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Everything posted by Albion72

  1. Is there another forum like this one out there that is quite active? Don't get me wrong, I love these forums (and the community, despite my many arguments with you all, it was all good fun but they seem to be dying out a little bit. If anyone could provide a link that would be nice. In the meantime I'm going to try and post in as many of the topics that I can think of a reply too here. I don't want to see these forums get so inactive .
  2. That cinematic is indeed entertaining to watch. I don't know... Perhaps we shouldn't over-analyze this trailer just yet. It may be all thought up and may not be relevant to anything as far as KOTOR 1 or 2.
  3. Well, I don't participate in any pay-to-play online games - I still want to buy the product rather than rent it, so any MMO is automatically bad for me. If it were that the MMO was made to please those who like such games, but would not impact the releases of the single-player games than I would not really care, but if the MMO displaces the single-player games, that makes it bad in my mind. I... I... have been slipping lately... lately, I find myself tempted to ... mind control... lure... deceive... and intimidate people for my own benefit... I can understand the pay to play philosophy and why you disagree with it, but regardless saying the game itself will be bad because it is multiplayer rather than single is hard to back up. I think what he's saying is that he doesn't like the fact that it feels like single player games are being left behind in favor of multiplayer games. True, but many single-player games are still being released. There is still a large single-player game fan-base. I wouldn't fret. People will make games that appeal to all.
  4. Well, I don't participate in any pay-to-play online games - I still want to buy the product rather than rent it, so any MMO is automatically bad for me. If it were that the MMO was made to please those who like such games, but would not impact the releases of the single-player games than I would not really care, but if the MMO displaces the single-player games, that makes it bad in my mind. I... I... have been slipping lately... lately, I find myself tempted to ... mind control... lure... deceive... and intimidate people for my own benefit... I can understand the pay to play philosophy and why you disagree with it, but regardless saying the game itself will be bad because it is multiplayer rather than single is hard to back up.
  5. Kreia notes that the Jedi and Sith before the time of KOTOR made the Jedi during KOTOR and the movies look like children playing with toys. Thats enough clues to who is the best. No one from the movies or games, but someone from a time we may never see.
  6. I agree solely with BioWare or Obsidian. They have much more experience in this realm and would make an excellent KOTOR III IMO.
  7. True, but your same point (Calax) goes to say that even in a K3 Revan/Exile would have just enough power to fulfill their story role as well. Simply saying you are near level 20 near the end of both games invalidates the possibility of a third one though is kind of a morbid outlook on the possibility of a KOTOR III. But I am entitled to my opinion, and its not my place to try and force others to accept it. This is just a back and forth argument anyways that we will never see an end to. (Hey, K3 can be made 3000 years from now, which would make me right... :D)
  8. We can only hope. Maybe we will find out some neat stuff soon, I have a feeling with the new generation of gamers playing Kotor 1 and 2. They want to know what's happening next. Most games have multiple endings, so I think it's really possible we might meet Revan, or come upon her grave, where she went, and then get vengeance on Revans death? There's so many things they can do to continue. With todays visuals it could be a spectacular game. I can only hope, for which I have since I first played them. "Revan was a man, not a woman!" "Huh, maybe I just hoped Revan was a woman." :D
  9. Undoubtedly a KOTOR III RPG singleplayer would be cool, but saying a Star Wars MMO (Not even related to KOTOR III really, just because they mention Revan doesn't mean its related, and the Sith are always related to other Sith so that doesn't count) is going to be bad without first playing it is kind of close-minded. Only a Sith deals in absolutes... remember that. :D
  10. I'm occasionally checking up here to see if anything has been said by other people about the Various Star Wars Topics we have up, but there has seemed to be little to no activity within the last month? How many people still come here to read the forums? Is it worth me making some weird topic to discuss? Meh... I don't want the fans of the KOTOR Legend to just disappear...... I mean... man.... I'm sad...
