like a ***** with his ship, but had fought him 1 on 1. Only (with the exception of Plagueis) once their apprentices were stronger. Plagueis died because his apprentice (whose name I shall not mention so as to not draw the fanboys' ire ) was also a *****. Exactly my point- they only care about the Sith because the Sith are stronger. Neither of whom (especially Palpatine) were typical figures in the Republic government. This one I might have misinterpreted, but, in the book, it seemed to me like the Jedi didn't want the Rakata off their planet because they were DS users. Actually, they only care about the Sith because.... quite frankly, they are the SITH lol. Thats like saying Cops care about criminals because criminals are stronger. The Military cares about terrorists because Terrorists are stronger. The Jedi only care about the Sith because they are the main force of evil in the galaxy, the true threat to stability and peace.
  21. Why don't you think they will include the Exile?
  22. But, if you are claiming one side of the force is stronger than the other, you still have to admit that a Darkside user could defeat the same opponents. .... because they don't want anyone to be upset. It would really make people angry, (even me) if they said that since canon Revan is LS then I can't play a different way sometime and go DS and win. Then why is it that its so much easier to kill all those foes as DS? Easier than it is as LS, and u cant say thats because they didnt want to make people angry, its just because DS is better You think its easier to kill them as DS? This whole time I've not been on the forums is because KOTOR II came in the mail and I've been playing it... Knight Speed, Force Valor, Force Armor, + other buffs is really easy. Force Enlightenment also makes it quick. I find playing DS is boring and slower. Instead of cutting down all my enemies I have to force shock them 8 times. The DS is not "better", Of coures it is better as far as offensive spells go because thats te nature of the DS, to be offensive.
  23. I disagree. Unless the developers are somehow bully rushed into releasing the game, they should have all the time they need. + The technology exists. Its not like trying to push a 10 ton block from San Francisco to Los Angeles. There are a lot of games with more content than KOTOR (Not more options, just more content. Imo KOTOR is the master of options).
  24. But, if you are claiming one side of the force is stronger than the other, you still have to admit that a Darkside user could defeat the same opponents. .... because they don't want anyone to be upset. It would really make people angry, (even me) if they said that since canon Revan is LS then I can't play a different way sometime and go DS and win.
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