  11. I fear you may be right....... If I were in charge I would end it after whatever they are currently doing right now is finished, and then I would simply add stories/movies/games about things you've heard about but haven't experienced, and maybe games about bounty hunters, people on the run, etc. Star Wars is so cool, but the years will not be kind to it if things continue the way they are.
  12. I cannot comprehend this. MMO's do suck. BTW I'm DragonForce1 (Vader4444) How does that post refer to MMOs?
  13. She is more of a "Manipulative, get things done dark-sider"... Like, she will get mad if you help someone, but she will also get mad if you make them jump off of a Nar Shadaa skyscraper (lol). Kreia is cool.
  14. IMO: Exile > Revan. God forbid. Let the controversy start.
  15. Probably the biggest draw back to setting a game in the Hyperspace War is that practically nobody who games today saw them and the Devs would probably have to change the way that the hyperspace war played out to make it more dramatic for the player and have the player rather than the the Dragons or whoever save the universe. Well yeah I'm just stating an example.. I mean, it doesn't have to be the Great Hyperspace War... it could be numerous things within the Star Wars universe.
  16. I happen to no be one that is categorized as a "Revan fanboy" that thinks he should be unstoppable. I simply don't want to see the character I played as end up worthless in his ultimate goal.
  17. I think it would be lame because I don't want to see my revan that I played as in KOTOR I end up a prisoner in stasis for three hundred years.... IMO, Revan is too cool for that. I wouldn't be an evil bastard. Till this day I have yet to play through KOTOR (1 or 2) as a DS user....
  18. I'm not saying Generals is a bad game, What I'm saying is it had nothing to connect it to the C&C franchise other than the name. It had a completely different money scheme, different build menu, no live action cutscenes. NOTHING that was a C&C trademark until the expansion came in that added live action cutscenes. At least TOR is a storyline sequel to the Kotor games. IMHO a game must have one of two things similar to it's predecessor, the style of gameplay, so an FPS is an FPS with a similar control scheme, Strategy games have the same interface, RPG's have the same rules set and interface, or the storyline is the same/set in the same universe. If you don't have these you are either trying to zap life into a monstrosity that seemed to have died years ago (weather it works or not depends), or you're trying to milk the franchise name for cash (Generals gets a leery eye for that one) Ah, but Generals was made by EA too, so it was bound to be uber different. Well, IMO, TOR isn't really a sequel, it has almost nothing to do with KOTOR. The only thing it has to do with KOTOR is these "sith" have attacked. There is ANOTHER WAR, or is it like, a "Cold War" so to speak? I can't remember. Also, I disagree with having a lot of time for the Sith to lose badly, see the Star Wars timeline. And I agree with Dawuss. It would be really hard to change a world where there are players that are DS, Light, and maybe Neutral, all in the same environment. Its physically impossible, unless they make it based on PVP, in which case it WOULD be like Star Wars Galaxies. Except that C&C3 and Red Alert 3 were also made by EA and they retained enough connection to the franchise that fans liked em. Generals was an expirament that got people to buy it by cashing in on a name. CnC 3 and Red Alert 3 were like the previous games in the franchise yes, but thats because its easy to get people to buy sequels. Generals was not necessarily a bad game because it was a new world. Well, maybe in your opinion it is. But back on topic (since we are not really supposed to talk about RTS' here): Referring to your earlier post, you said, "IMHO a game must have one of two things to its predecessor, a similar style of gameplay (like fps and fps) and have the same rules/interface/be set in the same universe." This is true... for sequels. K2 is the sequel to K1. TOR is an MMO and does not NEED these things (except of course be set in the Star Wars universe because I mean you can't have it called Star Wars and its NOT in the Star Wars universe. And because its an MMORPG, it will most likely have a similar interface and rule sets to OTHER MMORPGs, unless they really become amazingly innovative. Part of what Bioware is banking on with TOR is that the people who liked K1 and K2 will pick it up because it's set in the same era, and I would think that Bioware isn't that stupid so you'd find there are story connections that largely link it to the two previous games (Jediphile liked the quote where they said it was the be all end all sequel to Kotor.) True, but people who enjoyed KOTOR may also enjoy a game that takes place during the Great Hyperspace War.... So saying that people who played a certain game or games will want to play this one due to story is a bit wrong, considering its just the overall crowd of gamers. (I'm going to safely assume most people on these forums enjoy deep, intense storyline based games... like KOTOR....).
  19. Who said anything about playing as Revan/The Exile again? A new character would be a must, just make them an ex-Jedi Knight from the Jedi Civil War who was in hiding in KotOR2 and by KotOR3 has returned. I mean you can't just have some new kid off the block, especially since it took the "Chosen One" years to become powerful, and what, some nit wit is going to become elite in a matter of months? I think not. Anyway I agree with you, no Revan/Exile as PC for KotOR3 thanks, but this is irrelevant, there won't be one. That argument about the whole power thing and levels is invalid. Its easy to start over... Just look at these points: 1. Mandalore in KOTOR 2, depending on KOTOR I, he should be level 20 when you meet him in KOTOR 2, but however, depending on WHEN you decide to go to Dxun, he could be much lower with many abilities he already learned in KOTOR 1, that he now doesn't have in KOTOR II. 2. Sith in KOTOR II. Can we just say the Sith you fight on the Harbinger SUCK compared to the Sith you fight in Korriban or on The Ravager? Not an accurate guess... they are the same faction, and they COULD'VE been trainees, but I doubt it. 3. My knowledge on T3-M4 is limited, but I don't think he received a memory wipe at hte end of KOTOR I. Its possible he did, but idk... He should be uber gear head at the beginning of KOTOR II. Like serious 20 intelligence and 20 in repair, computer, etc. 4. Whats Bao-Dur's reason for being weak when you meet him. He wasn't a force user, he couldn't have been "cut off" from the force. He did go in exile after the war, but that doesn't mean he would all of a sudden become useless... and he was fighting Czerka on Telos long before you got there.... Ok ok he lost his arm, but he replaced it with a better one, one that packs a much better punch and can disable shields. 5. Mira? She's been bounty hunting along time, although she doesn't kill her targets, she was certainly experienced in the art of bounty hunting. Depending on when you go to Nar Shada though, she could be a really low level like yourself. 6. Sion when you meet him in Korriban compared to when you face him in the Trayus Academy... He is harder in the Trayus academy. Why wasn't he that tough in Korriban? He certainly wanted to kill you there. 7. In general everyone you fight in the game... You fight that assassin on Telos, false Batu..... Say you go to Onderon LAST, you fight bounty hunters there. Are they just "better" bounty hunters? Sounds like a lame explanation to me. You can see my point here. Ofc, correct any of these points if they are wrong.
  20. Or they will barely mention Revan enough that the people who here about him but have never played the KOTOR games will go out, get KOTOR 1, say, "WOW!", get KOTOR 2, and then want a KOTOR 3. Lol. YEAH! LOL one can dream. Even in KoTOR2 Revan was barely mentioned, and it was done in a vague enough way that the player could chose what Revan was to the player. For people like me, who did not play KoTOR before playing KoTOR2 it was just enough background to put things together, which was the real pint. In TOR there will be no need of Revan, so why put "him" in and risk angering people. 300 years later few people will care about "him" except that "he" once beat the sith back into unknown space. Good point hehe.
  21. Yeah, I could picture Avellone being able to salvage something out of the new twist called TOR Can you explain why he can't? TOR can just think of something like, "The Sith were crippled and rebuilt themselves over the last 300 years after Revan owned them." Its not like itd be different than any other Star Wars plotline for the Sith. It wasn't a sarcastic post. Lawl, forgive me for that lol.... Sometimes sarcasm is hard to tell with just text and no sarcastic tone from which to base it off of...
  22. Yeah, I could picture Avellone being able to salvage something out of the new twist called TOR Can you explain why he can't? TOR can just think of something like, "The Sith were crippled and rebuilt themselves over the last 300 years after Revan owned them." Its not like itd be different than any other Star Wars plotline for the Sith.
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